paulos eyasu, isaac mogos and negede teklemariam released

Esteemed Chair, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. In their August report, the Jehovah's Witnesses called on Eritrea to release the 52 prisoners, grant full citizenship rights to Jehovah's Witnesses, and permit conscientious objection to military service. His heartmust be overflowing with praise and thanks to Jehovah. . Authorities arrested Eyasu, Mogos and Teklemariam on September 17, 1994, but formal charges were never filed and they've never come before the court. On Dec. 4, the government released 24 Jehovahs Witnesses, including conscientious objectors Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos and Negede Teklemariam, who had been held for 26 years. We call on the international community to press Eritrea for the immediate and unconditional release of all those detained arbitrarily on account of their religion or belief. In December, 24 Jehovah's Witnesses were freed, among them high-profile conscientious objectors Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos and Negede Teklemariam, who had been held for 26 years., Although their release has been welcomed, CSW said it is possible that Eritrea is trying to deflect international attention away from its involvement in the ongoing war in Ethiopia's Tigray region, where Eritrean troops have been accused of acts of violence that may amount to war crimes or even genocide.. CSW's Founder President Mervyn Thomas said: "CSW welcomes the release of these Christians in Eritrea, who were detained without charge or trial, and should never have been incarcerated. JWTalk - Jehovah's Witnesses Online Community They include conscientious objectors Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos and Negede Teklemariam, who have been held for 26 years. It was very painful to lose such a friend. This is fantastically great news when so little news is good. In total, over 50 Jehovah's Witnesses are currently imprisoned in Eritrea, and all are kept at Mai Serwa prison. that have emerged consistently since December 2020 of thousands of refugees being Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1991 after 30 years of continuous armed struggle by the Eritrean Liberation Front. I am particularly concerned about the two refugee camps, which hosted over 25,000 Eritrean refugees in Tigray region, Hitsats and Shemelba, and which were allegedly destroyed in attacks carried out by Eritrean and Ethiopian troops between November 2020 and January 2021, despite their protected humanitarian status under the 1951 Convention on the Protection of refugees. Jehovah's Witnesses Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam were imprisoned in Eritrea since 1994. Eritrean authorities imprisoned both men in 2008 without charges. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. In addition, 39 men and 10 women who are Witnesses are also imprisoned. Join us and make a difference. I canimagine a broadcast in the coming months containinginterviews with these faithful brothers and sisters. Currently, our lists 7 countries by name , and "other lands" , for a total of more than 165 brothers and sisters incarcerated. We also call for urgent action to arrest the If this is due to COVID-19 ( some news sources indicate others are being released for this reason). Such allegations need to be investigated promptly and thoroughly by independent mechanisms. There were over 96,000 Eritrean refugees in Tigray before the crisis, living largely in four refugee camps, including Hitsats, Mai-Aini, Adi Harush, and Shemelba. [6] United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Annual Report, USCIRF. ", Tags: Eritrea, CSW, Ethiopia, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Mervyn Thomas, Eritrea: Catholic bishop and priests released from detention, "We are about to be silenced once more" - Christians in Tigray, London: Mayor Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson, attend prayer service on anniversary of Ukraine invasion, Professor Ian Linden: Putin's war and South Africa. Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam were detained on Sept. 17, 1994, apparently because they conscientiously objected to military service, according to a report published in August by the Jehovah's Witnesses' Office of Public Information. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, approximately 20,000 The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. As of September 17, 2019, three of the Witnesses, Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam, have been unjustly incarcerated for 25 years. While I welcome the release by the authorities of the Christians and Jehovahs Witnesses, I have to note that Eritrea continues to impose restrictions on religious freedoms. Furthermore, Jehovahs Witnesses decline to participate in political elections. The women were arrested for worshiping in public, a video of which was shared by some on social media, CSW said. Prior to independence, Eritrea allowed conscientious objectors to join an alternative civilian service group to fulfill their obligation.The Eritrean constitution, ratified in 1997, officially grants citizens the right to freedom of religion, but it has limitations. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Paulos Eyassu, Isaac Mogos, Negede Teklamarium most of all. It is difficult to speak of progress in Eritrea while their cases remain unresolved. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. and orthodox backgrounds were recently released from three prisons in You can unsubscribe at any time. isaac mogos and negede teklemariam released . Gilles Pichaud The majority of the imprisoned male Jehovahs Witnesses are incarcerated indefinitely, with no hope of release until they die or are near death. Is something happening on a global scale that we donot yet know about? They refuse to kill or receive training on how to kill. Ten other men have been in prison for over ten years. HRWF puts a database of news from a variety of outside sources at the disposal of human rights researchers. The country lacks rule of law, a constitution and an independent judiciary to enforce the protection of and respect for human rights. [emailprotected] These are other examples of numerous cases of individuals who are currently languishing in Eritrean prisons, with no prospect of release. Then from this day forward I will have a warm place in my heart for SARS-COVID-2. Unconfirmed reports have suggested that there have been a series of fatal assaults committed against citizens in Tigray, a predominantly-Christian northernmost region of Ethiopia. Jehovah's Witnesses Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam have been imprisoned in Eritrea since 1994. My CO sentit to me. I am particularly concerned about the two refugee camps, which hosted over 25,000 Eritrean refugees in Tigray region, Hitsats and Shemelba, and which were allegedly destroyed in attacks carried out by Eritrean and Ethiopian troops between November 2020 and January 2021, despite their protected humanitarian status under the 1951 Convention on the Protection of refugees. It is also alleged that military officials in Sawa subject students to ill-treatment and harsh punishments, including corporal punishment, and students undertake forced labour. The Afwerki government revoked the citizenship of the country's Witnesses, citing their refusal to vote in the 1993 independence referendum, as well as their objection to conscription. I am also concerned of the imapact of the national serice on the right to educaiton of Eritrean