why is "drumming" spiritually important to the yoruba?

How wonderful. I absolutely LOVE this article and the comments Im reading. With Farro's dynamic drumming and York's bridge-building guitar work, Williams vocalizes to the end of heartache something that is only possible if we unplug. I am a data architect, which is very logical, but I am also very creative and have hobbies making music and art. http://www.thevillagedrumLLC.com, Thank you dear Dr. N. This is such a life affirming piece. The state of local Arts council is a place to start. You could try getting a prescription for a muscle relaxer, to see if that might help. And you right. Plus, hand drumming is easy and loads of fun! in addition to weekly lessons in drumming at a local community 55+ center, I also accompany a group of folks who like to sing (not a choir). , Christine, (I know! Since I am doing some personal research on drumming and health, I wonder whether you might supply some citations for the research mentioned above. To request permission to reprint, please email editor@kripalu.org. thanks so much. Drumming is a great workout for your brain and actually can make you smarter because when you drum you access your entire brain. I can pick up 25kg of dog food etc, as an example, so I thought I was strong. Thank you for sharing this work. I am writing a dissertation on the experience of live music and its therapeutic effects. Since the drums don't produce any melodic notes, a drummer will take a more rhythmic approach to songs, providing beats and rhythms to benefit those songs. 6 Evidence-Based Ways Drumming Heals Body, Mind and Soul Patty Aulik I am now putting together a program that integrates Drumming with Reiki. MondayFriday 9:00 am5:00 pm EST, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Might only be in the US, though,). Within a band or ensemble, other musicians will look to the drummer for guidance and direction throughout a musical performance. Amazing comment. Keith Moon describes himself as the "greatest Keith Moon-Type Drummer in the world.". Its like a meditation with your whole being in synch and totally in the moment. Others feel the rhythms penetrate through their bodies. I am 68 years of age and still enjoy playing a kit of drums even though my wife hates drums. I was wondering why I became so obsessed with Pound! The drumming I read about here looks like we would be sitting rather than moving in different positions around the ball we use for the drum in cardio. I recently graduated from a Bachelor of Music here in Western Australia, prior to which I did a bachelor of Science, majoring in Cognitive Neuroscience and Social Psychology very excited to be putting what I have learnt into action and start giving back to the community. The more connections that can be made within the brain, the more integrated our experiences become. An underlying force in life. riskylogic, Sep 11, 2017. Great Article!! Some events are mixed in with short cultural performances. After a month I had to get my own drum kit. It possesses you. I do have a music and dance background, so drumming was not difficult for me to learn and its every bit as joyous as music and dance. It's important when doing this to focus on the click and not the instruments. As a guitarist of many years I was looking into realistic sounding drums to record with. How Does the West African Talking Drum Accurately Mimic Human Speech They did indulge me though, for my 65th birthday they let me have a Drum Circle. The connection you feel to others in the drumming circle must also be good for mental health. Drumming is an outlet for energy. There have been rare instances where animal skins that have not been properly treated have generated natural anthrax, and people have died because of this. I can testify through 52 years of personal experience playing the drums (40 pro now, on TV, radio, CDs, demo tapes, many students,) that all of the benefits of drumming that you talk about in the above article are absolutely TRUE !! My name is Katy Lantz but really its Kay Flava. I like your idea by the way, of delivering facilitated drum circles to at risk groups. Just curious. Why is the drum so powerful and what is an intentional drum circle? My body has been abused a bit through racing motocross, off-roading accidents, freeway motorcycle accidents, commercial deep-sea diving, ten years in the Army, drug rehab and eighteen years of physically fighting with the criminally insane while working at a state institution. My name is Dr. Ron Neuhauser and I am a multiple award winning pro drummer from the California bay area, martial arts sensei, and retired mental health specialist (PhD in behavioral psych, BS in Org. Drumming plays a major role in disciplining and calming the mind in both Buddhism and martial arts. In the ceremony, the beat of the drum is significant, as is the drum itself. Its a more peaceful type of playing, somewhat meditating. I did. NOTE: I am not affiliated in any way with this drumming programit simply works for me, thats all Im saying. I play drums, and I feel great after I play, even just for a few minutes, Ive been playing drums and percussion instruments for 26yrs, off and on. Its a privilege to utilize my artistic and music abilities to help students. Thank you, Jean, a group of us in Eau Claire