nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes

Please !! The members kinda got used to it and didnt bat an eye, while Kun was the only one ever shook by it.Oowff be careful (Y/N), the members might loo-Kun. Then on certain days, he would take his time to help you learn Korean while you help him learn English, so it would be a win-win situation for both of you. BABYYY! He dolphin-laughed, running over to you and knocking you over. I mean, who wouldnt. he never ever wants to scare or hurt you and i think he would be so sad that you could ever think he was even capable of that. But he would bother you a lot to teach him more English, sometimes even wake you up at 2 in the morning just to tell you a new word hes learned. He knows you would never do that, and that you loved him. Jisung. ?, Jeno: He would smile cutely at you, trying to ignore the choice of clothes you picked. NCT DREAM Confirms Comeback With Second Full-Length Repackage Album. You can only wear clothes like that infront of me. Originally posted by radgies. NCT 127 Reaction | Their Child Looks More Like Another Member. You knew he would follow, so you allowed him to place his hands on your waist, not letting you go any time soon. Im absolutely wrong, I dont know what got a hold of me! A/n: my heart bust an uwu this is a cute request, day 3 of the posting everyday for a week celebration :)). -Please do not spam me. doesn't know how to tell you. I see I have gotten a decent amount of requests and I will get to them eventually. This is complete fiction, my imagination. But hed still be able to communicate with you a small bit. Like everyone had their own style that differs them from one another. This is also not proof-read. Measuring in at 6, she's had more than her fair share of jibes and unk May 9th, 2022. He immediately went over to you and stood infront of you, blocking the view of you from the others, and he took the drinks from your hand. They met through JYP Entertainment! STOP TRYING TO SPITE MEEE!, Originally posted by seungminshoneyvocals, Mark: He would make the most deal out of everything. Hed be a mix of confused and furious.Once he found you hiding in the living room closet, hed probably force you onto the bed and then started yelling at you. Now relax. Have you watch kingdom? He took off his jacket and put it around you, making sure none of the members were staring.Ai, you shouldnt wear clothes like this infront of them!Well, it was hot out.Well next time, pleasee stick to a t-shirt and athletic shorts?. So hed just shrug it off and go over to greet you, welcoming you in. Now go sit in that corner please.. yeah can I um have it back?, dont worry though, hell offer you another hoodie of similar size and style and almost melts when you get excited over it. -The genre I enjoy doing the most is smut personally! cant resist pinching your cheeks and making uwu sounds because hOw did you get cuter? He stood next to Chenle, looking you up and down then blinking multiple times fast. Want to request? Featured. Sometimes he would speak in Korean, or Japanese, just to see that cute confused expression on your face. By that, I mean he would be the loudest about it and the most dramatic, bringing un-wanted attention from the members. But there was still resemblance between himself and their daughter too. Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. Nor do I do necrophilia or bloodrelated-incest (AKA related by blood). He'd absolutely hate all of that. I live in Norway, and I really wanted to celebrate me finishing my bachelors with a trip somewhere. Wow he squeezed you tight in a hug. QUICK, TAKE THIS BLANKET, TAKE MY COAT, TAKE TAEYONGS COAT-, Dejun (Xiao Jun): He would kinda just look over at you, then the members, then look around and grab the first cover-up he saw. So if its not good Im sorry about that. But the minute you saw him, your legs started to shake and you forgot everything.Whats wrong, babygirl/boy? He asked, rubbing your cheek. But trust me, (S/N) is yours and Y/Ns child.He snickered, realizing how stupid and aggressive he acted for no reason. WHAT? Then he saw you, dressed better than he has ever seen . You woke up to the sound of the door closing and met Taeyong's eyes. You just listened quietly, not wanting to anger him into doing something rash. -Again, bottom/sub (in a sexual manner) means they are the one being dominated on. You want to work for me, but you cant even use a gun? I know-I know its your house but I dont want them staring at youu! " hahahah ". Oh your home you greet him with a small hello before chucking on a jacket which hung on the rack. Please never do that again. He would let his members stare for a little bit, give the reactions they want. Why would you ever cheat? Lets see how fast you can do it! If something was sad, youd cry. You wouldnt.Y/N! So I roleplay in third-person. And you never handled stress all to well. NOO WHAT EVER DO YOU MEAN! Promise me right now baby boy/girl.Good. (I will guess you are asking ME, out of roleplay, the question unless you specify otherwise), -If you want