dumbest countries in the world 2021

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe which has been mired in civil war in its Donbass region between the government and Pro-Russian separatists following the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Population:89.6 millionPeople in need of aid:19.6 million2020 Emergency Watchlist position:2. The Good Country Index is a composite statistic of 35 data points mostly generated by the United Nations. Most of it is as a result of very strong and stable political and legal institutions, social harmony as well as economic opportunities and welfare. Another West African country, Cameroon is a former British and French colony, and President Paul Biya is known for being an authoritarian. Learn more about the IRCs South Sudan response. 7. In countries with high shares of informal employment, lockdowns fueled joblessness and abrupt loss of income for many of those workers. While, like his predecessor, he has initially downplayed the severity of the virus and reports of human rights violations continue to emerge from the country, he made an effort to relaunch the economy and repair diplomatic relationships with his African neighbors and especially the West. their citizens about visiting Chad due to terror attacks, and violent conflict between the rebels and the government following national elections on 11th of April. |Service South Sudans high Emergency Watchlist ranking is driven by widespread humanitarian needs and a fragile peace deal that could unravel under the additional strain of COVID-19. Dictatorial and corrupt governments can make what could be a very rich nation into a poor one. In a new study, the US was named the second-worst place in the world to raise a family. Stalled peace efforts and competition for control of oil fields put Yemen at risk of escalating conflict.. OSAC also grades the country at level 3 for being a dangerous place to visit. Sudan is another African country that is politically deeply unstable. Top 3 crises were most concerned about in 2021 from our annual emergency watchlist:YemenAfghanistanSyria Here is why were most concerned about these 3 countries and how you can help.RT to help us raise awareness and critical action. You can skip our detailed analysis and go directly to the 5 most dangerous countries in the world. Yemen scores low on every sub-index, but access to advanced education is really terrible at only 5.29. Recently, the United States has also withdrawn from peace process monitoring systems in the country due to the failure to meet reform milestones, including drafting a permanent constitution. Eighty percent of the population is in need of aid. On the Emergency Watchlist for the third year running, Ethiopia enters 2021 with a major confrontation underway in the northern Tigray region between the federal government and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). Humanitarian risks in Burkina Faso in 2021, The IRC's crisis response in Burkina Faso. Mexico came in at the bottom of the list as the worst country to raise a family. The country is mired in ethnic violence with a history of gross human rights abuses. The country scores just 25.65 on the "opportunity" index, implying far too many struggle to find work and get ahead. The national unity is weak due to thousands of tribes with different languages and tribal mentality. The top 10 most polluting countries according to the IPCC: Qatar 37.05 per capita Kuwait 23.49 per capita Saudi Arabia 19.39 per capita Canada 16.85 per capita United States 15.74 per capita Germany 9.7 per capita China 7.72 per capita Spain 6.09 per capita France 5.02 per capita Thailand 4.05 per capita Guinea .465. Rajoelina, his critics say, has proved to be corrupt and ineffective (although he recently sacked all his ministers blaming them for the very same reasons). Yet, the government has struggled to restore sales and has seen only a fraction of the revenues it once did, and roughly 70% of the population still live below the poverty line. Niger (not to be confused with Nigeria) is another African country to make it to the list of 25 most dangerous countries in the world. The country came in at a shockingly low 34th place out of 35 countries, only beating out crime-ridden Mexico. With 80 million hectares of arable land, over a thousand minerals and valuable metals under its surface and a citizen median age of just 17, the Democratic Republic of the Congothe World Bank sayshas the potential to become one of the richest African nations and a driver of growth for the entire continent (even just by virtue of being the worlds largest producer of cobalt and Africas leading source of copper, two metals essential in the production of electric vehicles). Speaking of North America in particular, Canada is. The health system has been decimated, undermining Syrians ability to cope with the challenges of COVID-19. But the United States didnt fare much better, coming in at the bottom of the list at number 34, barely above Mexico. Liwan District, Guangzhou,Guangdong (P.R.China) Companies like Axon Enterprise, Inc. (NASDAQ:AXON) offer law enforcement tools and solutions for these