pirate kake pipe tobacco

This is exactly what I look for in a latakia blend. Recommended for English and Oriental fans only. Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! Although PK is very obviously a strong lat bomb, I found it to be remarkably smooth, much more so than Star of the East and that PK is actually one of the finest smokes I have had the pleasure of smoking. It is also very consistent throughout the entire bowl. The smell of burned wood and leather is very evident from the tin. Actually, for a good Lat. This blend is LOADED with it for sure, and there just isn't any other way to put it. I do enjoy this from time to time, but it is not really that great of an achievment in tobacco blending. I love Latakia. OE was suppose to cut the heavy Latakia of PK , but one thing it does is bring the Burley slightly into play, that I don't like. Great stuff, IF you like latakia dominated blends. It takes a few lights to get going (possibly my own fault) but, once its underway, it goes fine all on its own with minimal fuss and the flavor is latkia spicy creaminess that is very strong. I want to add one more star it is growing on me. Think a peaty scotch and some nuttiness for the most part. An after dinner smoke for me. For latakia lovers this and "Heart of Darkness" are hard to beat! I would not call this blend monochromatic like some have, as the flavor is somewhat complex at first, but it does tend to level out afterwards. You may want to get a small amount to try it before you go bulk. But, for what it's worth, I'll add my thoughts to the site. As a Latakia lover Id say this blend is heavenly. Despite being 75% latakia I was easily able to pick out the oriental tobacco. I would personally recommend a little drying time for this, as it is a little too moist for my personal tastes. Actually though, the experience is more like eating a parfait rather than a torte- one layer at a time. But on the whole, about as delicate as a horse pistol in the ribs and a genteel invitation to walk the plank. Another draw on the pipe and the taste changes to that of a herbaceous confection and a middle filled with tuberous roots that are nicely toasted to a slightly bitter but still tasty treat. Cornell and Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Tobacco: Burley, Latakia, Orientals Cut: Cake Blend Type: English Strength: Medium Your Price: $11.05. Im a big fan of heavier Latakia English blends so I had to try this. Great job C&D! Pirate Kake is Latakia. I really want to like it, but it's too strong. with a medium level of latakia hit the spot for me. 2000-2023 Laudisi Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Those Folks who Love a lot of Latakia in their pipe tobacco will Love it. It does produce a decent amount of smoke. To my good fortune the tins were already a year aged when I received them and a little over 2yrs old when I popped the first one. The kake is very crumbly, easy to break into chunks or rub out. Tobacco in Bulgaria | Market Research Report | Euromonitor The krumble kake is easy to worth with, the moisture level is great, lights and stays lit well, the mouthfeel is creamy and thick, the flavor (if you're into lat-bombs) is top-notch. Step away from this if you are not a latakia addicted. When I lit it up, my sample smoked like a purring kitten. I suppose there are those who just can't get enough latakia who will like it, just as there are those who put an entire bottle of ketchup on their food. If you dont find any pure Latakia in the market you can easily buy this one and make your own mixtures. At other times, you may also detect an almost perfumy fragrance, possibly a synaesthetic hallucination. I always have a couple brownies of this laying around. ste es un tabaco para los Latakialovers. Relights are much less frequently on the bottom half of the bowl, in fact, it is burning quite well. This is the first latakia blend that i try, and i'm lucky this be the first and my favorite blend. I should never have waited so long to try it! I smoked a tin then I bought a pound. Smoke it slowly in a 9 mm charcoal Briar Pipe and you will be richly rewarded. Pirate Kake is like a car accident that you can't take your taste buds away from. Although extremely high in Latakia, its flavor is quite well rounded and delicious. Also, this is a big pipe blend, we're talking Group 6 and beyond. The smoke ripples out of the bowl upon that first light, thick and velvety, so gray that it's almost blue, and the palate is hit with a blast of latakia that some may find overwhelming, but others such as myself simply surrender to. I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. A pipe is to be savored. Latakia in capital letters, but smooth, evenly burning, never to harsh. I confess, any bite, which I have gotten, may come from a propensity, on my part, to "puff" this tobacco due to how much I enjoy it. It lacks that hint of perique spice that Nightcap has, but is darker and more smokey. sample and I liked this blend so much, I ordered 8 ounces then 16 ounces sizes to store and smoke over time. Very full and satisfying. It is not a Latakia bomb, but a super creamy, medium body, medium strength medium deepness Latakia blend. This blend is a strong blend, but I do nt think I ll actually get a nicotine kick. What keeps this from being a total lat-bomb is the dry, mildly buttery sweet, woody, earthy, herbal, moderately spicy and floral, sour Turkish, which is noticeable in every puff. