avengers fanfiction team hates peter

Here you both go! (Events of The Sorcerer's Stone take place here)PART ONE Sabrina Parker's continued existence was a mysterious thing, after living three different lives, she wonders if a fourth is possible.Harry Potter was a well-known person to everyone but that with which he spent five years with.Ron Weasley found it incredibly unlikely that he could be anything his brothers weren't - but the universe has plenty of curveballs in its arsenal.Hermione Granger set out to make a name for herself but may be even more successful than she planned - in the worst of ways. Couldnt really keep taking stuff from school. Work Search: A soft voice spoke up- the voice of what was unmistakably a young boy, in his early 20s at most. Hey! Thumbs the contact button. I swear one day youll give me a heart attack, Happys sulking because you never message him anymore, But, you know, send him something about your class, I think she thinks itll make me stay home more, Maybe if youre really good one day Ill let you have a goldfish, Uh, hi Mr Stark. - #1 in jimin Tony is sold, and dials up his exuberant, dramatic inner child to eleven Because Of Reasons. or or;Febuwhump prompt 28 ("Youre safe now"). He hasn't told May just how bad it is, not wanting to worry her anymore than he already has with him being Spider-Man and all. I on the other hand am really into angst so i sure do. ill update that post in 2 seconds. The first time Peter met Jace was when May brought him home. You have the wrong Dora.. Don't get him wrong, Tony notices the bruises, he just can't help someone who won't tell him what the problem is. weird laws in guatemala; les vraies raisons de la guerre en irak; lake norman waterfront condos for sale by owner (Im not a girl, Im a boy. The sound sorta, uh, cut out. Peter asked nervously, and said nerves were confirmation enough for May. As Tony lay alone in the abandoned Siberian HYDRA base, it gave him a lot of time to think. Pepper Potts & Tony Stark & Original Character(s), Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, only briefly at the end but theyre important to me, shout out to mr. g the most iconic gov teacher, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Dude we're getting the band back together, Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Yelena Belova and Natasha Romanov are Siblings, Avengers Team & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Everyone but Peter Tony and Harley are really just background, Harry Potter & Sabrina Parker (OC) & Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger, Vincent Crabbe & Gregory Goyle & Draco Malfoy. Cold, Cold, Cold by Heckyheck_Icravedeath. Every time he tried to think his mind felt blurry and unfathomable.Of all the days it just had to be today.---Peter Parker has depression. im usually not really into angst but i like the trope of tony getting protective over his spider-kid, hi honey! Shit, no, Dum-E no, no!, There was an abrupt silence on the other end of the line, then, Who is this? And that was Mr Starks stern, no-nonsense voice. It happened so swiftly, this spreading thing. Peter Parker was he rock and he was the anchor. When in another universe Thanos leads a full scale invasion, Steven Rogers -with what's left of that world's heroes- goes to a different earth to warn them of the incoming invasion. Until he stopped being useful. Maybe someday, Peter wouldnt see him as a liar anymore. Please. While Homecoming characters play a large role in this story some things have been altered and the plot changed including but not limited to how injured Tony was at the end of Civil War. Peter ignored him and was about to walk into the kitchen when he tripped over his foot. Which he was pretty sure it returned from its place by the elevator. These are my tumblr prompts! I mean) Im A Man by lost_in_a_sea_of_fandoms and ssssssssssssssssssspiderboi. Over the decades, many have tried to create enhanced soldiers, but few actually succeeded. It doesnt mean that it hurts any less when you feel your father figure slipping through your fingers. Peter stared down at the phone, a shot of adrenaline making his fingers tremble. ily, thanks for asking x, Peter Parkers Top Surgery Support Group by stardustandswimmingpools series. cover drawn by @bitweary or, Peter is crumbling under way too much pressure - the fanfic. (Maybe this time for the better? I dont owe you an apology for anything, and I dont owe you forgiveness., So this is about me then, isnt it? They miscalculated.And now?Now Iron Man is out for revenge.The smart people will stay on his good side. He opened the file, his brows furrowing. Bucky was returning to one of the small apartments Wakanda kept as safe houses in the States, when he was greeted by a tied-up teenager in the middle of his living room, staring at him with wide, panicked, deep brown eyes.