sun conjunct mars composite lindaland

Never really got off the ground in either case, though one was very long, and the other short. So we burned to ashes and then slowly started again (as many times before at the beginning). Fatedness, if you will. almost all planets are in taurus, and neptune, pluto, uranus in scorpio? Encodage des mouvements dans un programme SAP. The man can be stubborn if he feels that his needs are being suppressed. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. Your Mars sign will indicate how you take the initiative, experience sexuality, defend yourself and attack others. We are more connected than anyone I have been with for sure. A Sun conjunct Mars aspect, due to the immense levels of combined energy and the strong sense of protection, spirit, passion and aggression, can often leave you feeling quite angry and frustrated. Also, I two other composites between best friends who think the other is awesome but never said anything about soulmates lol. The influence of Mars is to give energy or aggression, and the Sun and Mars in conjunction gives us energy to get out there and do stuff. In our synastry his Mars is exactly opposed my Neptune. A couple of years ago (during my saturn return) we broke up, for a month or so. And little Venus in the 2nd. I have not had experience with this, personally but I can offer this interpretation from the Composite Report. They often act on a whim, meaning that they do as they feel in the moment. Intro Composite Sun Opposite Mars Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 49.7K subscribers Subscribe 202 Share 9.6K views 6 years ago Composite Chart-Sun/Mars Aspects What we see when the. The Mars person . Yet, conjunctions are not a negative aspect per se. Composite sun semisquare, opposite, or semisextile venus yields the same exact interpretation in Google as composite sun conjunct venus. In Sun in 1th in cancer. You could have the most incompatible synastry connection with someone, but if you have a great composite chart, somehow things seem to keep you together. They will do everything to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their beliefs. Juno in Synastry, Signs, and Houses: Your Soulmate and Marriage A Sun conjunct Mars transit is a powerful influence in your life. Like the planets cruising around the Sun, we drive our energy from our Sun sign. Or, at least, they enjoy proving their point, which could mean engaging in physical fights. With Composite Sun conjunct Composite Venus, this can increase the love and affection between you. Our Ven/Mars conjunct both ways. They get the things done and dont play games. You will fight at all costs to be yourself. I had a boyfriend have their Venus conjunct it and his needs overtook mine. Also, mars conjunct this stellium is also very favorable as it gives passion, and so is pluto and the moon. If in connecting the astrological symbolism of a planet one should not be completely tied to the mythological background, for the reason that the meanings of the planets were derived long before their mythological story, we simply cannot but pay attention to the relationship between Ares and Aphrodite. I suppose if you look at it in a traditional way, Mars in Taurus is in detriment since it is in better placement with Scorpio, so it could mean the relationship is moving at a slow pace, slow consummation of the relationship, etc. Our 8th house is busy too! We eventually just stopped talking, well he stopped talking and I eventually stopped caring. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. CompositeChart:SunPlutoAspects We pamper each other a lot, and we balance each other out. A Composite shows how a couple presents themselves to the outside world (which could be totally different from how they really are in private). What i do see is a trine to moon and venus from s-turn and because of it, it also sextile's the sun. the 8th. We have a composite grand trine with Mercury, Uranus and MC and no matter how difficult we are feeling with each other we have always been able to talk about money. CompositeChart:SunMarsAspects Sun in Gemini in 11th house Taurus. You are not destined to have a peaceful, placid coexistence! Make love not war might be your motto. They are often involved in a passionate war that can have tragic consequences. They enjoy the quest itself, and it makes them feel more excited about whats coming after. I had a serendipetous run in with a psychic/doula one day very much by accident/fate, and she had some very nice insights about the baby, that the baby WANTS to be here, and specifically desires to be brought in to the world through my husband and I. This type of Pluto square Mars synastry is very fickle since the woman (identifying with the figure of the animus) loses herself in the subconscious motives of her partner. I have exact birth times for only two of my friends. Our asc is in Capricorn and shows we met at work and also the age difference of 9 years. Grrr, I am not even usually that irrational (okay, maybe a little. Its healing and vulnerability and the shady stuff. The connection is full of sexual undertones and desire, and they can stimulate each other to work harder and pursue their dreams. You might need to take a step back and figure out what you really want or make some changes in your life at this point. However, this could be focused anger that can lead to achievement. You can show how you feel more openly, and you can find one another to be pleasant and accommodating. Get notified about new Commercial Specialist jobs in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium. If all the other planets and aspects align as well as possible, these people can be unstoppable. As individuals we both need lots of freedom. My husbands and my composite chart is Aries sun in the 7H. The trine is way better. What intensifies the attraction is that both partners are confident, passionate, and vibrant. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. There can be a hard time agreeing on where you are headed with each other, the direction your relationship is taking, and even the purpose of your being together. It means that Sun conjunct Mars natives are assertive, fierce, and straightforward. Im curious which one is the real us? posted March 31, 2015 05:24 PM. They will often jump head first into an endeavor with little preparation or forethought. Sun Conjunct Midheaven - Synastry, Transit, Composite Accidents could even occur if you are not aware of and respectful of one anothers need for activity and/or rest. Venus conjunct Saturn sounds like glue. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. They usually spend much less time talking than doing things, such as outdoor activities or being intimate. I read online that the best indication of soulmates is that all the planets are clustered together and conjunct each other in the composite. In many cases, if you dont have a proper outlet for yourself and if someone provokes you, your anger might turn violent and loud. Him: November 2nd 19892:40 pm Los Angeles CA, Posts: 1048From: the world is my home! Posts: 795From: Silent HillRegistered: Aug 2011. Sign in to create job alert. Of course, you should ensure that people do not take advantage of your generosity. Posts: 1437 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 20, 2012 04:45 PM Do any of you specialize in that department? But something like Sun conjunct Mars leads me to believe that the relationship is VERY physical, involved, and the two people ego's might rub off on each other or butt heads but also they are sexually/physically attracted to each other. He is the provider and I am the home and manager of ithe does all the work in the world and I do all the work in the home, from the finances to the lawn to homeschooling my 3 kids. He was the first to fall. The Composite Moon in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology And there is a lot of chemistry (Mars conjunct Jupiter). The chances that Pluto be exactly conjunct a composite ascendant are 1 in 360 so this is not that common. Any case studies out there with similar aspects would be soooo greatly appreciated. Sun conjunct Mars is one of the most important aspects in a natal chart; both planets are similar in that they represent energy. They have to find a way to express that energy in a creative way because theres a risk of fiery competition and arguments. Others also feel that bravery because it appears as intense energy around Sun conjunct Mars natives. Because his Sun was on my Ascendant, and he felt I was similar to him. He does not know its astrology, but I finally found a way to really turn him on by taking my time quite deliberately LOL! Jupiter is in 5th though. Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile I know I'm the delusional one with my natal neptune squaring my natal moon/venus/mars. Like if one of you is shy, the other will be very outgoing and you'll feel this sense of differentness but the strong love and affection will still be there just like in the stellium. Our Sun and Moon also trine with each other. That sounds very interesting! This aspect represents a strong attraction to each other's bodies, especially for the conjunction, trine, and sextile aspects. In arguments, the Sun person has a tendency to be self-righteous, and the Mars person tends to be very touchy, defensive, and combative. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. There might be egos trying to get gratified at the other's expense. It is all too easy to get into a mood of anger and rage during this transit. With the assistance of the Sun, Mars helps you to assert yourself and push through tedious situations, such as a job you might find boring or repetitive. Go for a walk, or make love! Make sure you find a constructive way to release this energy so that you do not end up becoming frustrated, tired, angry and violent. Sun Conjunct Mars: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning Business, business, business (10th) and deep private, healing emotional depths behind closed doors. I always wondered why I was able to become such good friends with my crushes. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. They had MOST (not all) of their planets clustered together in the composite, but no Sun-mercury-venus stellium, in fact, those three planets were not conjunct at all. We broke up a couple of times. We do lots of things as a unit and we often have a difficult time doing things with other couples unless we are free to do the things we want: leaving when we want, going at our pace, insisting that we do XYZ and if you want to come along, youd better play along or go your own way. it isnt really bad of an aspect. But the same applies to people in their lives, which is not always without reason. It can get messy sometimes when feelings overflow One thing I have used astrology to in the intimate department though, is using the Saturn energy proactively to simply go slow. My Virgo friend who I met only 3 years ago, our composite Sun is in 8th house. And then he reached out to me again last month. Action, doing, accomplishing are much of what this relationship is about. Uranus symbolizes anything that's progressive, unconventional, avant-garde, or just plain outside of the box. Sun Conjunct Mars - Synastry, Transit, Composite - Astro Majesty Each native knows what to do to excite the other. You may feel that your minds are on the same page. I have often had Sun aspecting Mars in my composites of relationships. Virgo in a nutshell,ruling small animals. Our chart shows great compatibility but I dont know what this placement means for the longterm. . It shows what the two of you create when you come together. It's an intense relationship and he's trying to figure it out with me, so I'm asking about neptune because I see my delusional tendencies although after 4 years of not being able to leave each other alone, I'm convinced there's something significantly there I'm willing to fight for. Composite Sun trine or sextile Moon helps a relationship significantly. It really does. But they are not necessarily active or dynamic. Oh, I should also mention that sun opposite venus in the composite is interpreted the same way as Sun conjunct venus so if you have sun opposite venus conjunct mercury (whether mercury is conjunct the venus or the sun it doesnt matter) it is basically and almost identical energy, except that for some reason the people seem to have opposite but complimentary personalities. You are highly motivated and driven to achieve greatness, although you may also act on impulsive desires at the risk of self-damage. Composite sun Cancer in 7th- he cooks for me. However, the position between these two planets decides whether that feeling will help or endanger the relationship. Posts: 371 From: Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 06, 2012 12:03 AM . Opponents often see them as intimidating and agile. Or is Saturn giving the relationship staying power? Composite Venus square Mars- Sexy Insistence - YouTube I've checked my composite with the people in my life who I felt were the most loving and affectionate towards me and I towards them. What are your thoughts on Grand Trines in composite charts? I recently met someone with whom I have composite sun in pisces, on the cusp of the 12th house. And Mars is unaspected How does that feel to you guys? Sun Conjunct Midheaven - Synastry, Transit, Composite The Power of Leadership Bonding is one of the most powerful aspects of life and has a profound effect on the external circumstances around the native. It is why theyre not known for being patient and quiet. The Sun conjunct Mars transit will put you under pressure because it will play havoc with your emotions and cause frustration. I'm at a point where I cannot let go, there is glue involved. Sun conjunct Mars is an alignment of the Sun and the planet Mars, also known as solar conjunction. And our composite Mars is perfectly conjunct Chiron in the 11th house but totally Unaspected. We deal in depth. It is also a fruitful relationship, and there can be a lot done when the two are together. Even though they can be aggressive, impatient, and over-confident, they typically bring intensity and make others feel alive. Sun conjunct Mars natives want to have right away what they want, and theyll do anything to make it happen. We like to look after others, cuddle and make up new words. The fellow I'm interested in have loads of excellent placements for compatibility (mutual Sun-Venus sextiles, Moons conjunct, Mars-Venus trine, Mercuries sextile, Sun-Jupiter trine, Moon-midheaven trine, Saturn-IC conjunction, Sun-Moon midpoints,Mars-Neptune trine, Pluto-Mars sextile, not to mention we have the same sun and moon signs, and both have water rising . Also the sun moon conjunction. This person had his sun conjunct my pisces moon. We are intensely loyal and we lack interest in anything superficial. All it takes is to learn how to control their impulses and think before acting. Sun-Mars Aspects In The Natal Chart - Tea & Rosemary We talk a lot and we have fun communicating, thats for sure. It is why these partners will have to control the passion between them, or it could result in conflicts and aggression. Pay attention to your relationships during the Sun conjunct Mars transit. The Sun resembles the authority that censors our behavior and subconsciousness. Well that's the thing, I didn't lmao! * Moon and Venus in harmonious aspect to one another in synastry generally indicate compatibility in romantic relationships. This can help keep things enjoyable and exciting for both of you. Powered by Infopop 2000 The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. 10th house stellium here, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Aries Asc, Moon in 8th!!! My ex-husband and I had a Taurus ASC, 4H Virgo stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto), 10H Aries Moon. Addendum: Our composite ASC is 12CAP within the same degree of Saturn, and our composite Sun is 13CAP w/in one degree of Saturn. It is likely others will see you as bossy, inpatient, or explosive. Working together, however, is not recommendable due to their egos. CompositeChart:VenusUranusAspects Besides, it is what helps us navigate the challenges and handle life. Depending on other aspects in a birth chart, it will either increase or diminish planetary effects. There might be egos trying to get gratified at the other's expense. The best way to handle this subtle problem is to allow each other individual routines and try not to let energy issues come between you. We like to do things together, and we have a pretty/aestically pleasing home in a very nerdy way. But, be careful. The Fixed Fire sign of Mars being associated with this placement indicates that you act on the impulses coming from your own life force and are not very open to persuasion from others.

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