The family debuted in 1987. Later in the day on April 22, seven of the victims were discovered in three of the homes. / CBS News. Excerpted from the account: . But Jennings identifies Tachnechdorus as Logan the orator's older brother. As soon as the gun was fired, Marie, who was inside, screamed, while the two small boys, James and Raymond, attempted to find a hiding place. Mennonites and the Conestoga Massacre of 1763 John Cole, 40, will serve a minimum term of 29 years in . She was by his side for 56 years and bore him ten childrensix sons and four daughters. Low 38F. That angle and location is, however, consistent with the wounds of every other victim. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I have even thought to live with you but for the injuries of one man. Suddenly a harrowing howl was followed by William Spicer being struck by his own ax in the head by one of the warriors who then took his scalp. They attacked settlers in several frontier regions, both killing and taking captives. I hunted elk with the famous Jim Jacobs many times. Kayashuta and White Mingo were the Mingo chiefs. Logan Name Meaning & Logan Family History at In 1911, Charles Lawson[1] married Fannie Manring, with whom he had eight children. Speaking of the Indians living in the Ohio Country, McKee wrote that "they have given great proofs of their pacific disposition, and have acted with more moderation than those who ought to have been more rational." I think the gray hair is a false memory. However, according to Find A Grave, Elizabeth is buried at the Good Hope Cemetery, . Award-winning journalist Lara Logan dives deep into the 2019 massacre that left nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel. As Sheri had been an only child, Stacy was the main beneficiary of not only the farm (estimated at the time to be worth approximately $1 million), but also of her great-grandmother Wilma Buroker's estate. Tracking Down Logan's War Club and Some Lost History Logan (2017) - Plot - IMDb Theres been no proof made public that he initiated a sexual relationship with Stacy before the murders. Camp Logan The Heritage Society Arlington survived her brother Billy Frank Gilley Jr's killing of the rest of their family, and briefly fled with him before ultimately being the sole witness at the trial that sent him to jail. Mormon massacre in Mexico: What we know about the attack | CNN They say the Harris brothers entered the home armed with a tire iron, intending to sexually assault 16-year-old Justina Constant, Ruth Gee's daughter from a previous relationship. They drank, and drove 4-wheelers around the farm before eventually falling asleep on couches and in beds. I'm Candace (username Omiakron). WAVERLY, Ohio (FOX19) - Angela Wagner pleaded guilty Friday in connection with the 2016 Rhoden family massacre. my email is: if anyone would like to get in contact with methank you, Please e mail at ptknight@live com nona spicer was my great great grabdmother. Stacys boyfriend left a few hours later. Hi, I too am a Spicer/Bowen descendant and I came across your post here while I was reading about the Spicer Massacre. The murder of the Lawson family refers to a familicide which took place in Germanton, North Carolina, United States on December 25, 1929, in which sharecropper Charles Davis "Charlie" Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children. Also unusual is shooting oneself from behind and above ones left ear. Michael Myers of Washington County, Pennsylvania, to guide them over to the west side of the Ohio River where they wished to travel up Yellow Creek and examine some land a few miles from the stream's confluence with the Ohio. William had given his word he would return. Spicers daughter and son fought through the deep woods until they reached a neighboring farmhouse. The Dean Family Massacre - The Pennsylvania Rambler She was able to turn her head a bit which is when she saw gray hair -- but that's it. I am a direct descendant of Elizabeth Spicer Bowen. Stella said that she had overheard Fannie's sisters-in-law and aunts, including Stella's mother, Jettie Lawson, discussing how Fannie had confided in them that she had been concerned about an "incestuous relationship" between Charlie and Marie. Winds light and variable. Click here for: Hatfield McCoy Airboat Tours328 WV-49. in the split second that their eyes met, he put a bullet into her forehead. I know for sure we are related. He wore a red cap much the same as the white hunters do now. Logan was not present in the area when the massacre took place, and was summoned to return by runners. .component--type-recirculation .item:nth-child(5) { Possible connection between this story and this story, : at the line: "We now come to the well known story of the massacre of the three Crow girls")The two stories happened with in the vicinity of each other (this one in 1774 and the other in 1791 (17 years later)) is it possible that William Jr. (or a relative) Could be the Spicer mentioned in this story, No one seems to know the "Spicer"'s first name, though I admit at this point my research leaves something to be desired. From " A Man of Distinction Among Them, Alexander McKee and the Ohio Country Frontier" by