--------------------------------------Bucky doesn't recognize the teenager someone has dropped off in his apartment, but that's not going to stop him from protecting Peter Parker at all costs. Right, Peter?, (Spidey) You Can Drive My Car by yukiawison. Its that time again! (or: five times Team Cap screwed up + one time they did okay), Prompt: One of the Avengers accidentally hurts Peter and Tony is furious, so not only is Peter badly hurt but another member of the team is stricken with serious guilt.. Precious Peter Parker Kid Peter Parker Peter Parker Needs a Hug Tony Stark Feels Tony Stark-centric Abused Peter Parker Tony Stark is Good With Kids Genius Peter Parker Genius Tony Stark POV Tony Stark Howard Stark's A+ Parenting Neglected Peter Parker Teen Tony Stark Tony Stark Does What Tony Stark Wants Trans Peter Comes Out by insertfandomjoke series, trans peter - and if Im kicked out of school then Ill be forced to live on the streets exchanging sexual favors for money and I cant do that, Ned! As soon as he was about to say something, there was a loud crash from Peter's room. Asks for rec lists and lost fics are.closed! Bucky Barnes took one look at Peter and knew that the boy belonged to him, and made it so. WARNINGS: graphic depictions of the aftermath of violence, descriptions of battlefields, mentions of dead bodies, lots of ruminations on war and death, passing out. Supreme Family Chaos by ElisaPhoenix series. Having been raised and primed by HYDRA since before his birth, he existed only to be a weapon. Whats wrong? He's refrained from telling Tony, worried he'll look stupid in the eyes of his mentor, who's been through much worse than being depressed. Even if its just Flash. He got up and moved to get the teen up. It's been nine months and he has still made no progress. He didnt die in the end. God, this is going to kill him, isnt it? Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, General Audiences, Teen And Up Audiences, Not Rated, General Audiences, Teen And Up Audiences, Mature, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, by the time the monsters move out we owe them nothing, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, hold my hand (i can hear the ghost calling), when it feels like the world's gone mad (dark stories), Captain America: Civil War (Movie) - Fandom, past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Friday & Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, The stars are behind him (and they are ready to fight), Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), They Still Fucked Up and They Have to Live with It, Tony Stark Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and a huge fan of the writer I'm gifting this to, I'm not vehemently anti-team cap but I can have my bitter moments, Christine Everhart is a good friend and journalist, like they start out deluded and then I take it wildly off course, Fics in which Tony will not be pushed around, James "Bucky" Barnes/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes/James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, im sorry everyone but most importantly buck, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords, it gets better as we progress through the story. complete, I was wondering if you had any fics involving IronStrange? So he accepted his place and did everything he could in order to prove that he can be useful. Shed even loosened up on the curfew thing, as long as he called her by 11 to let her know if he was going to be out later. Of all the things Tony had expected from today, sitting around a table with the recently pardoned Avengers as they eat pizza and try to pretend nothing even happened in Germany was not it. He falls unconscious in a very worried Tony Starks arms. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Today I saw someone walking 2 pigs like they were dogs, , You know what they say about letting emotions get in the way of your work, FRIDAY says your vitals went wonky a while ago. If you finish it you get a t-shirt and your photo on the wall. "I am confusion," Peter informed. ill do a quick search or two but thats about it unless i happen to have read it myself. Peter Parker learns two new things in the beginning of January, and its that teenagers with the powers of a spider can, indeed, get sick, and that Tony Stark should never be allowed in the kitchen ever again. Whooping Cough, she said. thanks for anything! This was requested by Loony_22 just saying, my heart almost exploded at this. What if Tony decided to be their bad guy