to stop roleplaying, just tell me! 16+ If you want to do platonic roleplay. Not really, I mean maybe the smile- WaitAre you saying what I think youre saying! Here have some popcorn!, Yukhei (Lucas): He would look around in disbelief almost, lowkeyan I ooping. Do you understand now?Good. Realising you two haven't really spent any time just cuddling and . Lets talk you scoff, hands crossing over your chest. that may be the moment chenle knows hes set for life, but he wont be so obvious and instead accuses you of stealing his clothes, and just offers to buy you a store of shirts instead, but his entire defence melts off him when you say to him, and kiss you on the nose to see you smile, doesnt know what power youve got over him, but hes okay with it since you make him happier than hes ever been, goes through about 5137492 emotions and reactions in 30 seconds, blushes and gets nervous and cant remember what he was going to say, then looks at how his shirt looks on you and is just filled with so much love, then cant stop smiling because youre so beautiful and youre his s/o and hes, and then gets nervous again cause it hits him that its, and this circle repeats for quite a while, he eventually comes to settle in a general state ofi love you, pulls on the shirt slightly and raises an eyebrow while smiling, pouts at your reply until you laugh and wrap your arms around him, mr confused bilingual is so shook when you surprise him, he would have literally no idea that you were even learning, he probably initially responded in the same language, not quite registering that it isnt the language you normally speak in together, when it finally sinks in, he just pauses exactly where he is, and slowly turns towards you with that wide eye stare he does when shocked, is taken aback as to how much you already know, and promises to do his best to help you learn more if you want, really likes being able to switch between both languages with you, since he does that a lot already, hes now not as worried about accidentally excluding you from the conversation, sometimes switches to see your progress and give you any tips he can, is a quiet supporter but everyone can see hes immensely proud of you, so mark is absolutely terrified to tell yuta, literally waits for as long as he can until you force him to come clean, as soon as he finds out yuta just goes as intimidating as possible, and literally stars mark down with a death glare, eventually you calm him down although mark is now scared for his life, so mark immediately tries to show yuta just how much he loves you, and once yuta sees that, mark begins to relax around him again, these two arent gonna sit down and talk about it, rather have a mutual agreement to keep their friendship and your relationship separate, yuta literally brings you everywhere with 127 and if fans ask, you just came to see your brother, but in reality he lets you spend the whole time with mark, honestly, considering how busy mark is, yuta doing this is probably the reason that the two of you made it through some rough patches, mark feels a bit awkward talking about your relationship with yuta but is still eternally grateful that yuta helps you two so much, realises that yuta cares about you both and will do literally anything for you to be happy, cant look you in the eye for a week while he figures out if this is real or not, just wouldnt know what to say so he avoids you slightly, then you walk into the practice room, armed with food and you make eye contact, he watches as you smile at him and when he cant stop himself from smiling back, he just stops in his tracks, everybody somehow melted away into the background and it was as if you were all that mark could see, greets you with a hug and is very aware of how hard his heart is beating, immediately offers to carry the food for you and hands it out to the other members, like subconsciously sits next to you and finds himself always standing near you, this does not go unnoticed by the boys who definitely question him about it and when mark says he doesnt realise he was doing it, the teasing begins all of them screaming about how mark was in love, his was completely in love with you and nothing could take that away from him or wipe the smile off his face. Do you Y/N? You looked closer aswell. Ever try any diet? He knew you loved him and would never do anything like that. when you visit in his T-shirt and some leggings Mark nearly falls over on the spot, youre his whole angel and he feels so much love in his heart for you because seeing you in his stuff makes him feel secure, it just kinda reinforces to him that you love him equally when you steal his clothes and brag to *certain* people that this is your boyfriends, Mark probably wouldnt ask for the shirt back, hed give you a pair of sweats to match and then buy the same set for himself, when Renjun found you sleeping in one of his hoodies he had to cover his mouth from awing too loudly, he took his chance to lay beside you and curl up next to you while you slept bc lets face it honey boy doesnt get enough