Larry L. Nelson, pp. After his 1760s move to the Ohio Country, he became affiliated with the Mingo, a tribe formed from Seneca, Cayuga, Lenape and other remnant peoples. [2] Lawson, having purchased his own farm two years previous, however, together with the fact that an Associated Press wire that went out on the day after the murders characterized Lawson as a "well-to-do farmer",[3] would make a pre-Christmas shopping spree appear reasonable. James later in life was referred to as "Logan, the Mingo." I'm wondering about the location of her grave. McKee assured his guests that the incident was the act of "a few rash and inconsiderate White People, and not by the intention or Knowledge of any of our Wise People"; he promised them that Dunmore, after he learned of the murders, would surely take every step to rectify the situation. James Logan | American Indian leader | Britannica Joining together in a process of ethnogenesis, they became known as the Mingo tribe. As the month drew to a close, Connolly, who had seemed to support McKee's efforts up to that time, began to take a much harder diplomatic stance, possibly at Dunmore's instruction. -, Press J to jump to the feed. Logan was merely a war leader. . A cake that Marie had baked on Christmas Day was displayed on the tour. During Betsys captivity, she learned a great deal about the use and location of herbs and wildflowers in healing the sick. Spicer heard the Mingo tribesmen approaching and struck his ax in a log and approached the house to get some food to offer to his visitors. I would love stay in contact and learn more about the Spicers, my email is Thank you! -- The grandparents of the lone teenage survivor of a Houston massacre are "in awe" of her courage that allowed her to call the police . But fifteen to twenty Mingos under Logan set off for the Ohio Valley to seek retribution for the loss of their family and friends.". The sexual battery charges were dismissed by two judges and twice by an appeals court. The most Logan families were found in USA in 1880. As she rolled over she was shot in the neck. Is there any proof Stout knew Stacy/was abusing her before the murders? Lastly, he killed the baby, Mary Lou; it is thought that she was bludgeoned to death. Hi Joshua, Nice meeting you. "Only several hundred yards distant" that the last massacre occurred, where Jane Logan McKee lost her life. For years after, Sappington took particular delight in boasting of the feat and de- scribed the trophy, which still was adorned with trade silver, as a "very fine one." A police officer who was with Arthur ran down to discover Lawson's body along with letters to his parents. Afterwards, Lawson returned to the house and shot Fannie, who was on the porch. There are many Logans in the Reservations in Pennsylvania and New York; some are descended from my brother and sisters, others adopted the name because of the honor attached to it. John Logan was also known as Tachnechtoris, "The Spreading Oak" or John Shikellamy. This photograph of Hatfield was taken circa 1920. Months before the event, Lawson had sustained a head injury; some family and friends theorized that it had altered his mental state and was related to the massacre. Yellow Creek Massacre Logan's friendly relations with white settlers changed with the Yellow Creek Massacre of April 30, 1774. Many fled, abandon- ing their homes and their possessions. The Logan Cemetery as it appears today north of Interstate 44. You have permission to edit this collection. One of the events which led up to Dunmore's War was the killing at this point of the family of Chief Logan, eloquent leader of the Mingo Indians, April, 1774, opposite their village at the mouth of Yellow Creek in Ohio. I would love for someone to contact me as I'm trying to trace this heritage as everyone older than me is now goneFrom what I see William Spicer Cochran was my great grandfathers dad. A letter written by Colonel William Christian to Colonel William Preston, dated November 8, 1774, definitely ties the Mingo Chief John Logan, as the leader of the Roberts massacre. It has all the classic tales of Native Americans raiding and Colonists surviving the best they could in the wilderness of southwestern Pennsylvania. In their desperation, Betsy and William frantically hollered for help to the farmers to no avail. The Gee's 3-year-old daughter also was severely injured. I too am interested in hearing more about the Spicers, if anyone would like to get in touch with me please leave a reply! By the spring of 1774, Logan and his extended family (including Gibson's Indian wife) had relocated to a camp at the mouth of Yellow Creek. Chinese general Dodo perpetrated it, and historians claim that 800,000 people were killed in ten days. 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says, Colombia wants to deport "cocaine hippos" to stop them from multiplying, Alex Murdaugh found guilty of murders of wife and son, How a tragic boating crash is connected to the family of Alex Murdaugh, October 8, 2009 - Nicole Gee Defends Ex-Husband Christopher Harris, Accused of Killing Her Family, September 22, 2009 - Beason, Illinois Killer Slays Five but a Child Survives. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Dr. Snitker will be assuming the position formerly held by Dr. Monica Fulton, who will serve as Assistant Superintendent next year. Summary: This photo shows a group of people gathered to place a memorial stone at the site of the German family massacre in Logan County, Kansas. In the two years prior to the killings, police had visited the main farmhouse ten times in response to noise complaints, with no charges laid. That is SUPER interesting, I've never heard of the Logan Family before. The Yellow Creek Massacre - IntriguingHistory The Yangzhou massacre of 1645 is another massacre that took place in China. Nicole drove over to the home and discovered the other victims while speaking with 911. A new burial marker for the six deceased members of the Logan family will be installed at the Logan Cemetery later this year. Bleeding and in pain, she went to her mothers room and found her injured. He was often the winner of foot races, wrestling matches, shooting contests and running the gauntlet, a practice among the natives where a man will run through two lines of other men with clubs or firebrands. Thank you for sharing this; as sad as it is I still love learning about the history of my state. [4] Historians who agree that Logan the orator was not named "Tah-gah-jute" sometimes identify him as Tachnechdorus. My brother and I visited the Greene County Hist. He is supposed to be son of William Spicer who was captured by the Seneca Indians, and Fair Cloud the Seneca woman William married. Ricky Gray, Ray Dandridge Masterminded 2 Family Massacres | Crime News A plot was hatched to fake a kidnapping. If I'm understanding her correctly, it sounds like she's not particularly interested in pursuing the killer because deep down she knows that whoever did it has close ties to the family (moving from one house to the other). The Dean family lived in the shadow of Lowry's Fort, which was erected in late 1778/early 1779. One of the families living near the fort was the family of Matthew Dean. During the hearing, Logan County Judge Thomas Harris, who is not related to the defendants, said the potential sentences range from 20 to 60 years in prison on some counts to life in prison or even the death penalty, if the state seeks it. Thank you. Among the dead were several members of Logan's . Man sold possessions to move family west. Nor the reason why he asked his eldest son, Arthur, to . And that's simply too terrifying for her to face. He flashed that cash in a bar and possibly was murdered for his riches. When Logan heard of the massacre, he was led to believe that Capt. Edward Wagner pleaded not guilty in 2018 when he was charged in the Rhoden family murders. After developing a degenerative brain disease, Charles Xavier had a telepathic seizure and lost control of his powers, causing six hundred people to be injured and the deaths of several members of the X-Men, in addition to the permanent destruction of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. They'd tie up Ashley and demand a ransom. Duperrault Family Massacre - Criminal Discourse Podcast It would also be a reason for Stacy not to call 911 after the murders. [7] John Logan's sister was known as the widow of Cajadies who was known as "the best hunter among all of the Indians" who died in November 1747. She is the second member of the Wagner family to admit a role in the death of eight . His father-in-law with his family, including the family of Montgomery's son-in-law, Joseph Russell, followed Logan to Kentucky in 1779 and made a settlement 12 miles from "Logan's Fort." While dismissing McKee's words as lies, the Shawnees refused for the moment to go to war with the Virginians. He takes care of the ailing old Professor X whom he keeps hidden away. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. }, First published on October 30, 2009 / 8:29 AM. Scholars agree that Logan Elrod was a son of Chief Shikellamy, an important diplomat for the Iroquois Confederacy. More support for this theory was revealed in The Meaning of our Tears, published by the same author in 2006. The visiting Mingo were lured by the promise of whiskey and games. Logan Mwangi: vibrant child murdered after months of terror I am looking for information about John Spicer (born 1814, died 1882) from whom I am descended. He performed the condolence ceremony, "covering the Bones of their deceas'd Friends with some Goods suitable to the Occasion and agreeable to their Custom," and he dispatched several messages to the western tribes "to convince those People to whom they were to be delivered, of our Sincerity, And That We did not countenance these Misdemeanors. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. A 2019 massacre leaves nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel; Lara Logan meets with the surviving family members from La Mora, a small Mormon community in Sonora, Mexico, who recount the events of that tragic day. Well. Logan became known for a speech, later known as Logan's Lament, which he reportedly delivered after the war. The brothers pleaded not guilty to all the charges during a Wednesday court appearance. Real Audio by Eloise Lane. Five Dead and Town Warned to Lock Its Doors - ABC News The last were names Lyman and Jesse. Wayne Spicer from Olean, NY was her father. The dark hole of Topix has quite a few opinions that it was Stout, framing Scott. This is such a great piece of information. During the four years he'd lived in the area, he had consistently tried to maintain peace. |Germanton]], North Carolina, United States on December 25, 1929, in which sharecropper Charles Davis "Charlie" Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children. Lara Logan Investigates: Mexican Mormon Massacre - Archive She is now married and has a baby son she named Edrick Scott. Stacy found strong religious faith in the aftermath. I have not been able to locate the first wife of my 3rd G.G. Nice to meet you cousin! He'd been a Logan County deputy sheriff for a year longer than Stacy had been alive. She was shot through her neck - it's a miracle she survived, let alone can walk and talk. Skip to main content. ", The frightened settlers were more than warranted in their apprehension. Accused proclaimed his innocence even as he was hung from a bridge. Unraveling the 1886 Logan Family Massacre : missouri The roots of the Dec. 14 massacre by Scots-Irish Presbyterian militia lay decades earlier in the settlement patterns of the region. [6]. Here is the Rolla weather data for the 24-hour period ending at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, March 2, 2023. After dealing with his fathers estate, he did return to the Mingo and married a woman of the tribe. Scholars dispute important details about Logan, including his original name and whether the words of Logan's Lament were his.[1]. ", McKee had responded appropriately and energetically to the dangerous situation. The massacre of the John Lively family by Indians in 1813, in what would later be called Covington Township, Washington County, Illinois, was an act of violence that was shocking, both to people of the time and even now, more than 200 years later. Frightened, Myers and his two companions fled back to Virginia and Baker's trading post. "[5] The Iroquois and other Native American tribes tended to have peace chiefs and war chiefs, or leaders. I am Afro-American, my father's name is Mr. Buford Mason Spicer. The Mingo fearing he would leave them, begged for him not to go. Today, it is open for burials only for direct descendants of W. D. Browder, owing to limited plot availability. Erected 1979 by West Virginia Department of Culture and History. Fox News Channel premieres Lara Logan Investigates: Mexican Mormon Massacre Jan. 31 at 10 p.m. Porcelain Dolls: The Stacy Moody Story, on YouTube, a short, well-made documentary from 2016 in which Stacy speaks at length on camera. Teen's Family Had Problems Before Shootings | Fox News The name "Tah-gah-jute" was popularized in an 1851 book by Brantz Mayer entitled Tah-gah-jute: or Logan and Cresap. [Unresolved Murder] Was Scott Moody framed for his family's - reddit Topics and series. "I was born on the West Bank of the Allegheny River, in the Cornplanter Reservation, in 1809, the same year as Abraham Lincoln. Following a prevailing Native American practice, the young man who would become Logan the Mingo took the name "James Logan" out of admiration for his father's friend.[4]. Logan Mwangi murder: Mum, stepdad and teen sentenced - BBC News I'm a Spicer/Bowen descendant through my mother's paternal line. [9] In 1822 the speech inspired the John Neal novel Logan, which also featured Logan as a main character. The graveyard was renamed in their memory after the family's 1886 massacre. Subscribe November 13, 1961 In November 1961, the oil tanker, Golf Lion, was sailing the Northwest Providence Channel in the Bahamas. The Royal Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, responded by launching an expedition against the Mingo and Shawnee, in the conflict known as Dunmore's War. Sid Hatfield was the Sheriff of Matewan, West Virginia from 1919 until his death in 1921. After the government passed the Selective Service Act, over nine million men . It was there on April 30, in Logan's absence, that the infamous Yellow Creek Massacre occurred. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. The bodies of the family members were found with their arms crossed and rocks under their heads. To Captain Cressap - What did you kill my people on Yellow Creek for. Additionally his wife and 4 of his children were in the family home and someone burned it down, killing them all. Their youngest, 3-year-old Tabitha, survived the attack in the family's Beason, Ill., home and was taken to a hospital. By late May, only Logan's Mingos were at war. As the contest began, one of the Indians, John Petty, who was somewhat intoxicated, wandered through the trading post. [citation needed]. Following the battle, Dunmore's army marched into the Ohio Country and compelled the Ohio Indians to agree to a peace treaty. John Petty or Sogogeghyata, was the youngest of his brothers and bore the name of a Shamokin Indian Trader. Thank you. And the ex-wife, Nicole Gee, is standing by her former lover. The Murder of 9 American Mormons in Mexico and What Came After - Insider
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