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag - CupOJoes.com Since it is a lat bomb, obviously Latakia is the star player here and pretty much what you are going to get. If you like Latakia, this is clearly for you. Heavy in each puff but always controlled by the Burley and Orientals, the Latakia seemed almost like a mild perfume that the other two were wearing. In this sense, it is a deep digging mixture, not heavy, quite campfire smoky, not leathery, without horse-stable notes. Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. Burns clean, mostly cool and a little slow with a very consistent, mildly sweet and very savory flavor from start to finish. This is it! I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. This powerful, Latakia laden stuff breaks up easily. There's not much subtle about this blend and it starts like it finishes. You have to appreciate what Latakia brings to the table to enjoy Pirate Kake. Currently, I'm using this as a blending agent in place of straight latakia. Tin had almost exactly 3 years of age on it and yielded a latakia smoke that had all of the finer points of smoothness, mellow, consistent in flavor and no rough spots. This stuff is ridiculously good. Its over 70% Latakia, so if youre not into Latakia, this probably isnt the blend for you. So well named? Irish Breakfast tea goes very well with this. Pirate Kake is definitely a blend which begs to be smoked out-of-doors. Opening the tin reveals a dark brown block that looks like a brownie. Most say it reminds them of a nice woodsmoke campfire. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. But at first light was this smooth and beautifully flavorful tobacco ! I only gave it a slightly lower rating bc I'm not sure a lot of people would like this. Tobacco is soft and dry. I also love the sharp tangy latakia odor that is left on my clothes or hand - Pirate Kake is one of those blends I enjoy as my last pipe of the day (usually while in my pajamas and reading a book); I revel in the lingering latakia odor clinging to my hands and hair when I finally go to bed. Hookah Tobacco - The Ultimate Guide to Shisha Tobacco Brands . I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. Pirate?s Kake does not measure up. Just sitting in my apartment in south holland, enjoying a big old bowl of pirate kake and a delicious raw winter carrot. One of my favorite after-dinner, sitting on the porch, watching-the-glaciers-move pipes is a "latakia parfait", constructed thusly: In a tallish bowl combine first Old Ironsides as broken flakes (bottom third), next crumbled Pirate Kake (middle third), and finally Commonwealth Mixture (top third of bowl). First is a plum and woodsy taste, different than I thought this blend isn't aggressive, your smoke is creamy and fill your mouth. While keeping the flavor and satisfaction in my smokes. I like latakia as a condiment, even sometimes as a chief component take HH Latakia Flake for example but this stuff is just disgusting. Even stronger in Latakia than Captain Earle's 10 Russians (also a nice, heavy-Latakia blend.) So now only in the strongest blends am I able to sense, smell (and for some, taste). Most likely she won't let you smoke this one inside unless she's smoking it too lol. For each referral! It still took a fair amount of relights to get it going each time. Pirate kake rrrrr jim lad and dont ye smoke it all at once. And when that's depleted, I'm getting another one. If not I will be happy to take it off your hands. Have always loved the English blends due to the high Latakia and Orientals levels, which I love. This is neither a tobacco for noobs or for those who like aromatics. Pirate Kake is a good smoke IF you love latakia. It brings back good memories. . I was expecting a one-dimensional experience, but I assure you there is more to this tobacco than many give it credit for. I was pleasantly surprised by C&D's Pirate Kake though. I taste at least three different alternate flavor notes as different sized chunks of tobacco burn. Details. If you want to get your wife out of the hose but she refuses, light up a bowl of Pirate Kake. For a while I drifted away from the Smokey One, as my taste buds