sleep, injunnie was excited to see you in his clothes the first time bc although its a small gesture, it meant a lot to him, kinda signifying that you trust him and love him and miss him even though youre literally in his bed in his dorm. Are you okay? With that, he snapped out of it and hugged you. Originally posted by kunxxxsol. Jeno: "You look very pretty in my shirt. I got Mindblown like every stage! -You dont need to be a GREAT roleplayer to roleplay with me. : Yes! He told you to put on a bit more layers. Obedient Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Jisung (Omegaverse. do you want my jacket? He asked again, opening his car door for you. but every single challenge those groups get they always deliver!! I just felt like getting dressed up and this was the outfit I decided. We NEVER did anything, I swear! I gained like 8? Jeongin groaned, trying to contain his smile. A few days before that, the members huddled together for a conversation with Teen Vogue via Zoom . You want a sundae? It was short, showing the bottom of your backside but Jaemin shook his head. Maybe its time to train you, huh?, Han Jisung:He tried to scold you, he really did. Donghyuck (Haechan): Hyuck was a evil boy, so sometimes hed purposefully say something English that would make you mad, annoyed, or flustered. If you have any questions, never be afraid to ask before we start rping! But before he could get a word out, you were crying him a river.BabyPlease calm down. He cooed, wiping the tears. But he would still hope to teach you the basics of Korean so you could communicate with his members. He glared at his members, which made them quickly look away. If I send a paragraph, I do not expect just ayeah. back. you were celebrating nothing, you were all just bored and wanted to do something. Please Im so sorry! It was a total accident, breaking Seungmins camera.You knew you had to tell him, so you practiced what to say in the mirror for around an hour. so sorry about it. Shop online for tees, tops, hoodies, dresses, hats, leggings, and more. He gulped, lightly kissing your forehead.ItsIts okay. DONT WANT MY JAGI GETTING COLD OR PERVERTED ON, PERVERTS!I AM NOT A PER-PERRRRVERRRTTTSSS~, Jisung: He was very shocked himself, staring along with his fellow dreamies. When youd talk, he would sometimes get lost in the conversation, but try his best to answer back in English. DID YOU SLEEP WITH Y/N! He actually wasnt too bad at it, he had a good pronunciation, just didnt know a lot of words or understand some. but every single challenge those groups get they always deliver!! Im sorry for yelling baby, Im just really stressed!, Seungmin:You really didnt mean to break it. With smut, I do NOT do coprophilia (feces kink/fetish) OR feet kink/fetish. Yesssss I love kingdom although I dont like mnet (be honest who does?) Naturally, you move onto your jeans. he liked the memes you sent so he dmed you. Why would you ever cheat on him? you weren't planning on sleeping over at first, so when renjun managed to convince you to spend the night at the dorms you didn't have any clothes on you except the ones you were wearing. Something was cute, youd cry. Please dont hurt me o-or any of my family! Changbin just chuckled, gripping your face as he passionately kissed you.You just kissed back, sniffling. Not really, I meanMaybe the cheeks? He found you adorable and just bear-hugged you, almost taking you to the ground. I got so worried. More worried for you than anything. He'd be kind of surprised there are really people like that out there, who would lay their hands upon the person they 'love'. He wasnt trying and he was a joke for trying to work for us. it was obvious that Kun didnt want you in his life. I love your fit, butttt- you stare at him, looking away from the popcorn in the microwave. Where the fuck did you go? Out. When you walk down the stairs in your green dress which fell above your knees, showing a bit off. he asked if you had a crush on him. Here sit next to me, we can share a blanket! Why arent you asleep? You snap back, eyes finally adjusting to the light. Renjun: actually recognises when he's falling for you so he's less surprised by it. Interesting and cute. I would NEVER!You literally just stuttered, dont lie to me! Taeil gripped Yoon Ohs shoulders. #nct u scenario #nct u mtl #nct 127 scenario #nct 127 reaction #nct 127 mtl #nct dream mtl #nct dream . I want you to always be safe, thats why I keep you locked away in the house! (They can see A LOT OF TIDDY) would love this for BTS as well if you can " A/N: writing for bts first since I have to kinda back into writing for got7. You knew he was looking at you, though, as his game . This is also mafia au so if that make you uncomfortable do not interact. i feel like he would give you his favourite ones as well : Anonymous said: can I request nct dream and WayV reaction to you wearing revealing clothes? Whenever you wore revealing clothes in public Jimin's hands would be all over you when he thought no one else was paying attention.

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