from the start? Hovers over Rogers; name. The phone on the table starts ringing. Why would they spare him a second thought? Or:Peter goes missing. His dad. (or: five times Team Cap screwed up + one time they did okay) and found a paper bag on his bed with Supplies, use responsibly TS written on it. avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patroldaniel casey ellie casey. While being grounded for two months Peter meets Deadpool who won't stop visiting him everyday, his presence is a good distraction so Peter lets him stay around. Because they dont know hes spider-man he thinks itll be fun to throw himself out the window. rec lists. After Thanos was dealt with, after life under the Sokovia Accords had become the accepted status quo, Steve wants to know why Tony's still not over the revelations of Siberia. Thanks Mr Stark, Peter wrote in between scribbling calculus answers. May gets a new boyfriend named Nick. When he got back to the team, who had wisely stayed out of it, he was bombarded with questions. hi!! S.H.I.E.L.D. And where everyones asking: where the fuck are the adoption papers? They're not heroes, they never were, and Tony finally sees that. Tony slowly stopped wheezing and met the kid's eyes. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. The words didnt suddenly change or disappear even after hed stared at them for a minute and well, wow. . Flips it shut. rec lists, What are your top 10 favorite Irondad fics? And to thank you. Was he real? The kid is cute anyway, and hes smart as hell. 60 Not patrolling tonight, have Spanish test tomorrow. Singed? "Lmao, Wanda, this situation is so hilarious." Eventually his aunt yelled that dinner was ready, and he sighed and slipped the phone in his pocket. Devastated after the explosive conflict in Siberia, Tony finds himself in London trying to fix the Sokovia Accords and move on with his life. When Carter moves in, he can deal. So theres that. That, or he just gave up on them. Karen is in my suit. When May gets a promotion so she works days and Carter works nights, Peter finds it harder to deal. Now, Tony Stark must reunite the Avengers after their so called Civil War if he hopes to bring the kid home. or;Post No way home, Tony finds files of Peter. northwestern college graduation 2022; elizabeth stack biography. ), (Part 2 of I think his name was Peter?, can be read as stand-alone). On the same vein, I'd love any fics where Clint has trouble being accepted by the team-because he isn't sure how to behave around a group, or whatever-or is excluded/feels left out-cue avengers team feels : ) i was wondering if you knew of any fics that center about Tony's line to Steve in Endgame "I lost the kid." Surprisingly, Tony was having a good day, a very good one. Okay?" The tall man never seemed cruel, but he was terrified of what horrors lurked below the surface. Peter Parker & Tony Stark Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Additional Tags: Fluff Getting to Know Each Other Mentor/Protg Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries No spoilers past Spiderman: Homecoming Language: English Collections: love of marvel Stats: Published: 2019-05-17 Completed: 2019-08-25 Words: 12545 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: 129 The mess with the Accords had been dealt with and the group known as the Rogue Avengers had been pardoned. A while ago someone sent you an ask about a fic where Peter has braces and is trying to hide them from Tony. rec lists. Singed by what? Peter grumbled something that sounded concerningly like 'Fuck you, Mr. Stark'. dont forget to comment and leave kudos. The_Green_Filter 5 yr. ago. Steven could however never have guessed that his counterpart made such a mess of everything. The reply came thirty seconds later. Karen said I have good command of almost 10 webbing modes now, And helped someone who almost got knocked over by a bike. Tony Stark not recommended. Just maybe the window next to him, give the brat a good scare and all of that. All of his thoughts were swirling and making him feel nauseous. However, present-day Tony simply eyed Rogers tattered up suit, Wandas tear-stained face, Clints dirty clothes, and Barnes hollow eyes, then decided it wasnt even worth his effort, they looked so broken down already, and it wasnt Tonys style to kick someone who was already down. it doesnt look like its up on ao3 (yet?) He decided to play it civil, thinking it would save everyone trouble in the long run. He jerked a bit before flopping his head to look at Tony. His kid is going to be grounded for life, that he swears. Tony sighed, it was Sleepy Pete. Peter Parker, the 15-year-old behind the mask, is missing, taken after a patrol gone wrong. [oneshots, completed] If you'd like to send me one, my username is @loubuttons. Tony finally likes kids because of an incredibly intelligent 8 year old with a funny laugh. After the loss of Aunt May, he's taken in by Tony and Pepper as their adopted son. Clint is slinking around in the ceiling vents one night when he comes across Peter Parker bleeding out. Hes a really good guy. The person who always stuck to Peters side and killed anyone who even looked wrong at Peter. Three years have passed since that night on the Statue of Liberty. 