craved more complex blends. Best smoked after a meal (not before) or it will overpower one's palate. Did I say there was a lot of Latakia in this blend?? salted leather. A little drying helps the taste a little and keeps your pipe dry. Pirate Kake is really three-dimensional. I can't get over how smooth it is. CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO | Cigar Standard The best prices on CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO found at Cigar Standard | Shop our wide selection of products today! I also use Pirate Kake to soup up other tobaccos that I think would benefit from a little more latakia. This is the classic lat-bomb English blend. Next time I mixed in a little more and then a little more and a little more and then I ran out. Well, it really depends on where you are. So I figured I'd go down to the liquor locker and pull out the Cruzan dark Rum. For anybody who hasn't tried combining a strong Latakia blend with a nice raw carrot, I highly recommend. Crumbling the cake is easy (but beware, your fingers will become dirty as if you had been playing with the ashes in your fireplace), and soon the flame can release some of the most intense flavor ever offered by a pipe tobacco. Not nearly as overpowering as some say. The note is brighter and more lively than others,which serves to create it's own bold, lusty personality. LATAKIA!!! It is what it is. I was actually searching for this kind of tobacco for a long time. If you enjoy Latakia (and I do), you'll love it. I might jump that to highly recommended for the latakiaphiles out there. I take advantage of a small sunny clearing in a cloudy week for a moped ride, and a small pipe break by the river. I just started to smoke pipes, so you could say that I picked up this tin too fast. Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth. I also like the fact that it is easy to load, no knife needed to cut as it crumbles in your hand. . First light I tasted heavy notes of campfire, wood, earth and sulfur. I will probably keep the tin to use as a blending tobacco, or maybe to use as a prank on unsuspecting pipe smoking friends. Just wanted to share as this is my first latakia experiance. Before this, I've had Black Frigate and Bow-Legged Bear, which were both really old (from those crappy metal tins C&D used to use that didn't seal), and were falling apart, and Briar Fox, which I liked; but this one is really dense and really fun to play with/chop up. On opening the tin the aroma reminded me of a warm spring night next to the campfire. It looked so strong and foreboding in the pouch that I refrained from whittlin' a chunk for quite some time. The block came from smoking pipes vacuum packed and looking more illicit than anything I've ever gotten in the mail. ?.LOTS of exceptional Latakia? Black mostly in color with some remnants of what brown tobacco was there. All in all what a great smoke Age When Smoked: Fresh to 6 months depending on updates considered. The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. After smoking this I have since went back to an easier smoking blend an d I felt cheapened by the lighter smoke. PK smokes smooth and has no bad qualities if you're a latakia junkie. I After smoking pipes for many years; quitting; coming back, went looking for a latakia rich tobacco. It burns very cool & absolutely refuses to bite. If you like well done, heavy Latakia blends, Pirate Kake fits the bill to a T. I am relatively new to pipe smoking. I tend to prefer it more in a condimental sense. I smoked a 1oz sample of this in my nicest pipe, a Jirsa bulldog. It is a pretty cool baccy. I don't like the cut of this tobacco ( Krumble kake, broken rubbed out flake). I smoked it in two different briar pipes: a medium-sized Orlik Captain Black billiard and a small Orlik pot. Appearance is a pressed briquette ("krumble kake"), rubs out to a coarse mixture of pieces and ribbon. Update 06/29/10: Been smoking this on and off for the last six plus months. As a lover of Latakia, I had to give this a try with all the positive reviews and the high Latakia content. How much latakia is too much? Pairs great with a nicely aged tawny port, or a Macallan Cask Strength. I am thrilled to find a blend where I can enjoy the flavor and spice of the Turkish without it being overpowering. I'm upping this to 4 stars and it's made it into my favourites as well. The latakia is heavy, which is fine. Back then it was not called (Sea Scoundrels) either just Pirate Kake. d. there were twelve principle manifestations of Allah. With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. It tastes like it smells pretty much. This is a premium smoking tobacco that i highly recommend. Its like a quadruple IPA, and probably should be served with one - the combination of nasty wet brush fire and Lemon Pledge could