recently took a class and made our own drums. I wish we had more access to places to drum and an unlimited number of drums to share. I have added another dimension in using drum circles and their related culture dances to bring together people not only to drum & dance but to raise money for good causes. I am in a situation where i need to set up my drums within a four walled room with an A/C and even a bed to sleep during the nights.Does breathing those skins of the drum affect our health ? Technically speaking, he wasn't very impressive at all. I grew up have bad anxiety attacks, but dont take any kind of medicine for it. Most of my drums are made by Toca percussion. lightly slap the back and sides of your upper neck for 10sec. I quickly found that the rhythm of the drums began lifting my energy. I know the healing power of drumming. There may be other known injury, these may contribute as well, and all of this may also cause a dystrophic state (kind of a neurology is in over its head so it freaks out in levels type of thing). Their reactions can range from meditative to curious and playful interaction. Thank you so much for sharing this. Anyway, we are now in process of forming a regular drumming group. Research shows that drumming produces an elevated mood state, enhances immunity, and improves social resilience. The Importance Of Drums In African Tradition - The Guardian Ive been playing hand drums Mostly djembe for over 20 years. Richie! Marla I use a Djembe with a 12 head (Thats the diameter measurement of the top of the drum.). YES to everything in this article. How Hard Is It, Really, to Sing While Playing Bass or Drums? Thanks for sharing the benefits with so many others! And now, after a 15 year hiatus after a fruitless 6 year stint at community college, I have returned to finish for my BS in Alternative Medicine! Take care and keep on drumming.it is a universal language and a gift of healing from above ! If ever you come to Australia we will happily run a drum circle for you. Drumming Boosts Confidence. Just make sure you credit it to http://www.drnorthrup.com. There are several organizations that teach people how to become either a drum circle facilitator or a drum therapist. ck out my website http://www.drumbafitness.com thank you so much i am going to print and pass out to my menbers. Didnt say, I want to play the drums, have music class, etc. My latest videos feature a mindfulness on natarajas dance of creation to the rhythm of our human heart beat. What Makes John Bonham Such a Good Drummer? - YouTube BUT I LOVE IT. I went down the route of drum machines and programming drum hits but was left frustrated at the tediousness of the process and mediocre results. They sing random, popular and traditional songs, and I just pick up the rhythm and thump along. thanks again for putting this out there, its the best kept secret around in my opinion. Can ANYONE give me some advice please?? NOT SURE. Maybe you would like to go and explore different kinds of drums, if you havent already, and have a fell, what FEELS right for now? I just play! Why is African drumming often very complex? Yes, hand drumming is a wonderful healing activity. You could play a wind instrument and sing in sequence. It has been a very emotional day as I research the ways in which Drumming can influence our health and well-being. This article is amazing and well written, has definitely educated me a difference sense and giving more Love for drumming. Thank you. Love this! My doctor says its cervical spondilosis, and or, Fibra mialga, but I want to prove him wrong, and back behind a kit. Jaw. I have been playing the drums for about 5 months now and I will tell you emphatically that I am thinking better and FEELING a sense of love in my heart, a rhythmic flow to my life and overall improvement being able to think a little quicker I was displaying symptoms of an 80 year old but now I am feeling younger and younger. Turns out they never even dated. I AM CAREGIVING MY SICK HUSBAND AND FIND THAT WHEN IM IN MY DRUMMING CIRCLE I AM OUT OF MY ANXIETY OVER HIS ILLNESS. Thank you. I have a brain injury from a brain tumor and late effect of epilepsy. I believe this has to do with entrainment as you drum together in rhythm, your own hearts and bodies begin to entrain to the same beat. Come join us! I know of some women your age that can life 165 pounds!!! I also join in a jam session at a local coffee shop once in a while, doing the same thing. She also goes into residential facilities, assisted living and nursing homes and has drum circles for the elderly and those with dementia and Alzheimers and she and the staff of those places see results. I had drumming at a memory/life celebration ceremony in honor of my youngest son who had walked past us the year before. Geri, (kittys mom). Answer (1 of 19): I'm not sure, but I think it may have something to do with his energy, without which, The Who's music wouldn't have had nearly the same impact it did, neither live or on record. In defence of Ringo Starr - a masterful drummer and the Beatles' unsung Djembe? What Can Drumming Do For Your Health? - Drumeo Beat Michael Drake wrote the above, almost verbatim back in 2006. Both at one point had living souls and moved onto to a different purpose and to live and provide energy in different way. Wish me luck! These are leaderless drum circles with minimal structure and the results are amazing. Divination. Christiane. But the truth is, if youre alive, youve got rhythm! My first experience with drumming was when I was fortunate enough to stay a traditional native village in the North West Territories of Canada. You have captured the experience so beautifully. Then I bought a jemba (spelling?) It really gets the brain working as your hands and feet are doing different things. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8, Feel free to reference this blog. (As the room will be closed and the A/C will be on).Please help me out. If I could send you a demo track of me actually playing using this method, your mind would be blownI play everything from Elton John to Metallica to Green Day to Devo to Kool and the Gang and the Jackson 5 and all in betweeneven the Beatles, The Who and CCRand it sounds better than my actual drum kit because I can download Neil Pearts or John Bonhams kit to get the right sound to play Rush or Led Zeppelin. DRUMS from HEAVEN has provided venues for the purpose of raising funds for selected charitable causes. Jazz is often compared to a complicated and integrated conversation between any number of musicians. For some of them even their own families dont visit them and if they do it is far and few between. After an hour or so, my neck feels like its burning, and goes tight and into a spasm. And if that means . When you play the drum, you're gone. You can reap many of the same benefits from yoga, which is why the two are such excellent complements. Not only does Paramore speak to the apathy of the times without sweeping grief under the rug, but This Is Why finds a new . Nothing sends out unconditional love more than that. Women's Health Expert, Visionary Health Pioneer, Wellness Speaker, and New York Times Best-Selling Author Read More, Yes, I understand that by completing this form I am agreeing to receive email messages from Dr. Northrup & can unsubscribe at any time. Looking forward to revisiting at sine point. I am studying to be a teacher and i am currently doing an assignment. It is joyful, stress relieving and so much fun. Using my PC, a good mechanical keyboard, good quality headphones (or a good set of speakers), freely available on youtube drumless tracks of my favorite music and a program called DvDrum, I am having a blast sounding like I did with a full kit back in the day. Drumming is an aural skill as much, and possibly more than even a physical one. All because a student on the spectrum saw me packing up the instruments, as I was to slow to draw the stage curtains. Certified Reiki Master and Drummer. Cheers, -Ali B. I have directed many Samba groups for the last 20 years and all the benefits youve outlined have been there for me and my fellow musicians, from youngsters in primary schools to over 80s. I will find a studio that offers drumming lessons so that not only will I be able to learn a new skill but have fun doing it with my mom as well. Its a seated activity and as the article mentions, may offer you a natural pain killer. Neck. It is an honor to participate. Dr. Christiane Northrup, your article is very informative, and I believe it is for a purpose Im on your page today. https://youtu.be/V1TtBJ4cQlo, Thank you Dr. Northrup for this informative article about the benefits of drumming. Anyway, I love this post. Its physics. That was 15 years ago and Im still an active participant. Have you done any further music therapy with special needs children? While some aspects of playing the drums tend to be fairly easy to grasp, other things may take years to get a grip on. Reduce Stress. Male spiders have many complex courtship rituals and have to avoid being eaten by the females, with the males of most species survive a few matings, and having short life spans. I remember a PBS special many years ago where they hooked up a drummer in a marching band to a polar heart rate monitor and tracked his heart rate when he heard the drumline start warming up across the field. We are a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to empowering people and communities to realize their full potential through the transformative wisdom and practice of yoga. More than just poses on a mat, we believe yoga is an accessible practice that inspires connection, compassion, and joy. The Beauty of playing a hand drum is amazing, the connection is so natural from the wood the drum came from and the skin thats on top that was made from an animal. Ive also started doing some hand drums at our community center. This accelerates my brain and provides additional stimulation to the mind and soul. David Day, Well said! Steve Jordan: Rolling Stones' Touring Drummer Has Rich Musical History Hi, Playing Drum can give a feeling of joyful by lowering your stress down and making your mood light. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Drum beats used in these ceremonies come from a variety of different drum types made with various woods and animal hides. Perhaps research/explore other drums that will work better for you right now. Good luck and drum on! Im so grateful to have found my passion! So I would say, it has NOTHING to do with your age. I am a believer in the healing power of drumming and thankful for the experience. I will share this post with my Facebook friends. I discovered drumming (specifically, the djembe, a hand drum from West Africa) in 2009 at a caregivers conference and immediately signed up for classes. Ive purchased shamanic drums for us as a Christmas present to ourselves. Explore upcoming programs led by Kripalu faculty and expert presenters on topics ranging from yoga to societal and personal transformation. Surprisingly, the Kumi-daiko style was invented in 1950's by single person although taiko itself has a long history. I got a drum from my daughter for my birthday and I practice everyday. It makes my day just as much as theirs. Why is Keith Moon considered a great drummer? - Quora There are way to many benefits of drum therapy to mention. Im a drum circle facilitator and drum circles dont normally include movement. Sounds like a life changing service. Drumming seems like the outlier to me. Even historically, drums were used in war to give/relay commands, intimidate enemies and rile up troops & morale. What type of drum do you use? Share. Back when I began this journey, little was known about the drum, although this is not quite right because the traditional earth cultures have been using this instrument for many thousands of years for healing and shamanic work (as we know). Good luck and bless you for playing djembe. Drumming can have positive effects on your health and may help with many conditions from stress, fatigue, and anxiety, to hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illness, addiction, and even cancer. Build on their strengths and youll see magic happen from these students, I know I have. Its can only be good. A power that helps you exist in this world. http://www.marlaleigh.com, Drumming workshops for Schools, Colleges, Kindergartens,Drum circles for community events,Staff motivation,Icebreakers for Corporate team building activities,Interactive drumming events. Thank you for wording so well. Especially when were having fun together. I didnt know what it was all about at first. This article will be about typical drummer hand injuries. We have drum circles on my 70 acre nature retreat an hour outside St. Louis around a fire and it completely restores the soul. While we are ceremonialists, the benefits you cite from social drumming are present in this type of circle as well. A power that moves you emotionally through our 5 senses. it was capable of playing a larger range of dynamics. 1. Ive been planning on a workshop where participants will be clapping, tapping, or producing sounds on any objects they feel comfortable. One of the few things we know about our universe is that everything in it is vibrating, is in motion, and has a rhythm. Find out about upcoming programs with Allison Gemmel Laframboise at Kripalu. I love your valuable articles. We can see the path, but we cant travel it without you. It was truly awe inspiring. Since then, I have taken classes and workshops, and bought a drum to practice at home. I use African drums (Djembes) and a Native American drum with a mallet. Ive been drumming for 47 years and several personality tests, including Briggs Meyers, that Ive taken show that I am not right or left hemisphere dominant. Thank you for posting this article on your sight. It's a broad question that actually has many layers of an answer. So happy its helped you. on Halloween weekend at the first DRUMS from HEAVEN drum circle. I will share your link too! Thanks !! The backrest would have to extend halfway into the seat to connect with the lumbar area, and it doesn't. Sitting that far back in the throne also changes your balance points as to how you connect to the pedals. We met once a month in a book store. All it needed was a fire burning in the circle. Kripalu experts and visiting faculty share their views on yoga, health and wellness, nutrition, relationships, creativity, and spirituality. If you are having sleep breathing issues like hypopnea or apnea (take an oximetry test or buy a contec o2 monitor on eBay ) and have low O2 during the night the upper neck tension and jaw tension will continue, another separate conversation hope that helps as a framework for guidance. Im going to try and find a group here in the Eau Claire WI area. It's a part of the turkey hunting experience that can drive normally sane . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And I keep getting stronger and more flexible. And he was even more cautious about the repetition of his general life. I agree that yours is most likely tensor tympani syndrome, which is like a muscle spasm in the ear. Get friends or family members to join you. I guess you could say that the drums saved my life. Research shows that the physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain actually synchronizes the left and right hemispheres. It is such an important part of my life..couldnt go without it. Patty Aulik, Director Any help and advice would be appreciated, I am in rural France. I can attest to the benefits named above. Its all available to you. Ive been playing over 20 years. Drum Sounds and Their Meanings | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings Temple Grandin? Drum - Wikipedia Its important to get the right size drum and there are videos on the X8 Drums site to help you with that. Last year just before ending my last sessions with the students, I was asked to come back to the school for couple more times. If you've played in bands over the years, you probably already have a good idea of what you're . So, when the logical left hemisphere and the intuitive right hemisphere of your brain begin to pulsate together, your inner guidance system or intuition becomes stronger. It burns calories. I had my first drum kit 2 weeks later and have been in the pocket ever since. By all means play Caravan, it is a great tune and the creative possibilities ar. 3. 