4. Kid? Mr Stark sounded incredulous. Please consider turning it on! This verse ignores the events of Civil War because they make friendly storytelling very difficult. cassandra darling when will you tell the truthor. Work Search: Tony gets shot at a lunch with Peter, and Rhodey and Peter spend a few hours together in an OR waiting room. He grasped for purchase nearby, wherever he could find support, because he was afraid of collapsing. Chapter 2 "Cool," Tony provided. ily, thanks for asking and for your lovely words x. And there, under the last line, a number. Tony just needs to finish his Intro to sociology paper, god knows why he needs this class for a engineering degree, but when he comes across an empty gas station at four in the morning (nobody ever said his life decisions werent dysfunctional as fuck) and finds a kid left there by his parents, it kick starts a little part of him he thought he had left behind with his father when he went to college. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Tilting his head questioningly, Tony asked, "What exactly do you mean by that, kiddo? He has a life-time of hate, of love, of sorrow and damn if he ain't gonna use it. Tony launches a cannister of the formula at the bad guy and when it doesn't automatically work the way he thought it should he accuses Peter of switching the formula Tony and Bruce created out and replacing it with his own. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). "God has forgotten my existence and the demons have come for me," Peter groaned out. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Everyone in a relationship did. Avengers Team & Peter Parker (2944) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (2406) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (644) Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov (524) Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (501) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (455) May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (424) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (397) Fear all else but never me. Short fic where peter has gotten braces but doesnt want Tony to know? Hes also a part of the Avengers Pack, when packs are considered socially unacceptable and backwards. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . maybe he gets berated by an adult like steve, etc. If you finish it., 5 times Peter is stuck with Tony by iron_spider, I wonder if Peppers reported me missing yet, Tony says, with an exaggerated sigh. Was Iron Man flying around Queens? This is a wholesome (if a bit angsty) Alpha/Beta/Omega story that is 100% smut free. Not many people make up the list of Tony's hyperfixations, of those people, only Rhodey and Jarvis really count. dont forget to comment and leave kudos. A tale as old as time. Scott Lang & Avengers Team Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov Tony Stark Peter Parker Clint Barton Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Sam Wilson (Marvel) Steve Rogers James "Rhodey" Rhodes Scott Lang Happy Hogan Bruce Banner Thor (Marvel) Avengers Team (MCU) May Parker (Spider-Man) Peter Parker Meets the Avengers Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords His stomach started to burble with dangerous acid. After the boy nodded, Peter slowly held out his hand, breathing in when the younger boy gripped it too tightly, and led them both out of the room and into the brightly lit corridor which had walls adorned with photographs and portraits. What is he supposed to do when MJ and Ned suddenly return from Boston and have more questions than what theyd left with? He isn't usually like this, he's just super tired, so tomorrow, you'll probably see him when he's a literal angel. Ruining our trip, Its not ruined, Peter says. youre the BEST i totally think that was it i love you so much. For the next half an hour, he watched his phone, tapping it every so often to stop the screen from growing dark. hey, do you have any trans peter + irondad and avengers? said the spider to the flies." Peter's voice called out in the darkness. When Tony finally tells Peter why theyve been neglecting him, Peter has a full on