strip the tastebuds down to oblivion, at which point Pirate Kake would taste good. Don't know what made me think to do this but I loved it, there, in the background. Neptune's trousers! I love the kake format, and will buy more. Si sente un eccellente Latakia, un vecchio camino acceso in una grotta, per spiegare la torba e laffumicato. Followed by a couple hours later and you can still taste it in your mouth just as strong as if you just took a bite, and you want that flavor out of your mouth by any means necessary.. but the horror sets in when you discover that no amount of alcohol, oral hygiene products, or other means can help you. Mild and fragrant, an exceptional tobacco. UPDATE: 12/3/2013 Not just a lat bomb. Please don't buy it and then tell everyone it's crap. This is definitely a blend that calls out for a small bowled pipe and gentle smoking. I took a long filet knife and cut it into 1/4 pound bars. Woody sweet, unlike the charisma tic strong and musty sweetness of Cyprian. Got a little soapy in the middle then leveled back out to tasting more Latakia than smokiness and creaminess. Amazingly smooth and heavenly delicious! The latakia is smooth, even at 75%. This is awesome. My wife, 60 feet away doing some gardening remarked how nice this smelled. Five of five stars ------------ march 06 update. The "Ham Bone" aspect disappeared. I just finished a sample of this that I have had for a while even though it was a pretty small sample. I'm not a Latakia fiend, but I wanted to keep something like this on hand for cold, snowy days. I like Latakia, but this blend gives Latakia a bad name. I like this tobacco. Such a concentration of LAtakia becomes unidimensional after a while, so it would gain to be mixed with something else to bring variety to it. Cornell and Diehl should be forced to perform some kind of community service to repent for making this. Makes a great change of pace for someone looking for something to enjoy while doing something else. With a little Burley and Oriental for balance, you're going to like this blend. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. I reccomend this to someone looking for the strongest possible dose of latakia. It's not entirely a successful marriage, as the Latakia completely dominates its' partners. My preference has always been for latakia forward blends but admit to having reservations to smoking anything that had a 70% latakia content. This became my favorite pipe tobacco blend halfway through my first bowl. Penzance is good but it has no taste next to this. Has a strong room note but loved by everybody had the "luck" to experience it. The dark and light leaf are easily distinguishable by sight. This blend has a lot of charm. of this strange blend. Davis smoke shop in Russleville Arkansas It's a small shop but the owner is very friendly I bought this pipe and he gave me the tobacco, lighter and tool free. Update 01/19/06- One thing that wasn't put in my original review is that Pirate Kake is a wonderful DGT tobacco, in fact sometimes I think I prefer to smoke it after a few hours left in the pipe. Loading was easy since this crumbled in to small pieces. I knew I would like this blend based on your reviews. The room note is sublime. If you really like Latakia buy a ounce or two & you will be in Latakia Heaven! Well of course I had to try it. I like to smoke this mid afternoon with a good cup of skunky coffee. I also detected an unusual Oriental scent when snorked, hold on.., it's a freshly split oak log with shellac coating scent ( Turkish?, Burley?),. But I knew that would probably be the case going in. I think I have hit the same result as the Dolly record. I dont know what else can be said about this blend. PK made the top 5 list. Thats how good this stuff is. 2 Stars is tepid recommendation denoting some value but not likely to buy again. Break off a piece of this "dark chocolate" brownie, break it up, and stuff away. Sweet smokes everyone. I'm also starting to appreciate exactly how smooth Pirate Kake is relative to how much Latakia it contains. I smoke all kinds of English/Balkan stuff. The smokiness of the Latakia is perfectly balanced with the nuttiness of the burley and just a little tickle of the spice of oriental. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. Hey gang! Right up my alley as I burn wood to heat the house. To each his own. I highly recommend it. Country Squire Radio - PODash This blend is smooth and cool smoking all the way down the bowl and though I don't have a "sophisticated" palate, I know what I like and this is a great smoke! Closely behind the Smoke were a pleasant medium Earthy and mild woody flavors backed up by a light pleasant sweet butter, a mild spicy flavor, a light toasty and light nuttiness as well as a mildly spicy flavor. Mouthfeel seems a bit more mellow or creamier if you will, while I find less of a spicy tongue bight. That being said for me even staying within the same company I think you get much more nuance and flavor while remaining a great smoke from Stimulus Package or Da Vinci maybe even Mississippi Mud if youd like black Cavendish. Love the smell right out of the package. Weird but true, and thats exactly where this blend is. Smell also stays on your hands for quite some time after rubbing this out. After the bowl is finished youll know for many hours that youve smoked lots of Latakia by the shear amount of oils that coat your mouth. With Ironsides being lighter; far more creamier and nuttier, yet just a cool and long lasting. It is very similar to Old Ironsides but just a bit lighter in body. Just beware of the extremely strong room note: while not particularly nasty (unless you hate latakia), its ghost will haunt your house for many days, haunting your house!!! But if you love the rich, black leaf you'll be jolly at the sight, smell and taste o' this kake! Li t my first bowl in my Abe Herbaugh Bent Apple. It is the truth! It burns slow and lights easy. While a love the flavor of Latakia, and have been seeking a good, rich near-pure Latakia flavor, I found this to be bitey and unpleasant, and it tasted like it had some overly moist Virginia in it, even though it apparently doesn't have any. An outstanding 4 of 4 Latakia stars. Smooth smoke from start to finish! Purchased From: smokingpipes.com 4noggins.com. A treasure you need to have in your cellar! A wonderful smoke! I smoked about ten pipe fulls and was ready to sue by the last bowl. Opening the fresh tin (080318 I love that C&D tins are so easy to date) the Latakia hits your sinuses straight away. Pipe Used: A bunch because it's a go to blend for me. Since I've bought it, it did mellow out a little and is now quite a pleasant smoke, but I feel there are a lot of better thought out english/balkan blends to spend my time with. I think a 5% more of it and it would be a really great blend! Really enjoy it anytime of day mostly in the morning with a cup of coffee. Is what this blend is all about. I order this in bulk, not my usual choice. If I had a preference I would add a stoved Virginia to this blend to round it out and add richness to it. The Krumble Kake cut adds tremendously to this blend. I'm really starting to like C&D crumble cakes. Sweet taste and slight reminiscence of coconut. There are too many others which I enjoy more. I think you could improve any blend with the addition of PK, most aromatics excepted. Flavor wise, it's not as strong as one might expect and I'd say the nic level is medium. I recommend a small bowl with a longish stem for best smoke. Not much ups and downs and very few acidity. Yes, the Latakia is very present but the flavor is so much more: smoky, sweet, tangy and a light pungent flavor on the end. This stuff is the bomb. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. This is one of hte few English blends I really like. Tomorrow I am going to a local pipe store where the pipe club meets (usually two of us) on Sundays from 3-6 and let my compatriot try some. Goes well with my one Halloween costume, which is a pirate, you should know that. This is where the hassle becomes worthwhile. I believe I detected the same oak scent in a tin of Dunhill London Mixture . It is a nic e slow burning smoke and my first experience with cakes. I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. Smooth, full flavoured, smoky, with mild tangy spicyness. Aprendo la latta ci troviamo un plug pressato, abbastanza compresso, dai colori vari, marrone scuro, chiaro e punte di giallo. I expect to re-order this regularly. Both have huge ammounts of latakia. PK provides a phenomenal five-star strength, a four-star room note, with a five-star taste. Less sweet, more nutty, camp fire smokiness. I almost felt as though I was smoking a straight bowl of latakia. Needless to say this is something that I now smoke daily and I encourage you to as well. It is what it is and I enjoy it every time I choose it. Burns very cool & doesn't require many, if any, relights. It lit ok and burned fairly well. Nice and flavorful smoke! Having wanted to go for a really heavy blend I decided I'd give it a try. . Taste like how it smells. However, when the mood strikes, Pirate Kake may just hit the spot. Very reasonably priced in bulk form; I'm slowly chipping away at a pound of it. The tobacco is a very nice krumble kake, with a very smoky and somehow musty or vinegar smell. But this is just TOO much. Stouter than most of those "late evening" blends and a great way to end the day. I do not find it as strong as many other reviewers. I plan to keep several tins on hand. However, there is nothing better than this for Latakia -Lovers. There is a sort of vague sweetness somewhere in the background, but smoking this is sort of like falling face-first into the moist remains of the campfire you doused the night before while sucking on a charcoal lozenge. Latakia value on the planet. C&D's #099, Engine 99. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. The Creosote flavor is there, with a slight nutty undertone on occasion. Smoke a bowl in the morning and you will taste it all day. This was confirmed by the frequent relights during the first half of the bowl - mea culpa. Cornell & Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-016-0059 A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) If you're looking for a delicious lat bomb then PK is your blend, but if you're looking for a lat bomb with a stronger Turkish presence I highly recommend Star of the East Flake. If you like sweet stuff with your latakia this just might fit the bill. Comes in a crumble cake form, like a dried out brownie. Smokey Latakia seasoned with just enough nutty Burley and spicy/woody Izmir to combust and taste good. Upon lighting, I was pleasantly surprised. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. . And I would recommend it smoked with a dark beer. Put down the 1-Q, step out of the candy aisle of the tobacco world, and enjoy a truly flavorful tobacco. But Pirate Kake is definitely in that ball park IMHO. Shiver me timbers brethern of the coast this here be one tobacco that land lubers and weak of knees should leave be. She's OK with Nightcap, so that tells you how strong this one is. Cheers! Makes you earn it's respect. This is a lat lover's dream. It is impossible to keep lit. I've been a hound for it, ever since my first tin of Penzance. The block has been sitting for awhile again, as the plastic appears to have yellowed. I was also surprised at the fact that I got a little bit of complexity out of this blend. Now, that sounds overwhelming at first, but Cornell and Diehl have managed to pull off a masterpiece. Sounds weird maybe, but it is a sublime experience for the latakia lover. It gets better with a little age. A full bowl of Pirate Kake burned slow and consistently. You can even just pack the kake bits. C&D managed to hit a very nice flavor note! This is a nice cake, black in appearance, smelled smokey and robust. If there were negative stars, Pirate Kake would earn them. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco I do recommend to those that really like their more potent English blends. I'm stocking these deep. do so, it is very very good. I use English Oriental very lightly packed. Opening the tin, I receive a lovely aroma of Latakia and that's about it and it is plenty. Did you know that the nicotine content of Latakia Tobacco is light compared to other Tobacco species? Detailed segmentation of international and local products. I will keep the 2 lbs. Needs some dryout time or you may get a toungue bite. Midday and your palate could be shot for quite awhile, perhaps until tomorrow or the day after. This is, indeed, good tobacco. 56g tin. I bet this would be more popular if it didn't have the Jolly Roger and the mention of 75% Latakia content on the tin. I would never have purchased this by just reading the 75 % Latakia, but trying this in the sampler was a very nice surprise! I also have it blended 50/50 with My Mixture 965. In that sense, this blend would be all-day smoke for Lataki a followers. Try it, now. of Latakia, plus Turkish and Burley. Tasty and full , with excellent pack and burn qualities . The fact that you can purchase large quantities at bargain prices is also a plus and encourages big purchases for cellaring purposes. I smoked one bowl out of one of my nicer pipes and now its a latakia pipe forever because the nastiness of pirate kake will never be exorcized. But I give it credit for it?s unique presentation and the courage to produce it at all. Sometimes this is the only thing I smoke all day. Then out of nowhere a natural sweetness sneaks up on you. Superb! I got a sample from a friend and was very grateful, but I wont be purchasing any of this, just not something I would not smoke often at all. Beautiful Latikia Kake. That is why this blend should not be compared with Dunhill EMP, or similar blends. To start let me say that pirate kake is the first tobacco that has ever made my hands look like that of a mechanic. Very Piratey. As Devil's advocate, this is the best contemporary Latakia based English I've smoked barring my ancient faves: Sullivan's 00 & XX blends from 50 years ago. Later folks.keep on puffing. I've been smoking english blends since the mid 90's. I love Lat. I always load my pipe the night before and let it sit overnight. My favorite so far. Similar Blends: Bengal Slices (sort of ). I just pull it apart, load and light.

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