countries. Burma, also known as Myanmar, is a Southeast Asian country with a political stability score of -1.26 which is the lowest in the region. For example, a country in debt will not be able to afford good schools, and a poorly educated workforce will be less capable of fixing problems and creating conditions that will attract foreign investment. The top three countries in the 2014 list were Ireland, Finland and Switzerland. Niger also has some of the most common problems in some African countries including ethnic violence, civil conflicts and terrorism. Social unrest is likely to continue to grow because of these crises, and criminal violence is also rising. Topping our list of 25 dumbest countries in the world is Chad. Alejandro de Leon/Getty Images. The Emergency Watchlist draws on 85 quantitative and qualitative measures, including insights from the IRCs 30,000 staff and volunteers in over 40 countries globally. Population:38.9 millionPeople in need of aid:18.4 million2020 Emergency Watchlist position:6. Liberia 45.07. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt6GQqo9hgY** Top 50 World's Highest Paid Athletes (2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uotdk7qbIlg** Top 50 Highest Earning Movie Franchises. [7] Nine of the top 10 countries in overall rankings are in Western Europe, while Canada tops overall rankings in North America. My aspiration is that something will substantially change in my childrens lifetime.. Pakistan is an Asian country and has rich culture and history. The collapse in grain deliveries from Ukraine and Russia has sent food prices skyrocketing, increasing the risk of famine in a country that already has one of the highest rates of childhood malnourishment and stunting in the world. The Good Country Index measures how much each of the 163 countries on the list contribute to the planet, and to the human race, through their policies and behaviors.[1][2]. 11 Countries with Highest Muslim Population, Top 15 Intelligence Agencies With Biggest Budgets In The World. Chad is a landlocked country in Africa. Here are 10 of the deadliest natural disasters of 2021: Next: No. When Deby was killed last year while visiting troops fighting an armed uprising, a military council headed by his son, Mahamat Idriss, took control of the country. Crime rate on the other hand, is measured on a scale of 0-100 on World Population Review with 0 representing absence of crime and 100 representing the highest level of crime. In this regard, various companies like have helped the US prop up its defense through government contracts.Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: ), Raytheon Technologies Corporation (NYSE: Democratic Republic of the Congo is an African country with a very bad state of political stability. It remains a challenging place for aid workers to provide humanitarian assistance. Local armed groups in eastern Congo, often vying for control of natural resources, will continue to make the country one of the most dangerous for civilians and aid workers.. Rich in gold, oil, uranium and diamonds, the Central African Republic is a very wealthy country inhabited by very poor people. Launched:2018.Where we focus with local partners:Maternal health care; sexual and reproductive health care; provision of masks and other COVID-19 protective gear; child malnutrition services; child protection services; gender-based violence prevention and response; cash assistance. The majority of the population is still dependent upon agriculture for their livelihoods, leaving the countrys economy especially vulnerable to weather-related disasters. Civil unrest, terrorism and violent crime are all too common in the country. homicides per 100,000 citizens according to the World Bank. The landlocked Sahelian country, once an agrarian economy, became an oil producer in 2003, but the sudden windfall brought wealth to a few and misery to many. Just three months later, in an update to the previous report where global growth was downgraded and inflation forecasts revised up, the IMF warned that the food crisis had worsened drastically: Low-income countries, where food represents a larger share of consumption, are feeling the impact of this inflation most keenly. Humanitarian needs are certain to rise as borders remain closed. The most dangerous countries to visit in 2023 are Afghanistan, Central However, in most cases, youd find both crime and political instability in the same place. We begin with the Ivory Coast in West Africa, a country which scores just 35.43 on the SPI's "personal rights" metric, thanks in part to two civil wars in the last 14 years alone. Wracked by military coups since its independence from France in 1960, in 2011 Niger declared veteran opposition leader Mahamadou Issoufou winner of the presidential polls. READ MORE:Want To Escape From America? There is a risk of famine due to the conflict and disruption to markets from COVID-19. It scores poorly in political stability and has a high crime rate score of 65 according to Numbeo. Although the crime rate is moderate, the country is politically deeply unstable with a very aggressive military that has been. Formed by the 