students. On 27 January, six female prisoners who were detained in September 2020 in Dekemhare, south-east of Asmara, were also released. Now for the rest of our brothers and sister's to come on out!!! Get the latest from our news, events and meetings. Since 2006, JWTalk has proved to be a well-moderated online community for realJehovah's Witnesses on the web. For example, since the last report of my predecessor, some prisoners such as Dawit Isaak, a Swedish-Eritrean journalist, and of ten of his colleagues remain for two decades in incommunicado detention. On 4 December 2020, the government released 24 Jehovah's Witnesses, including the high-profile conscientious objectors Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos and Negede Teklemariam, who had been held for 26 years, and whose cases were highlighted by the former UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea in her final statement to the UN Third Committee in New York in . Around 3,000 former residents of Shimelba and Hitsat have reportedly Three men, Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam, have been in prison for conscientious objection to compulsory military service since 17 September1994. Cant wait to hear more about this. They have spent between 5 and 26 years in prison. Ive prayed for these brothers and sisters ( often by name ) for many years. By Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. Statements ( sort of). They have spent between 5 and26 yearsin prison. As a worldwide association of brothers, we rejoice over this development. What's wrong with the House of Bishops' proposed same-sex prayers? Their detention has also proven painful for friends and family, and one described his sorrow at losing his friend a quarter-century ago. Like many others imprisoned in Eritrea, detained Jehovahs Witnesses have no legal recourse and so cannot challenge their indefinite detention. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". We expect allcommunity members to be active publishers in their congregations,therefore, please do not apply for membership if you are not currently one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Finally, since my appointment, I have not yet had the opportunity to meet with Eritrean officials. Since I started my mandate on 1 November 2020, I am monitoring the ongoing Tigray conflict in Ethiopia, which erupted on 4 November 2020, and its impact on the Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers. In Eritrea, the report mentioned that 52 Jehovah's Witnesses were in jail (as mentioned earlier, 28 were released on December 4). We call on the In this oral update, I request the Eritrean authorities to give me full access to refugees and asylum seekers allegedly held in various prisons inside Eritrea. What a brilliant day this is for not just them but all of us that have prayed for them over the years. The prisoners had been held between two and 12 years. They were focused on trying to take everything of value, she added, saying that they even stole diapers. detained. Thus, when the Witnesses contacted him, he immediately began to study the Bible with them and to attend their meetings. Encouragement for the Worldwide Brotherhood, Breaking News/Eritrea prisoners released (merged), JWTalk - Jehovah's Witnesses Online Community. That they were released just now and so many of them. Return to homepage. Prior to enforcing conscription, Eritrean authorities had provided genuine alternatives with civilian service. I am in tears . Detainees and conscripts at military training camps are subject to torture, including a method called "otto," in which hands are tied together behind the back while victims lie on their stomachs. PaulosEyassu, Isaac Mogos, Negede Teklamarium most of all. As of September 17, 2019, three of the Witnesses, Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam, have been unjustly incarcerated for 25 years.In addition, 39 men and 10 women who are Witnesses are also imprisoned. While in prison, this man saw firsthand that Jehovah's Witnesses live by what they teach. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. We lock topics that areover 365 days old, and the last reply made in this topic was 758 days ago. On 4 December 2020, the government released 24 Jehovah's Witnesses, including the high-profile conscientious objectors Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos and Negede Teklemariam, who had been held for 26 years, and whose cases were highlighted by the former UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea in her final statement to the UN Third Committee in New York in . Paulos Eyasu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam were detained on Sept. 17, 1994, apparently because they conscientiously objected to military service, according to a report published. Four others died in prison and three died after release, reportedly as a result of their treatment., Trimis de pe al meu Redmi Note 4 folosind Tapatalk, This so wonderful for our brothers!!!! There he found himself with three WitnessesPaulos Eyasu, Negede Teklemariam, and Isaac Mogoswho had been incarcerated for their faith since 1994. It is reported that approximately 60 to 65 per cent of students at Sawa do not obtain the results needed for further studies and are either drafted directly into military service or sent to vocational training programmes. In Eritrea, the report mentioned that 52 Jehovah's Witnesses were in jail (as mentioned earlier, 28 were released on December 4). For example, since the last report of my predecessor, some prisoners such as Dawit Isaak, a Swedish-Eritrean journalist, and of ten of his colleagues remain for two decades in incommunicado detention. I wonder if we'll learn at a later time the gravity of this And it has happened so suddenly! Information about Eritrea and the Horn of Africa, Source: UN, Statement of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights situation in Eritrea,Mr Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker, 46rd Session of the Human Rights Council. Your email address will not be published. Citing eyewitnesses he met during a recent visit to Mai Aini, the High Commissioner said many refugees appear to have been "caught in crossfire, abducted and forced to return to Eritrea under duress by Eritrean forces. Paulos Eyassu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam, among others, have been imprisoned for over 20 years for their Christian faith. In March 2002, the country passed a referendum requiring all religious groups outside of the four largest the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Eritrean Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eritrea and Sunni Islamto obtain yearly registrations. Dennis Christensen and many otherstoo. The country is ruled by a totalitarian one-party dictatorship of Maoist inspiration. Please click here to learn how. On religious freedoms, I welcome the release of a large group of Christians. It is also alleged that military officials in Sawa subject students to ill-treatment and harsh punishments, including corporal punishment, and students undertake forced labour. For more details about imprisoned Jehovahs Witnesses, see Several new topics have been merged into this topic. See our advertising page if you would like more information. Since I started my mandate on 1 November 2020, I am monitoring the ongoing Tigray conflict in Ethiopia, which erupted on 4 November 2020, and its impact on the Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers.

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