civil war reenactment groups near me

History. fidiral de France (France CWRT) Carolina Rifles Living history Association. Dismounted Cavalry commanded by Captain Matthew Joe Mallory. We are in La,Ms,Tn. We attend events all over the UK and live, sleep and fight as they did during the American Civil War 1861-1865. We accurately portray the 37th Virginia Volunteer Infantry for reenactments and Living History Events. We are outfitted mainly as a late war unit, and generally reenact as campaigners. North Shore Chapter/Lynn Civil War Fort Tejon Historical Association Read more, Come and experience a weekend steeped in history. Union Uniform Package from $189.95. for the Promotion of History A group of Arkansas Reenactors that portray a Civil War unit from 1861-1865. Many units have loaner gear or special requirements. The Ninth New York Cavalry has been reactivated by a group of living historians and Civil War enthusiasts dedicated to the portrayal of the life of the Federal Horse Soldier. of the Geneva Convention of 1864 The battle occurred during a Union expedition into East Tennessee. (MI), Kalamazoo CWRT (MI) Recreating the 4th U.S. Co. "A" Artillery made famous at the angle at Gettysburg. I Read more, Visit the reenactment of the Battle of Olustee. We are a Confederate Infantry unit of the Trans-Mississippi Theater. Civil War When we venture down south we fall in with the Liberty Rifles. You can start by looking at comments and photos shared by locals to make a more informed decision. Progressive Living Historian's who strive to present an accurate representation of life of a CS soldier. Read more, This year, there will be a recreation of the Battle of Wilson's Creek while transforming the grounds into a robust 19th-century village. 1. Founded in 1971, we are a youth fife and drum corps. The 3rd NHV is an American Civil War Reenacting/Living History group based in South Carolina. Welcome to the 2nd Colorado Volunteer Infantry located in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. On April 29-30, the Friends of the Confederate Reunion Grounds will host its 23rd annual Civil War Living History and Reenactment at Confederate Reunion Grounds State Historic Site. Arms & Militaria Federation. Please contact Jon any time. We prefer to portray CS, but are prepared to galvanize when necessary. Ausreenact. We help with school presentations specializing in hands-on curriculum that meets the state standards for the topic. Are you interested in doing a unique hobby that is full of fun, family, action and character? An active event program and living history demonstrations in Gettysburg, provides for a great mix of battle reenactment and teaching this great hobby to families and school. Current Information (The Flat bottom Boys). Research Center We are a family oriented unit out of the Myrtle Beach/Conway area looking for new members to bolster our ranks during our busy schedule of reenactments and living histories. Pipe Creek CWRT (Carroll County, MD) We have sound military foundation and fundamentals. We represent a unit of the Stonewall Brigade. Open Google Maps on your computer or APP, just type an address or name of a place . 1-540-662-5363, Levi's Barr's Battery, Virginia Light Artillery, CSA. 25 Regt.Wis.Vol.Infy. Read more, On March 19th, Bentonville Battlefield will commemorate the 157th anniversary of the largest battle ever fought in North Carolina. See the upcoming events for this year's campaign. Iowa Reenactment Groups. Most reenactments will also have the opportunity to view the daily life of a soldier in camp. Drummer, 8th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Co. A A US regular reenacting unit that portrays a skirmish (or sharpshooter) unit. Northeast Georgia Civil 1st Ohio Light Artillery Battery L. Based in Portsmouth, Ohio. Civil War Round Table of San Gabriel Valley, We come from in and around Shelby County. We are family oriented and we are willing to help the beginner. This list is far from an exhaustive list. Children of the Confederacy War Studies, A List of Whether you are looking for a unit to join or to invite to your next event, the directory below will have what you are looking for. Table (MI), Middle Tennessee Civil War Round Table (TN), Monroe County Civil War We do galvanize and have civilian impressions that also in the unit. Our Unit is both Mounted & Dismounted Cavalry and we portray both Confederate & Federal Impressions. The 10th Volunteer Cavalry strives to reenact the citizen soldier from Illinois. We are the newest US unit in East Tennessee, also have an artillery section in the East TN Leigon. We are a Confederate unit that is from Southwest Missouri. Date: June Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Civil War Round Table of Greater Boston Authors Guild This is a new regiment so we are on the lookout for new members, the regimental headquarters is located in Dalton Georgia, along with companies B, C, G, H, and I, just like the historical regiment. YERMO: Calico Ghost Town Civil War Reenactment February 15-16, 2020, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Calico Ghost in partnership with the American Civil War Society, invites you to witness the Civil War come alive with the sounds of bugles, and the thunder of cannon and musket fire. Rider Memorial Civil War Round Table (PA), Israel B. Richardson Civil War Roundtable Contact us. Many reenactors enjoy immersing themselves in the period and there just weren't any spectators with smart phones in the 1860's. Perform most of events in the Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas area. This list is far from an exhaustive list. We are Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians. The mission of their website and group is to promote living history and battle reenactment programs at historic sites throughout Florida. Civil War Education Association Since 1997, The Armies of Tennessee has been a re-enactment organization dedicated to the preservation of American History. We accomplish this through "first person" impressions of General Officers, Officers, Enlisted Men, Politicians, and Civilians. Open to new members. We are the oldest Infantry unit in La. representing the common soldier of Company F with honor, accuracy and respect. We are a family oriented unit with members from Northcentral Arkansas and Southcentral Missouri. Round Table (VA), McClellan Society's