10 southern-most territories of Sudan and home to around 60 indigenous ethnic groups, a new conflict broke out in 2013 when president Salva Kiir accused his former deputy, rebel leader Riek Machar, of staging a coup. Humanitarian risks in Afghanistan in 2021. Pakistan. Americans work very long hours per year with zero government-mandated paid maternity, paternity, sick leave or vacation time, says Fergusson. Which country is the dumbest in the world? Most of it is as a result of very strong and stable political and legal institutions, social harmony as well as economic opportunities and welfare. As a result, it is estimated that as many as 400,000 people were killed in clashes and nearly 4 million have been internally displaced or fled to neighboring countries. Women are disproportionately affected by the crisis in Afghanistan and reports of early marriages and violence against women have increased. Papua New Guinea has the 2nd highest crime rate in the world just behind Venezuela. Here are some of the countries currently battling severe fires: Greece Greece has been fighting some of the worst blazes in Europe amid blistering temperatures. Launched:1989.Where we focus:capacity building in state health clinics; training local health workers; nutrition programs; sanitation services; support to survivors of sexual violence; child protection services; human rights training; cash assistance; job and livelihoods training. Niger is a landlocked country in North Africa and droughts are a major problem. Ethiopia is second only to Yemen for the total number of people in need in 2021. The pandemic also exacerbated preexisting gender occupational differences, driving many women deeper into poverty. IFC distance to frontier score), Number of aid workers and volunteers sent overseas relative to GDP, Foreign Direct Investment outflow relative to GDP, Development cooperation contributions (aid) relative to GDP, Amount of wheat tonnes equivalent food aid shipments relative to GDP, Exports of pharmaceuticals relative to GDP, Humanitarian aid contributions relative to GDP, International Health Regulations Compliance, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 08:44. The "tolerance and inclusion" sub-index is especially bad at 21.92, thanks to a residual presence of the authoritative Taliban. The US invaded the country in 2003 and quickly overwhelmed the Baathist Government with advanced weapons manufactured by companies like Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC), General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE: GD), Raytheon Technologies Corporation (NYSE: RTX) and The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA). Disclosure: None. 2. |Products 2021 marks a decade of conflict in Syria. The pandemic not only halted but reversed that progress: by the end of 2021, the IMF has estimated, an additional 150 million people are likely to have entered the ranks of the extreme poor. Launched:1996.Where we focus:Health care: containing Ebola and COVID-19 outbreaks, health worker training, rehabilitation of hospitals and clinics, water, sanitation; support for survivors of violence; conflict reduction; economic recovery. 3. Tel: +86 20 81608506, Home When Issoufou stepped down this year after two five-year terms in office, despite an attempted (and thwarted) military coup, Niger inaugurated a new presidentthe teacher and former interior minister Mohamed Bazoumin its first democratic power transfer. The country with the lowest standard of living for its citizens is the Central African Republic (CAR), according to the SPI. Yemenis tell the IRC they worry more about hunger than COVID-19: As the pandemic deepens the countrys economic crisis, and with no political resolution in sight, Yemen faces the risk of famine. Web36 U.S. 49 Hong Kong. It entered the Emergency Watchlist for the first time last year and is now ranked at six. UpdateJuly 19, 2022: With a catastrophic famine looming on the horizon across East Africa, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has released our first ever Crisis Alert update to our annual Emergency Watchlist, highlighting that over 3 million people could die without urgent international funding. WebTop 50 Dumbest Countries In The World l Countries Ranked By Average IQ. Yet, it remains among the top 10 poorest countries in the world, with large sectors of the population continuing to live well below the poverty line. The war in Ukraine has only brought more pain: the World Food Program has already warned that due to the sharp increase in the price of staple products such as rice, wheat flour and vegetable oil the country is currently facing unprecedented levels of food insecurity. One major element among these is how well the country is performing in the field of technology and research. CAPITAL PARTNERS - Peter A. Wright, Invicta Capital Management - Gregory A. Weaver, Tekne Capital Management - Beeneet Kothari, Jericho Capital Asset Management - Josh Resnick, Rivulet Capital - Barry Lebovits and Joshua Kuntz, Generation Investment Man. Times Syndication Service. Possibly the worst-case scenario materialized. Mauritania 46.08. WebEducation has