vatican underground tunnels

The 1500 mile tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem UFOmania - The truth is out there 436K subscribers Join Subscribe 3K Share 122K views 2 years ago #gold #gold #ancientaliens There was more. But thats just the body, the soul has salvation, so Hallelua Anyway. I do believe God is at the helm and and Hes more than had enough the time for Him to act has come. Its all such a terrible things. Can you provide a link? Thank you for sharing that. It looks like we are walking along the same path. Its an exciting ride as the Cabal are being exposed and truth is coming forth. Thank you Ken! Hmmm. There will be no such thing as inflation/deflation, and no need for it. The Secret Tunnel Under The Vatican | uCatholic Basilica of San Clemente. Who put it there? If they are bringing Cern down as we speak, Trump would not forget the chemtrails poison being sprayed on us. Much appreciated. How did God put up with it? Very true and scary! I also do not believe in reincarnationI wont have a bar of it. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. It wouldnt be on the direct Vatican to Jerusalem route, but there are so many scattered here and there. We had a strange earthquake exactly at this place, at Mai 1st 2020. Joel 2: 1 Blow the Trumpet in Zion Sound the Alarm in My holy mountain. Tunnels beneath the Holy City - Catholic Herald It will carry millions of tonnes of crap that would otherwise have been dumped into the River Lee. I pray that President Trump is right and we all will love how this movie ends. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. I really like Charlie Ward. Fancy leaving it there! Constructed using a 750mm diameter, crawl thru drainage tube, which has been professionally cut and joined to the entry panels using a clamping system. Small earthquakes all over the world. I have shared it on FB just as it is. "Apparently the construction of the tunnel was completed about 10 years ago," Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. Well, you confirmed everything I said as soon as I learned of this earthquake last year. Thank God for the brave Alliance and other beings. Actually no-one is asking you to believe it Marlene what we are asking you to do is research for yourself. Rabbi Berger claims that the Catholic Church constructed a tunnel underneath King David's Tomb, ignoring the Jewish religious claim to the site and endangering artifacts and catacombs dating back to Biblical times. What ever you believe today, will be your reality tomorrow. Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. I think and hope minimual arguing will happen has to who this gold belongs to. Look the truth is this you may be right! We must continue to encourage each other. This is what I find so shocking! And who likes likes, and who doesnt like, oh, well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Thank you Father for all these blessings. We live in a time and in a world where it appears people like Pelosi/Biden/Johnson/Morrison and countless others are still running our countries but on careful examination we can see they are not who they at first appear to be! I believe it will be. Maybe it is time alone will tell. They are believed to have been of strategic importance for the Templars to escape when they came under siege. 6000 different maladies. Another theory is that the Annunaki aliens created humans to mine gold. Af1, Af2 and fighters, blackhawks etc. Remember the end times is referring to the end times for the Ca/bal (N/W/O), not the end times for us. Yes Jeanne he has been asked to work on that side of things. Thank you for wanting to. Early on I figured it had to be a clean sweep done simultaneously, which appears couldnt have worked, or done in this manner. maybe you are one of them. I was created in the image of God, as we all were. If Donald Trump regains the Presidency, there will certainly will be Rothschild banking system takedown & replacement. It amazes me that the ds got away with it all for such a long time. Church Hill Tunnel - Wikipedia May Gods TRUTH prevail, may justice be rendered, and may our world soon be aright as He determines! I will send you a direct email. It's located right below the St Peter's Basilica. You may remember that when the Covid-19 pandemic first hit, one of the worst places was in Italy. Hi Dennis! I have not used the terminology of 5th dimension etc. Marilyn, I am not that optimist as you are. I too want to wake up from this nightmare like it never did happen ! Rome Underground: 6+ BEST Sites, How to Visit, Tours (+ Map & Tips) This DVD is more than 2 hours long and the info will blow your mind off. Whats that?! When I do see a chemtrail in the sky, which is not often these days, I tell myself they are spraying hydroxychloroquine to heal the skies. I think its more that you are awake and aware and joining the dots together! Do some research. Hes never said a single thing that wasnt already reported but he acts like like he already knew everything. How exciting to hear from someone who lives in the general area! He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. There are other places that they foun. etc. Apocalipsis prophecies are very clear now, very precise, which I considered amazing. Medieval Erdstall tunnels dating back centuries have been found in . Looks really interesting. Where are they? They also had bribed and/or blackmailed most every major democracies government of the world so the government leaders of the world would would follow and implemt their orders . Charlie said enough for everyone to have 1 million each. Hi JayR! I am a follower of Jesus, as well. I suspect not, but rather hes just a paytriot making himself a nice buck and feeding his ego. Potentially clones too although I cannot say for sure about that. Ive had classified clearances that you would not believe. I am convinced also that our God can and does protect everything for us. The Templar Tunnel: Knight's Strategic Passageway Was Lost for 700 In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. But do try to rise above the misgivings and into faith for a beautiful future. Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: That was the first vax Hoax for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J. Hi J I just saw your comment come in and wanted to address it immediately. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Hi Patty! Where ignorant armies clash by night. Covid was just the start, these evil bastards had much more in plan for the world. Hi Marilyn, Vaccine news: Oxford jab outperforms rival amid Macron criticism, Yanis Varoufakis dismissal of EU's claim that Brexit can help bloc, Underground tunnels of the Knights Templar were found in Portugal, Historian and author Paulo Alexandre Loucao, Gualdim Pais, an important Templar in Portugal, King Arthur: Holy Grail of history unravelled by 'tantalising clues', Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert, Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert after Holy Grail mystery unravelled, Antarctica: Scientists make breakthrough over dinosaur-extinction [VIDEO], NASA asteroid revelation: Space rock 'threatens' Earth researcher [ANALYSIS], Asteroid tsunami: Why scientist offered dire warning to US coast [COMMENT], Secret door leading to underground caves of Knights Templar, Knights Templar: Lost secrets of Crusaders who 'carried Holy Grail'. The Native Americans, Incas, and many other long lost civilizations had gold that was stolen from them, and who really knows how long people have been collecting the mineral. Thier ending! Once it's up and running in early 2016, it's unlikely to be accessed by humans again for another 10 years. More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel The downtrodden are important. . Its been an exciting journey. Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. It causes concern when people who may have devious means are saying what goes in and what doesnt! Your believes are your GOD whatever you choose to believe in the Universe will give you evident of your beliefs. It has been said that these ancient books were stolen out of the Bible! God is good. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Spirit of God says, There is a dig, an archeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. The level of the Adriatic sea in the northern part (where I lived) has dropped by about 20 centimeters. Especially if everywhere else around the area is more orthodox. May be three militaries of nations that are in the Alliance have taken gold out of the Vatican underground vault. Thank you again! Thank you! Some believe the order may have once carried the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two items central to Bible scripture, yet never found. If there is that much gold underground, the above ground quantities will drop in price unless the new stash is kept secret. Next to Plovdiv we have a catholic town called Rakovski. Top 10 Things Possibly Hidden In The Vatican Secret Archives 650 aeroplanes were required to carry away all the gold that was brought out of the tunnel which led to Jerusalem. Ive actually removed that last update from my website as on just checking it I found the video was no longer working. President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Perry, Georgia, on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 7:00PM EDT. Hopefully that time will be very soon. We will own nothing and be Happening. Thank you for causing me to check on it. Interesting information. Eye opening. Charlie Ward is being attacked by people that I used to follow but clearly, they have been waiting in the wind to drop bull crap about good people. He advises vaccines (such as Ivermectin etc) not the poisonous jabs! Hi Mitko, I have only read this article now, presented by a International Press show called Connect the dots which is one of our best truther canals in Germany. Everyone has been through the same. I want you to think this through the jab is NOT vaccine! This four-mile sewer runs from Abbey Mills to Beckton, up to 80 metres below the surface. Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says. I do believe Trump has been chosen by God to lead the world through such a strange and difficult time. Thats over a 600% increase in gold reserves. This is where the Papal Tombs are located and where you can see the publicly accessible version of St. Peter's Tomb, located under the altar and above the original tomb. Much appreciated. Its coming! Low vibrational energy is given to strife, depression, war, anger, etc. White House Tunnels Blown Up, Children Saved - Dark Outpost How to Understand Revelations in the Light of Current Events, Its All Written In The Stars For All To See. Out whole education system will go under a review and be rewritten to line up with facts instead of the D]eep S]tates fantasy. The reason for these clones, as this military man above would know, they had to keep those in place because if only 1 or 2 arrests started, the people would likely rise up and cause chaos if they are still asleep and particularly liked the two individuals. Humans have stripped gold from the dead for nearly 2000 years to fill the tunnel. The ancient Roman basilica was discovered by accident under a train station. Hi Patty! I have been wondering this so for quite some time. Covid-19, CURRENT WORLD EVENTS, End