On-Line Civil We are first in,last out on the battlefeild and simply southern everywhere else. National Organization Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic North Carolina Company D "The Pee Dee Guards". Blue and Gray Education The Runner (N.C.) We are family oriented and also do campaign/progressive events. Read more, Come relive the Reenactment of Abraham Lincoln Funeral Train, that passed through Stone Gables Estate, April 22, 1865. Management and Preservation Organizations New unit out of the original area the Dragoons trained at. One who has an itch and been thinking about becoming a part of a unit. Arkansas Our age range of participants is 16-56, though most are in their 20's. Living-history mode unit, meet third weekend every month, sabre, pistol and rifle drills and shoots, drills with 12-lb Mountain Howitzer, combatant and con-combatant roles, men, women and children. Salt Creek Civil War Round Table Wheaton, IL Our members cover E. Tennessee to Athens, Georgia. Our goal is to do our 1st event next Spring. We are a progressive family unit with memebers from all parts of the country. We have civilian roles as well. Supported by a variety of programming venues, each Adventure Camp is customized to match the age, skills and knowledge level of your group. Calif.). We are a Civil War Reenactment Group looking for men, women and their families who want to get involved and perform authentic Living History Presentations on and off the battlefield. Our unit is based out of Tulsa Oklahoma we drill at Fort Gibson and that is where we do most of our recruiting from. Family oriented. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Our mission is to honor and remember the Irish who fought for the South. Houston CWRT (TX) The 14th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Co. G "The Hilliby True Blues", is a progressive company with members from all over Alabama and surrounding states. Maps helps you give users the context they need with static or interactive maps embedded into your site or app. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Milsurpia. Civil War Round Table On occassions we get to wear the gray. They were then transferred to Fort Monroe at Hampton Roads, Virginia. For more information, call 864.936.7921 or click here. Round Table (MD), Friends of History The founders of NCWV believed firmly in the educational . Sound Civil War Round Table (WA) We do parades, battle reenactments, living history presentations, drills, ceremonies, honor guards, post garrisons and a lot more. Membership is primarily in southern piedmont of NC. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Of all the historical reenactment organizations out there, American Civil War groups are some of the most prolific. We will welcome experienced and the non-experienced, plus we welcome whole famili. Include Your Link Here. We offer a wide variety of services to the public including: Living History programs for Classroom or Public Festivities, Ceremonial Services for Patriotic days of observance,and Battle Reenactment and Civil War themed events to educate the public. Capt. 716-337-2037. view Recent Issue. This biannual event recreates a winter encampment of the Civil War era, with living history Union and Confederate . Family friendly. All of our merchandise is guaranteed for your satisfaction, or we will refund the purchase price- Click Here. The annual reenactment of the Dade Massacre is hosted on site at the Dade Battlefield Historic State Park. WW2 A.R. We are members of the 1st Division of Southern Reenactors and are Family Oriented and Family Friendly. Each year NCWV hosts and participates in several historical re-enactments, living history events, parades and ceremonies across Nevada and California. Dedciated to the preservation of history, the 1st Kentucky strives to accurately portray the Kentucky Confederate soldier. Confederacy Objectives Red Oak Old West Town Civil War Reenactment Leesburg, Ohio May 13 to May 14, 2023 Tentative Battle of Carthage Carthage, Missouri May 19 to May 21, 2023 Battle of Resaca Resaca, Georgia May 19 to May 21, 2023 Cheadle Lake Lebanon, Oregon May 19 to May 21, 2023 160th Battle of Monterey Pass Waynesboro, Pennsylvania May 20 to May 21, 2023 Read more, The Poison Springs Battleground State Park marks a Civil War battle that occurred in 1864 Read more, Travel back in history to the Civil War years. Our Mailing Address, not the sutler tent. Read more, 2 May 1863: As Stonewall Jacksons rebel column slips through the Wilderness, a single Federal division makes an attempt to turn back the hand of fate. It served initially as prison guards at Fort Delaware near Wilmington. Read more, Step back in time and join us Saturday, January 15, 2022, for 'Wintering at Fort Fisher' Read more, Step back with us to another place and time, when President Lincoln could take a break from his Washington duties to give a speech on the steps of our Strathearn House. We are a non-profit, family-oriented organization seeking to bring history to life and to honor the memory of all those who served in the Civil War. This was a small part of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grants Overland Campaign. Our focus is to host, co-host and support local, regional and national events in the Western Theatre. Civil War Round Table of Naples (FL) All are welcome to join. Maryland: 1st Maryland Volunteer Infantry (USA) 7th Maryland Volunteer Infantry (USA) 1st CWRT (WV) no shoes,no boots,no problem, mule collars and shotguns. The Leon Rifles are American Civil War reenactors who have formed an organization that does Living History as a hobby. If you want a unit that is fun without the politics. of Northern New Jersey, Puget We are a newly organized unit of dismounted cav. Sanitary If interested contact Lt Harmer. We are proud members of Longstreet's Corps. You'll see Confederate and Union soldiers as they reenact the Civil War Battle of Munfordville. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit group of volunteers dedicated to commemorating the American Civil War through accurate, educational living history. Authentic re-enactors as confederate mountain men from middle tennessee. Find over 1 Civil War reenactment groups with 9 members near you and meet people in your local community who share your interests.

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