been one of the worst-hit sectors of the economy since the detection of the first index case of COVID-19 in Nigeria on February 27, 2020. Over five years of major armed conflict, severe underfunding, and now the COVID-19 crisis have pushed the humanitarian response to the brink of collapse in 2020. WebTop 10 Poorest Countries In The World 1. After signing a ceasefire and a power-sharing agreement in 2018, government and opposition parties formed a unity cabinet led by president Kiir and Machar as first vice president. On the other hand, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America are relatively the more volatile regions with various social and political problems. WebYemen .455. Iran is particularly dangerous to US citizens and the US state department advises against traveling to the country. According to a new study from the travel website Asher & Lyric, the United States is the second worst place in the world to raise a family. Countries with diets tilted toward commodities with the largest price gains (especially wheat and corn), those more dependent on food imports, and those with a large pass-through from global to local staple food prices are most distressed. 51 Mainland China. Political stability on GlobalEconomy is measured on a scale of -2.5 to 2.5 with the former representing extreme instability and the latter, highest stability. 16. However, this article is based upon facts and figures published by the World Economic Forum in their Global Competitiveness Report. That honor goes to Japan, which is ranked more highly in school test rankings and the number of past Nobel Prizes awarded.In this video, we will see the ranking of the top 50 dumbest countries in the world with the lowest average IQ of Its citizens.___________________________________________Hit the like button if you enjoyed the video.___________________________________________Hit the subscribe button and bell icon if you want to see similarvideos in the future.___________________________________________You can support my work by buying me a coffee @https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dataeagle___________________________________________Checkout Other Videos From Data Eagle:** Top 50 Smartest Countries In The World. civil war which ended in the early 1990s, but thankfully it has been relatively stable since then. Your contribution will help the IRC respond to humanitarian needs in countries featured on our Emergency Watchlist and worldwide. The country ranked poorly in categories like safety (it was the most dangerous in the world), health (the worst), education (also the worst) and happiness (the fifth least happy country). Zip code: 510375 There are a number of reasons why some parts of the world are more dangerous than others. Launched: 2019.Where we focus:clean water; sanitation service support; primary health care, including reproductive health care and child health care. 7 Countries Inviting Americans To Move Abroad, This is a BETA experience. WebSee the full lists of WPS top and lowest 10 lists below and explore every country included in the report here. Norway; Finland; Iceland; Sorry, no results has been found matching your query. We used four criteria to determine which countries to include in our list of the dumbest countries. The index, now in its 20th year, examined the state of journalism in 180 countries across the globe from January to December of 2021. WebNevertheless, a 2021 recovery is very uncertain. Chad is a landlocked country in Africa. The year 2021 marks a decade of conflict in Syria, as violence, displacement and humanitarian needs continue to grow. How have things come to this, despite the civil war formally ending 15 years ago? Moving to the Middle East, Yemen was ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the world by Transparency International. Though it's made a bit of a recovery, its access to information and communications index scores a terrible 34.57. For instance, the civil war in Syria that was sparked when the government brutally cracked down on protests in 2011 has led to a huge spike in organized crime as well as disorganized crime and general violence in the country with crimes being committed by government factions, rebels as well as opportunistic criminals according to a paper from Stability Journal. supplies. Subscribe. Endemic corruption, continued outbreaks of the Ebola virus and the recent resurgence of the M23 anti-government insurgent group in the eastern part of the country continue to frustrate that incredible potential. We used patent applications per million population to rank countries based on their advancement in technology and research. Afghanistan has a crime rate score of 76.97. The Index attempts to measure the global impacts of national policies and behaviors: what the country contributes to the global commons, and what they take away. It is hard to pinpoint a single cause of long-term poverty. Classeditori, Mossi Happy To Play Grinch For A Stronger Central America, GW Platt Foreign Exchange Provider Awards 2023, In Conversation with sgeir Jnsson | Central Bank of Iceland.

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