10 Health Benefits of Drumming - Christiane Northrup, M.D. -socially My idea is to bring out a rhythmic motion where it reflects participants current state and then transforms into a higher positive state through a systematic approach. THE HISTORY OF DRUMS from HEAVEN, DRUMS from HEAVEN became a reality on October 29th, 2005. I began hand drumming in a drum circle after toxic mold exposure turned my life upside down with chronic fatigue, insomnia and numerous other health deficits. Boosted immune system and more positive emotions. Its good exercise for the brain, as it requires conscious effort tol isten to the music and pick up the beat. Reduce Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Stress. Love the hashtag: #drumsnotdrugs Brilliant. I swear I went into a trance after listening to the drumming for about 1 hour. Some of us meditate and focus on their inner being. Rhythm is anything that repeats itself in time: the moon cycling around the earth, sap rising in the spring, the pulsing arteries of the body. For those of us who have experienced a drum circle we know the rewarding feeling we all get when we participate. Google: primordial+rhythm+meditation for my website. Keep it up and others will learn of drummings wonderful healing properties too. Drumming is a great way to release stress. I always loved drums and I was taught somewhat about the conga drum from my cousin. They are incredibly powerful and offer a deeply spiritual experience. I was planning a mother-daughter trip for the weekend and your article gave me an idea. Its awesome and one of my absolute favorite things in life. Students create music through a hands-on approach. Drum on oh Heavenly TOMMY PURPLE HAZE!! I see this especially with the ex-cons as they come broken and self-loathing often. You strike me as someone who will not give up!!! Drummer hand injuries - Skillz Drum Lessons This leads to a deeper sense of self-awareness. Everything you said about drumming is true. He heard my microphone making a little noise, I told him it was my microphone, the gym teacher asked if he wanted to go one the stage, so I took him up. Your email address will not be published. What a wonderful service you offer, Patty. Keeping Fit. I have been Drumming since I saw Ringo Starr with the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. Im known as the rockin grandma by my instructor who is also in her early 60s and awesome. As well as the foot speed, Joey had incredible speed and stamina from his hands too. As your article highlights a drumming program also beneficial for nearly everyone, but am hoping the communication and sensory aspects of my program will benefit people on the spectrum significantly. TINGLING UP MY SPINE TO THE TOP OF MY HEAD!!!!!!! Good vibrations. Drumming is so beneficial, Im glad you found a way to still partake in it, even if you are a self-proclaimed asocial introvert. I love the term walked past us. Calling it a BS DOESNT HELP!) Senses are engaged unanimously in this type of learning. Health is being physical social and mental well being while being free from illness specific fitness is performing specific activities at high level without becoming tired easily general fitness is performing everyday activities without becoming tired easily. And teaching a toddler even the simple basic rhythm patterns is going to tremendously improve their motor skills and teach them to control their body much faster than their peers. Playing drums can relieve frustration, disappointment, and stress. My name is Martin, I have been playing drums since I was 16 years old. Snarepy!! I was amazed because I knew she hadnt been actively drumming in a while. I hope that many more medical professionals like yourself promote recreational drumming and its health benefits. I am part of a womens drumming performance group, Les Femmes de Kissidugu. This makes the kickboxing seem mild as you have to be so incredibly strong. Native Drum Culture Even though you say you feel like youve plateaued in strength, you are incredibly strong, probably stronger than I am at 29 (and Im fit!). at this state they can put what they want into your brain. You can go to your local music store or purchase a drum online at http://www.x8drums.com. Thanks so much Doctor, The men drum and the women dance in our Goddess power. I go to a circle each month and I look forward to it. Hey, MartinI, too, am almost 57 yrs old and, like you, picked up the drums when I was 16. This same Alpha activity is associated with meditation and other integrative modes of consciousness. Should I Still Be Menstruating at Age 55? Hi Dr. Northrup, thank you so much for all of your wisdom! Ive been playing for 10 years now and cant imagine life without drums.

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