scott mckay patriot streetfighter

And of course, same thing back and forth. Sorry. 14:40 Some I dont understand, as I said, things I need to research better. It was supposed to be a promotional video, a promotional video for our upcoming book, plague of corruption, that book was supposed to publish november of 2019, October 12, the 13th of 2019, I gave a talk at the truth about cancer, which was entitled, persecution and cover up and Im talking 2019, Im jailed. But its resonating. was that my heritage as well and share of math reached out to me a few days after the event and said I heard what happened? You can have HIV and never get AIDS. Lets just get that straight. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Santa Barbara is a is an unbelievable echo chamber. 25 Jan, 23:55. access to the good Karens out there. Ep 2 - Scott McKay (Patriot Streetfighter) - And were going to do that I might be spending a little time this summer with Sheriff Mack on the tour that theyre putting together with Robert David Steele. And I read through this. And thats it. And the one you have on that blue paper surgical mask actually said not approved by FDA or anybody else for stopping a virus. The world has of course become a very crazy place and it is hard to keep up with all of the madness. About Q Gear; Shop. So thats what I was telling Mickey. I like him already. Im going to Im going to share what I know. And we start having this conversation. 1:14:34 I said man thats why were here but you know well help you carry your stuff out to your your your vehicle. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. And I do know that General Flynn, maybe Sidney Powell are going to be speaking there. And thats certainly a crusader for the for the American people for the world. Everythings good. So you guys have a great night love yall. Same thing, and its down there putting some money in there to make sure that that our side can can participate. patriots rise up calm. And you might have wanted to donate on Robert side of the fundraising. Afraid to work your way to me, because were going to build the same coalition that were doing over here with the military to get their voices on the battlefield to save this country from this bullshit. This week's Expert is Scott McKay, former competitive bodybuilder turned wellness industry entrepreneur whose life passions led him to the political arena! So God bless you. Were going to address it. So most important thing is you have to discern the truth for yourself most important thing if people dont start to think for themselves folks and are going to wake up, I can tell you this. Check out Let me know anything else. They said a conviction is something youre willing to die for. And shes like being nice to me after that incident, and the nicest guy in the plane. And Im going to click live stream on it. Great video. BANNED AND CENSORED ON YOUTUBE, TWITTER, LINKEDIN AND INSTAGRAM And you were, you know, you knew that the truth about one of the most important medical situations of our time back then is back in the 80s, if Im not mistaken. I dont think that happens. Patriot Streetfighter - Telegram They just made us believe that it is and they have the power and control as a dictatorship. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! And were gonna have a lot of fun and we are going to raise this country to its feet to fight fight back on this bullshit. They were Fauci and company were targeting all the drugs towards the CD for T cell, which was dying for a but yet we knew that only one in 10,000 T cells was infected with HIV. This tour, were up over 100 grand that happened in about a week. For some of you who havent, maybe have not come across that video and be surprised most of us do. Because this is what conviction is, this is what its going to take on every single level from all of us to stop the bullshit. What does that mean? He is a Trump and MAGA loyalist and he is always extremely passionate when he talks about how the United States military . Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. Proudly powered by WordPress Enjoy. for hundreds of years we are free with the god given rights and we shall not deal and write to any power on earth, 1:15:57 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. But one of the reasons that Im having her here that just emerged, since we spoke two weeks ago was being arrested in Santa Barbara airport. And Ill leave the title out because it I think this title is where I want to travel with free speech. Who is Scott Mckay. So the producer who is Nick sirsi hes been hes probably known best for he sat he sat in for rush limbaugh before. So if you want the Patriot Street Fighter gear, thats where you get it. Like, come on, Scott, my own thoughts talking myself, like, hmm, after a period of time, say how can I possibly know these things, you know, when I havent had any background or experience in some of this stuff, just putting it out there. We've been banned from: Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably . All rights reserved. You know, nice white, whatever, no mask, but its just a constant bullshit game. Im going to go to that article real quick before I continue down through this Intel radioactive battery that will run for 20,000 years. And so he ends up in Frederick, I end up in Frederick, Im told in fermentation chemistry long about 1982 to purify 50 li of 200 liters, which is about 50 gallons of the first human cancer causing retrovirus in a case centrifuge, which is an open air centrifuge, so youre spinning something it at high speeds, open air, we know nothing about the transmission, we know nothing about anything. These cookies do not store any personal information. ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS AND IF NECESSARY CLICK RESET PW IF YOU HAVE ALREADY FORGOTTEN YOUR PW! Whats in a business deal for this move that move? On the tour, if we get the whole way through it great, I got a chance to be around the country. Thats where theyre going to be. 41:06 But you know, he secured the evidence that but for him, I wouldnt even be sitting here today. 52:50 Quite honestly, my viewers know to have been talking about it for a week. Its always these kind of guys. yeah and she goes back up and she gets one of these paper masks and she hands it to me and says youre gonna say that youre going to wear this the entire flight or youre not going and i said i cannot and will not ever say that you know im thinking im not a hypocrite im not and i know at this point you know and i practice Typically in my own head out, Ive got tears in my eyes, because I know this isnt gonna go well. Patriot Streetfighter. You dont immune activate somebody with a retroviral infection spread through its body, his body and kill them with another infection. Join our Locals page and see our free content or subscribe for $3 a month to help us stay in operations and see bonus content @! Thank you for letting us know who these athletes are. And youre saying, Im a murder. yay a dark cloud is finally lifting across the world as the us military intelligence and their global markets are destroying the deep state criminal power structures that have ruled over our planet, 1:15:50 Thats when you learn how it really works with this cabal control of everything important in the world. I learned really young so Im in the biological response modifiers program, I get hired by Frank crosetti. But I figured strategically we only have a warning here. Order by Phone at 888-809-8385 or online at M - F 9am to 5pm EST. And it was delayed from being published. Scott still doesnt have an email automated email system for you folks yet. Immune Shield is the breakthrough new, doctor-approved supplement for quickly strengthening and protecting your immune system. We may be combining the Patriots Street Fighter tour with them in some way shape or form. Theyre using this COVID bio weapon attack, to hurt us into the pen. She tells the the, the the guy in seat one a to get off the plane assures him off the plane and she and the pilot go in the cockpit while these cowardly officer Spurlock SP you are l o ck. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. So we have patriot Street Fighter 1112 and 13 are up and running. thanks so much god appreciate you, 1:15:15 Anyways. The strongest person is always used in their brain is like that, like in a room, the person that knows the least they know what the loudest, right? You know, I had a limb reattachment needs oxygen, whatever. Thats, you know, patriots certainly, I mean, need to work together. I know why they went in there, you know, the poppy fields and a lot of other stuff. We are a proud member of the WhiteHat Movement. None of us know everything we know bits and pieces. And heres, heres an article. She Karen a flight attendant, I feel somebody rubbing my back. And it took me understanding what happened on 911. Its forgotten country accepted. They cant survive out there. I dont care who it is. They just take the laws on our side, every part of the Constitution and the law is on our side. But we weve understood what project Looking Glass is in this, you know quantum field that we live in. Yep, we are at war. Order by Phone at 866-388-7003 or online at M - F 9am to 5pm EST . But it was real tough. You know, they had to watch you take the medication and watch you swallow it. Know who God is. And we would watch them take these toxic drugs and theyre doing anything knowing, you know, Fauci is a murder. And if I can any cities or locations that I miss on this tour, and I know some of our you know, followers would like were like disappointed that Im not going to be there at that particular stop those points. And so my PhD thesis committee wanted to know, based on my thesis, Woody or woody not die of cancer. 