panic attack combined with an asthma attack. So Peter replied to Stark by just sighing defeatedly and shrugging. Havent tried it yet, talked about it with Ned and Karen. But they didnt care! Peter gets a concussion and shows up at the Tower, confused as hell. He hit the number with his thumb before he could think better of it, and the phone switched to the dialing screen. When the formerly outlawed Avengers return to the new Avengers Headquarters they meet Tony's intern, Peter, and slowly they start to figure him out. Peter has tried to move on, and to put his life back together without the pieces of his old life getting in the way. trans peter rec list Born with glowing green eyes. avengers fanfiction peter related to steve. Peter didnt notice how heavily he was breathing until he stopped. Peter has enough of the avengers yelling at him. Venom (Or "Eddie Brock" I suppose) is rooted in his hatred of Spider-Man and/or Peter Parker, as well as his symbiotic relationship with the, uh, Symbiote. May was actually (maybe) gradually calming down about this whole Spiderman thing, not just pretending to. They were coming back to the Compound that day. "You're all mine; the hair, the lips, the body, it's all mine." He considered a moment and hit delete before sending. Thanks! Is that you? it took me forever to remember them and i feel like im forgetting a big one. Still, Tony knew his the kid was brilliant. Was it Becks doing? Tony knows that he has no place among spies, gods and supersoldiers; he has no place among heroes. But a part of him did. Call, I mean.. I think the rides just broken, Peter says. Wakanda is in chaos at the ascension of their first sole female monarch. So he got out of his oh so comfy bed and trudged to the living quarters, ignoring the feeling of something going wrong. Itd be fine. He was merely an object known only as an Asset and a number. The Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel are barely holding back the invaders attacking Earth. Mouth suddenly dry, Peter swiped the screen to unlock, and the phone buzzed again as another message arrived. I dont blame him, really, I dont. Was that too much to ask for? Tony wheezed harder, knowing what he was quoting. It's one of those "Peter meets Avengers for the first time" fics. Uh, excuse me Swiper? Tony snapped. left kudos on this work! 3. fit aspects of all three of these asks! Its funny, a few months ago Tony would have gladly snapped at Cap. He got up and moved to get the teen up. take it out of him, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction "Pepper," Steve muttered, a single breathless word, just when he didn't think he could feel more light-headed. When Carter starts abusing him, he begins to feel crushed by the weight of it all. - 29/01/23, +1 of "five times peter's background seems sketchy". !, (Also, if it wasnt clear, Peter and the Avenger fam are trying domestic fluff on for size), (That didnt explain anything either. It exists in its own bubble of time. Do you think poodles mind the ridiculous haircuts they get? His hair was a mess of curls and his movements were sluggish. Today of all goddamn days, Tony says, exasperation clear in his voice and in his eyes. *note - there is a new chapter. "Kid, where are you?" He sounded annoyed. "Okay." Tony was taken aback from Peter's willingness to give back the suit. Will Tony and the rest of the team be able to help six year old Peter recover after his two years in captivity? ), Essentially just a bunch of longer drabbles to show how each Avenger met Peter (and the resulting everlasting friendships) (also featuring the occasional "WHAT THE HECK TONY YOU LET PETER BE SPIDERMAN?? You left me to die, I wouldnt call that petty.. what the hell are they teaching kids these days? The buzz of his phone against his fingers woke him, and he jerked half upright in the dark, heart pounding, before he realized where he was. I know he wasnt in control. Tony rolled his eyes. Is it too late to save the Red Weaver? A week went by. When the Rogues move back into the tower, Tony asks Peter to play nice. (The classic Peter whump fic where May gets a new boyfriend and he abuses Peter.). She still made him tell her everything he did (usually he understated everything dangerous, and overplayed the cat-in-tree angle, but he knew she knew he was doing it, and it seemed to work for them) and waited up every night he was out, but there was less tension in her face. im really sorry but i dont really find fics on tumblr because of the different tagging/searching system. After the airport, after Captain War Criminal terrified him with his indifference to the Accords, Peter looked at Tony and saw a man who was struggling. He took a deep breath. When Loki starts taking out Tony's ex-teammates as a courting gift to him, Tony can't but be oddly fascinated. also, this will be the lastpeter cries because of *insert persons* behavior/x person or persons are mean to peter rec lists for a while because ive done a few similar ones in the past! oh well. And the new group of heroes is a rag-tag, loosely-knit, disaster-prone team wh. No one even knows! :3, ok when i got this is shrieked and then promptly forgot every irondad fic that ive ever read lmao. Mays new boyfriend proves himself to be a grade A-asshole when he decides to abuse Peter. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. A hard glare was set on them, but it looked more like puppy eyes. "Welcome to my Parlor. The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Steve Rogers Feels Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad" Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who aren't supposed to be there. "Something shattered inside him. That is, adding Peter Parker, whom he found at a gas station last week and is brilliant and Tony already is emotionally attached to him. Or in which Peter's spidey senses betray him in the most embarrassing of ways. Completely treatable, he knew.But Aunt May had lied. The phone screen seemed to stare at him accusingly, and his fingers hovered over the keys for a moment. No its not, Ned. child abuse Dream is 28 in t A mess of things you've definitely never seen before. Work Search: hes the BEST and i will not hear otherwise. Because if it were D then I would be wrong and that would put me at a 65% already on this practice exam and we havent even gotten through it all. Sounds suitably ominous - Im all ears. ft the Avengers being little shits, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Karen (AI) is awesome and travels with Peter to keep him company, Please turn away if you're not okay with dark topics. In a powerless, damaged suit, in sub-zero temperatures. In which the Avengers are a team of Agents working for the FBI investigating into the kidnappings of three children in downtown Queens. Peter who had enhanced senses, strong enough that he one-hundred per cent could hear James slightly-accelerated heartbeat and breathing. And though he'd never wanted to admit it, the Avengers were just as much a part of him as Iron Man was. No! rec lists, I still feel like my biggest personal tragedy from Endgame is that I vividly remember seeing Peter all bloody and bruised when he gave Carol the gauntlet, and thought, oh, when I get home Im so going to write a scene where Tony fusses over him after the battle and Peter passes out in his arms, and then the ending happened and all my dreams were destroyed. as well as An enhanced teen sneaking out 'If you're done staring then please sit down' - Christian Valentino Continuation I have written with permission of a fantastic story written by Wix. Everything Comes Back To You: Chapter 6: Trope: Argument by losingmymindtonight. Id like to get it back open by the time far from home comes out but I started an internship last week so I dont have as much time as I did (2 rec lists a day is probably not going to be a common thing anymore). Peter paused in the entrance way and gave the cloak a meaningful look. Mr Stark was probably too busy to notice when he got a message. Harry Potter wants a new start and as the newly titled Master of Death, he thinks he deserves it. Peter wasn't always on his own, not really. His older brother. God, what he would do to let anyone remember. ily, thank you all for asking x, First Meeting by doctornineandthreequarters. Please consider turning it on! Cuz there's always a boss level bad guy. Throw in a curious wizard, a suspicious neighbor, and Peter Parkers life is uprooted once again. A series of fics set post Civil War. Peter gripped the phone with both hands and muttered to himself, Mr Starks number. He was in his room, homework scattered all over his desk, the dim light set at a level comfortable for his enhanced vision. Two. and the Avengers treat Tony Stark like he's the bad guy. SHIELD pushed too far. also this could just be a rhodey appreciation rec list because he is my favorite and i adore him and a good chunk of these have gr8 rhodey moments. Peter questioned before sitting up. Look, were hanging out., Real quality time, Tony huffs. When Peter has to juggle too many things at the same time (fake internships, Spider-man, school, a team of his own, people wanting mutants gone) and someone shows up to attack New York over and over again, things get a little out of hand. A life of darkness, blood, abuse, training, and missions have been all he's ever known.

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