ceausescu last speech transcript

How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument. You should have stayed in Iran where you had flown to. Ceausescu begins his address to the people as he had in years past but this year the tide turned. You have destroyed the Romanian villages and the Romanian soil. We have data concerning both of them. Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu, https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Transcript_of_the_closed_trial_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceauescu&oldid=6470911, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The History: Last Speech, Trial and Execution Decades of brutal oppression under the Ceausescu regime came to a head in Timisoara, earlier that same December. This source is a part of the The Romanian Revolution of 1989 teaching module. Sections in italic type are from Austrian television comentary: Nicolae Ceauescu (Romanian pronunciation: [nikola.e ta.uesku]; 26 January 1918 25 December 1989) was a Romanian politician who was the Secretary Gener. PROSECUTOR: And who heads Securitate? In the early evening, it was announced that a National Democracy Committee had been formed, made up of uncompromised military commanders, students and intellectuals. PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Nicolae Ceauescu refuses to cooperate with the court-appointed counsel for the defense. All their property will be impounded. This is not possible. He also refuses to recognize the new forum. PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide or did you, as a chemist, only deal with polymers? If he no longer has a certain function, he cannot demand anything at all. [1], His security guard appeared, disappeared and, finally, hustled Ceauescu off the balcony. It is surpassingly perilous not only for the country, but also for the ruler who relies on it. We will speak only at the National Assembly, because we have worked hard for the people all our lives. Answer this question! Plenara Comitetului Central al Partidului, Consiliul de Stat, Guvernul, repr. They were not really interested in the people. Those moments of Ceausescus weakness and the power of popular pressure explain why, a mere 48 hours later, Ceausescu was attempting to flee Romania, all power lost. The front rows of the assembly were made up of low-level Communist Party officials and members who acted as cheer-leaders. In one speech, a Romanian politician likened Ceausescu to Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Peter the Great, Abraham Lincoln and other major historical figures. Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: What an obscene provocation. PROSECUTOR: Yes, but you are paying the mercenaries. Now the counsel for the defense, who was appointed by the court, asks whether Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu know the aforementioned facts that he is no longer president, that she has lost all official functions. I only recognize the working class and the Grand National Assembly no one else. No one can dissolve the National Assembly. No one wanted to do anything for you anymore. , Now career military personnel are speaking out through gritted teeth, insisting they speak for active-duty personnel who cannot talk without being punished. They were even worse than the king, the former king of Romania. It must be cleared up whether Ceauescu wants to, should, must or can answer at all. This speech was an annual event and carefully scripted by the regime to insure both success and the appearance of popular support. Please make a note that here it has been stated that all legal regulations have been observed, that this is a legal trial. This speech was an annual event and carefully scripted by the regime to insure both success and the appearance of popular support. This was a coup d'etat. One of the first acts of the new leadership was to place the security forces, the dreaded Securitate, under control of the army. What prevents him from doing so? Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers In the wake of growing tension over an uprising in Timioara in which thousands were reportedly killed, Ceauescu decided to give a nationally televised speech before a crowd in Palace Square (now known as Revolution Square) in Bucharest. Elena says: Look, and that they are calling genocide. Ceausescu and his wife were later captured, tried, and executed. No one was shot. PROSECUTOR: Did you hear the charges? CEAUSESCU: Nobody can change the state structures. I ask the court, as the plaintiff, to take note that proof has been furnished for all these points, that the two have committed the offenses mentioned. The two defendants should also know that they are entitled to a counsel for defense, even if they reject this. I am the president of the people. The Soviet Parliament expressed its approval of the fall of President Ceauescu and sent to the Romanian people a special message of support proposed by President Gorbachev. Elena and Nicolae reject this. PROSECUTOR: We have wonderful programs. CEAUSESCU: You as officers should know that the government cannot give the order to shoot. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. PROSECUTOR: Children cannot even buy plain candy, and you are living in the palaces of the people. Now the counsel for the defense, who was appointed by the court, asks whether Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu know the aforementioned facts -- that he is no longer president, that she has lost all official functions. You were the most important aide, the number two in the cabinet, in the government. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17U.S.C. PROSECUTOR: Well, Mr. ELENA CEAUESCU: I will not answer. Video of Ceausescu's Last Speech, December 1989 PROSECUTOR: You claim to have taken measures so that every peasant is entitled to 200 kilograms of wheat. The following is a transscript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. This demonstrates their lack of understanding. They wanted to separate the people from the army. Thousands of workers were bussed into the square under threat of being fired. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: We will discuss this before the Grand National Assembly. Have you understood them? ELENA CEAUESCU: We will not sign any statement. And today you are acting in the same megalomaniac way. They carried out acts that are incompatible with human dignity and social thinking; they acted in a despotic and criminal way; they destroyed the people whose leaders they claimed to be. ELENA CEAUSESCU: What genocide? Video of Ceausescu's Last Speech, December 1989 | Making the History of Diane Dimond writes in Real Clear Politicsabout the low level grumbling that risen to detectable levels since the Bergdahl affair. Now we are making a last attempt. And so should such reports chill one to the bone. I ask the chairman of the prosecutor's office to read the bill of indictment. ELENA CEAUESCU: What genocide? The prosecutor quotes Ceauescu, Ceauescu's program. All Rights Reserved. Getting a shut-off notice from a utility is also sufficient to claim a hardship exemption. For example,the administration recently issued a new list of prisoners to be released from Guantanamo, citing theirpractice of yogaas proof they had reformed. PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Nicolae Ceausescu refuses to cooperate with the court-appointed counsel for the defense. They are not only accused of offenses committed during the past few days, but of offenses committed during the past 25 years. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, we had no palaces. In 1947, we assumed power, but under completely different circumstances. CEAUSESCU: She was not a deputy prime minister, but the first deputy prime minister. What do you think? PROSECUTOR: We now have another leading organ. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). ELENA CEAUESCU: The intelligentsia of the country will hear what you are accusing us of. You were not used to talking to the people. He, Elena and four others managed to get to the roof and escaped by helicopter, only seconds ahead of a group of demonstrators who had followed them there.. CEAUSESCU: I will not say anything more. I told you right at the beginning that I will not answer a single question. In 1947, we assumed power, but under completely different circumstances. Nobody has opened an account. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide in Timisoara? The counsel for the defense now takes the floor and instructs the Ceausescus once again that they have the right to defense and that they should accept this right. In the uprising by people against Ceausescu during this speech and in subsequent days 1,058 people lost there lives. Last modified on Sun 29 Mar 2020 07.01 EDT President Nicolae Ceauescu was overthrown yesterday and became a fugitive in the country he has ruled for 24 years as remnants of his personal troops. Suntem in fata unui tribunal al poporului. The Rise and Fall of Nicolae Ceausescu, "the Romanian Fuehrer" You should have stayed in Iran where you had flown to. Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. PROSECUTOR: Who ordered shooting into the crowd? PROSECUTOR: Who gave the order to shoot in Bucharest, for instance? ALISON SMALE December 21, 1989. His 1936 mugshot at age 18 still haunts the internet. As the other primary sources reveal, the Ceausescus were tried a few days later and executed as enemies of the new Romanian state. His country passed from traditional monarchy to troubled democracy to royal dictatorship to military control to occupied territory. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: We had no account in Switzerland. All their property will be impounded. Ceauescu answers: As I said before, the people are fighting for their freedom and against this putsch, against this usurpation. Ceausescu answers: As I said before, the people are fighting for their freedom and against this putsch, against this usurpation. Why do the peasants then buy their bread in Bucharest? I hope that you do not also work for the foreigners and for the destruction of Romania. Why do the peasants then buy their bread in Bucharest? Soon afterwards, Bucharest television reported that Mr Ceauescu and his wife were no longer in the country. Fanatics, whom you are paying. 20072021 Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media He always claimed to act and speak on behalf of the people, to be a beloved son of the people, but he only tyrannized the people all the time. No one can dissolve the National Assembly. Then follows the reading of the indictment. JUDECATORUL: Va rog sa luati loc. The prosecutor asks the counsel for the defense to ask Ceausescu whether he knows that he is no longer president of the country, that Elena Ceausescu has also lost all her official state functions and that the government has been dissolved. The front rows of the assembly were made up of low-level Communist Party officials and members who acted as cheer-leaders. They are cowards. Like a jalopy falling apart on the road, dropping a screw here and a spring there, the Obama administration is gradually shaking itself to pieces. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize you. I do not recognize this court. Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu But rebellion begins involuntarily, at the Hayekian level. Ti-mi-oa-ra!a chant that was soon picked up by others in the crowd. At the moment the situation is rather uncertain. Some people will continue to believe the narrative, but even among the acolytes, the fatal smoke of doubt has entered the temple. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will answer any question, but only at the Grand National Assembly, before the representatives of the working class. Judecator Gica POPA. PROSECUTOR: You have never been able to hold a dialogue with the people. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. The produce which the peasants grew was exported, and the peasants came from the most remote provinces to Bucharest and to the other cities in order to buy bread. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize this court. Sooner or later an administration neuters itself from sheer implausibility. A little noticed article in the, notes that Australia will support Japans effort to repeal its pacifist constitution. I told you right at the beginning that I will not answer a single question. Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria, has effectively accused the Obama administration of abandoning genuinely pro-American rebels in Syria thereby allowing the ascendance of al-Qaeda. The bill of indictment contains the following points: Genocide, in accordance with Article 356 of the penal code. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency Sudden realizations are like a crash; its not the fact of deceleration that is fatal so much as the suddenness of it. In the essay The Use of Knowledge in Society, Hayek argued that in complex systems the relevant facts are dispersed among many people. Tell us! The destruction of buildings and state institutions, undermining of the national economy, in accordance with Articles 165 and 145 of the penal code. But who gave the order to shoot? PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide in Timisoara? Unprecedented Interruption of Ceausescu's Speech With AM-Romania, Bjt Everybody should be paid according to his performance. The Man at the Top increasingly pulls on disconnected controls, yet still imagines he is in charge. Not a single shot. Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. Richard III of England rode into Bosworth Field relying on his ally Baron Stanely to come to his aid. Ceausescu sprinkles snow on his wife's head during yet another hunting trip in 1976. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. At the moment the situation is rather uncertain. Did you know that you can purchase some of these books and pamphlets by Richard Fernandez and share them with you friends? The palaces belong to the people. However, there is a difference between real sickness that must be treated and mental insanity which leads to corresponding actions, but which is denied by the person in question.

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