2. Yeah, GMO toxic genetically modified organisms are what vaccines the today 21st century vaccines I call it 21st century aids acquired Endocannabinoid immune deficiency and I say unintended in parentheses. So um, they so the you know, Karen attack dog Karen. Or you have misinformation coming out there. So Ill be flying in for that. Because they these are the theyre the the good guys are a outnumber these pieces of shit. When designing a unique treatment plan for your specific ailment, he believes in involving his patients and families in the decision-making process. Church Leader Advocating For Enslavement. You know, you want to lose your job? I agreed never Frank agreed never to say the G word. So um, you know, she concurs you know, the pilot comes out of the cockpit with the blue paper mask on and Im thinking to myself, I dont want to fly in a moron wearing that toxic Mac Oh gosh, the frickin blind dont do that. Spurlock. This is Well, the reason or one of the reasons if the way Im reading it, it might be why or maybe the primary reason. Its these worm bureaucrats. PAY ATTENTION PSF 9 \u0026 10 are fraudster channels and are NOT me.Patriot Streetfighter 6 is again the new PRIMARY Channel now the YT put Both PSF 7 \u0026 8 on jail for 30 days. Streetfighter 11 is the NEW BACKUP Channel. I mean, theres a lot of things that I dont cover here on the minutiae of the proof thats out there. You target one of our friends, man, were going to let everybody know, nobodys going to escape this bullshit anymore. 45 minutes for him in and out in and out the seizures. And I want to get this in here for you, Judy. 15.9K Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter , edited 17:47. So humanity, you guys, youre the guys with the numbers, who can turn it all around because many most of you guys a vast majority dont agree with any of this bullshit when we collectively make a move. Good to have you folks. 42:28 Are they how they come from? If, if you dont hit the home run bonus life, folks, it isnt your only chance. So Karens. And of course, most of if not First, we often cave in because they want to career. This is the slow part of humanity, food medicine. I apologize. That All right, this is all patriot Street Fighter stuff. I was just asked to an my I cant think of Mikes name shoots out of shadows. Anyways, address if you go to the thread the description in here, Ill say it out loud. (Black Conservative Perspective), Patriot Lawfare with Peter Ticktin and Russell Newman, Gold Silver and Crypto update for 02/28/23 - Why is the Rothchild's getting delisted. I dont care who any of us out there. Scott Mckay | Patriot Streetfighter here. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* Podcast by: Initiative Q (Better than Bitcoin?) Like for the rest of the plane. Youll be easy to, Ill be easier to run into. Man, lets take why, 32:32 Were gonna get there. its alright come on into were on the were on the radio here come say hi, 1:07:02 We get to recall these bastards drive their asses out. Scott Adams Banned: American Liberty Is Dead! PART ONE OF MY INTERVIEW WITH SCOTT MCKAY PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER who is out there waking up people on tour nonstop. SUBSCRIBE TO AMPINSIDER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, BACKSTAGE PASSES, EVENTS, AND MORE! Right? I start June 6 1983, which is of course D day, this this year will be live take our 38th year of working together which he calls purgatory. hey how are you all like its all i can say is its like i feel like i need to bow down or be wearing a tie or something you married this woman like holy mary mother god if shes his stuff i cant imagine what its like, 1:08:14 Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay interview on His Glory Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. Youre now on the radar. The Patriot Street Fighter Revolutionary Army is resonating is resonating everywhere all over the world. Posted BY: Wyatt Three deep-water explosions destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea in September 2022. And its great for us because the Patriot Street Fighter tour gets to basically come along, when you know, the logistics and all that work, and hes starting to put a lot of stuff together, there will be speaking engagements other than Gettysburg, that I will be stepping away from these or that itll take me out of the tour for a day or two here or there. And the and for my security detail. You know who I am? So therefore, you want to be prominent. The Greatness of 12 O'Clock High - The American Spectator | USA News I think the most the bravest people that I know at this point right now, who were targeting the same people Im targeting this Khazarian Mafia is Sidney Powell, it is Linwood it is General Flynn. SEE AND JOIN MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL And and I and I basically, unfortunately, you know, she goes up and she goes in, shes she gets the pilot and theyre going, theyre going to call security and theyre going to do whatever theyre going to do. And that these guys were publishing in the Washington Post then as they do now? Judy was Pennsylvania. The one I wear when Im out on my bike rolling around Texas. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. Some some of them were men in business that were spitting through their mask, you know, how stupid are you saying throw away the key. I had a couple of places in Vegas. any any of these channels that you land on make sure you subscribe, pass us around get it out the army let them know we are in a new firing position. But patriot Street Fighter seven is ready to go we will be up on Monday and we are having Chris sky from Canada he I talked to him today he is the Canadian patriot Street Fighter I told him today you are the Canadian patriot Street Fighter with what hes doing to share the rights of the Canadian citizens in that country. Ive been attracted to smart people my whole life. Ill step away from the tour for about three or four days, I got to do an event in Gettysburg on the 20 I forget what it is 23rd 24th 25th 25th, something like that. You got to be a guy that thinks intellect is what I respect. To do what youre doing here. Doesnt matter. Where are we going to put it all because some of you folks, its set checks and things like that again. Theyre theyre CME approved, just use these slides and change the background. Wow. Please join us and subscribe to make it possible to continue this important work! The Tour is a whole separate animal. That will double the bus for the 4 month period of time. It was an echo chamber. Well, Dr. Judy, its been a real pleasure. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 2:18 This is what they do to me anyways. You may breathe fumes. They those were projections in the future, were still trying to piece that stuff together. 1:40 Its appropriate. So I wont say it yet. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. However, I supported 100% 100%. no john Hancock there was 14 coward your fork and coward, 49:15 And its not unusual that nobodys gotten on the plane in this time. And it looks like were gonna do some type of a interview situation in this documentary and then they want to get a little footage, you know, on two wheels. And your job, like any sheriff in the country, and Im including shares is to protect the people. And I said, heres my belief. Put it on my counter before I left that 15 or 20 stacked up there. You know, what, what about science and that, and thats what youll see in our upcoming book ending plague. So you get your eyes on. 6:01 Retuning soon to Patriot Streetfighter. got to move my this is my I saw this. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Testimony Indicates Arizona Controlled By Cartels As Migrant Children Become Slaves. Because its a puzzle piece, you take what fits what doesnt discard it. And so he grabs me by the left arm, he twists it in a move that police are only allowed to do if their life is threatened. How are you? Pastor Dave from His Glory has a great conversation with Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay. | Its just what I say. COA and Hemp Information. For the Latest Palbulletin posts please also visit: Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Want to also know what General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne and others are posting on social media? this lady i love this lady this is a patriot street this is a fork in patriot street fighter, 1:08:55 Yeah. There isnt a full scale military revolt on on the elected class, nothing, you know, nothings going to make these guys stand up. Theyre going into the grave. Now, as I, as I watch it, looked at this and did a little researching on this, you know, on this technology and, and the articles that I read, that has something to do with whats happening now. But when she came forward and outed what these criminals do, how they do it, from the HIV era, how they will take scientists, high level scientists, and if they dont tow the Big Pharma line, or wherever the kazarian game plan is, theyll destroy their career that never get published, dont ever become prominent. PatriotStreetfighter - Rumble You know whos responsible here? I dont take any responsibility for anybody making those decisions just like continuing to wear that forking mask. MIMICKING THIS CHANNEL AND THE PSF REVOLUTION. The explosions guaranteed that Telegram channel "Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter - TGStat Its on the gate. And its not the end of the road for the casualties we have. 1:09:47 is always the one the weakest one wants to use physical force, right? Its time people to say, You know what? We will have me see tomorrow night schedule just so you know whos on deck this week. But youre you are you are showing our viewers that in this, you know, theres a lot more, theres over 10,000 people wanting you to hear and hearing your story. A number of us have read or and learned a bit about project Looking Glass. Were going into the second phase of that Wednesday I havent decided on yet. But everything goes in the description of these videos. Yeah, you know youre targeting me. And theres care and the flight attendant like, Oh, shit, its gonna be a long flight. This is a patriot Street Fighter shirt, Ron Bay, and theres a new sheriff in town. I go into the gate area. Yeah. That is the enemy. - Strengthens Anti-Bacterial Defenses. Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. [] 39:13 I just havent prioritized that I was critical. When Gallo and Fauci had, the first human disease causing retrovirus was isolated and associated with disease by my mentor of 37 years, Frank resetti, who was fired by Gallo forgetting Bob Gallo, for at the NCI forgetting too much credit. But you know what, what we need to do is go to these city council meetings or any of these other meetings where these people are held responsible. It was actually called a reduction in force. Its a weekend of June, I gotta fly to Gettysburg. Not for wearing a mask, but for wearing the right mask, the medically approved mask that wasnt the same as everybody else on the plane who had non medically approved masks and were worthless in basically cancer concerts. And Im like, Oh, man. I thought that was pretty interesting. THAT DIDNT AGE WELL! Order by Phone at 866-388-7003 or online at M - F 9am to 5pm EST. And and he shoves me into the hand put in the handcuffs with my mask taking you know, takes my mask off. Hey, you know, Ill be over here at a certain time. Patriot Street Fighter! Or do you want to lose the country? They they gain this thing out, and what were living through now is part of their plan. So all the focus that people go into that event, they can make sure they see them. I start June 10 1980. One is the bravest woman in America, Cathy O'Brien, author of "The Trance Formation Of America" and MK Uktra sex slave survivor of the elites in Wash DC and around the world. We take a quick look here, I have one part has to be translated, this one looks to be French. So on Robert David Steele, he put out his put out, he put a link on his page, big bat Id like to see if a guy like that a coward like that would bring something like that to the guy like Mike Jayco Yeah, take him off the plane like that. When you see this shit going on. If if thats necessary, maybe we all get to you know shake hands give hugs all that kind of stuff in Tulsa. phonons can be thought of as quantized sound waves, similar to photons as quantized light waves. These people get into this echo chamber, and they cant think for themselves. And in this battle, when youre more over the target, theres two things that are happening. Its 10 oclock in the morning, the flights 11 oclock in the morning, I sit and work on my computer and give continuing medical medical education slides to a doctor. Right? Wait to you folks here, the backside of this what this king this coward scumbag did. Scott Mckay Patriot Streetfighter - Elite Industry Entrepreneur 2023 So Ill leave that alone. past me for a while until somebody young fella had a seizure behind me. Privacy Policy Ive got a call from clay said hes a big fan of yours. They know Im right. In an indoor July 11 rally in Pennsylvania, McKay addressed the audience of hundreds of unmasked people with the tomahawk in his hand and the butt of a handgun sticking out of his waistband. PAYPAL ACCEPTED: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD OR PREFER TO PAY VIA PAYPAL SIMPLY MAKE A 1 YEAR PAYMENT COST OF 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION is $36 AND simply email me your payment receipt: [emailprotected] Then I will send you a One year access. LAST CHANCE! Join Scott McKay TONIGHT at 8:30 PM (EST) for "Ask the 47:55 Oh, by the way, for the tour, folks, I would suspect a number of you people might have been donating for this. Address: 4447 N. Central Expressway, STE 110-198, Dallas, TX 73205 The vaccine, same thing, the big v people are going down, theyre going down. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Copyright 2023 UGETube. This is thug enforcement, as an edict enforcement unconstitutional, unlawful edict enforcement against the citizens of this nation that pay your salary. SCOTT McKAY: PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER, BROADCASTER. 1:12:59 If youre willing to allow somebody just say, trust me, even though all the evidence that we see out there all the evidence shows that this is a takedown mission on humanity. Anybody I should say in our world. Hence its counter active capability. And I have an obstructive airway disease, I cannot breathe out of my nose. This then allows the space force assets to mobilize and position satellites for a strategic and direct action response, ie evergreen vessel and others. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. 1:42 12 days ago 2.17.23 Patriot Streetfighter Econ Update EDITED @ 7700 views, Dr Kirk Elliott, Chemical Burning, Train Crashes, DARPA Balloons None of us know the plan. Tony Fauci scared him into it when when we were seeing all the damage done by the DTP shot. Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter. You know, I dont want to have this conversation. If there is demand for a whole tour or just a partial tour, that will determine what we can do.Wrapped Tour Bus will approx 150K. I plan on in the fall, arranging some events in those areas where I can just fly in, you know, well do an event, you know, and and Gatto cost us some ticket money to have to do that, because theres nothing theres no tickets sold on.

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