of the Cabal, Rescuing the Children There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. Thanks for your comment Jon. However, when I had heard about that mega Mediterranean volcano from Mike( who works for the gov) on Pastor Begleys channel about 2 years ago, my heart sank bcoz I had remembered the Scripture where the beast would arise from. Here in Tasmania we still sometimes see the odd chemtrail but not as many as before. There are of-course, many wonderful believers in these churches. I have lost family and friends trying to get people to understand & especially about the CHILDREN. Well, did it ever occur to you that the hoard of gold brought in from Ophir was the collection of King Solomon who had ruled Jerusalem for 40 years. To me, NESARA is a dream, not a reality. Thank you for being awake to the truth . Personally, I truly believe in Trump as you stated above. Questo successo anche in Sardegna che si trova nel mare Mediterraneo. They show all of our planes in flight. I encourage you to research. Im with you Dorothy! I believe that all the world hunger problems will disappear just as soon as Nesara/Gesara are fully implemented. It is just that we in California see no no change. I do not know what Dane thinks about chemtrails not being dangerous anymore. And dont forget, so also those Money Changers in the Temple that YAHUSHA whipped and drew out they are the bankers of today. Very strange. Him only. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. A Labyrinth of Ancient Tunnels Exist Under Roman Streets The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 kms). By having independent city states the Kasarian mafia dont adhere to any of the laws of the democracies surrounding each of the city states. Normaly everyboday here is orthodox. Secret Tunnels Of The Knights Templar Discovered In Israel My Response: My goodness, a tunnel to America! Wont it be wonderful when our troubled world is flooded with light. Thank you for you kind words its such an encouragement to me to hear them. August/Sept/Oct have all been slated as HUGE months and from everything we are seeing, that is truly the case. Now I am not a seismologue, but it felt strange somehow. I remember Charlie mentioning the missing books once and he cited what is the apocrypha the history of Israel the time between the ot and nt. As many say, it is for the children, and Im with you on that. Try to keep faith as we all tread this dark road. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. Your email address will not be published. Buona vita, Translation: Thank you for everything you posted. It was very interesting to note the tunnels connecting the Vatican to Jerusalem, including the stolen Hebrew books and the gold. Anyone teaching on Rev. We live in a time where we need eyes in the back of our heads at all times. The subterranean structures began as quarries for the Romans. You can unsubscribe at any time. The Kasarian Mafia also owns and controls the W.H.O. and the United Nations and all major corporation of the world, which never shutdown or slowed down during covid-19 (C-the Sheep Surrender). They save the children then blow them up so they can never be used again. What with the Vatican and Buckingham Palace etc all boarded up while it appears they both are out and about on their duties. A BBC documentary exposed a fifty-year scandal of child trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain. Well, what do you know! Anche nel mare Adriatico tra Italia e Croazia I believe it explains your questions well. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. Then they blow them up and move on to the next diligently. In World War II, the tunnels were transformed once again as they were used as bomb shelters. Children being Rescued in Tunnels: Happening Now It seems the Bible is a collection of scriptures that is whatever some people decide it is. Tja, an einem Ort muss man das Gelbezeug lagern und Amerika ist sogut wie der Mond. There are 777 books found beneath the Vatican. Published Sep 16, 2016. It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. Yes, I agree with all you have said Brenda! The labyrinth of subterranean passageways, rooms and cages from which gladiators and . There are many relevant, yet only historical , written pages in our world. We will come through this difficult time and out into a beautiful place but we have to realise it cannot happen whilever the wicked are still on this earth. At the bottom of the shaft is a well-lit tunnel that stretches as far as . Says a lot to me in general as hes proven himself with what he was doing all good. Thank you. Secret Tunnels Beneath Israeli City May Hold Treasure Of Knights Templar It really appears to me that we are currently right in the middle of the Battle of Armageddon the evil ones will be dealt with we are fighting the battle right now together with the Lord. I have added it into the post. Well, they never did, their descendants exists until this day in the Vatican. He had 28 or more attempts on his Life and I am leaning towards divine intervention, like Trump is the Modern day Moses, but now I am disappointed and confused ! I have seen most of Charlie Wards videos along with Gene DeCodes info and completely concur with you. This supports the truth of the Bible and prophecy. I think its funny people who actually dig and do research get mocked by those who have done absolutely none. Thr picture was coded with a upcoming that led to a Google image tat said do not take it. Hi GS! Thanks for your response. Ahh Denbo! There are too many people relating their different stories, whether in the government or in the truth community. He is able to protect what is His. Doch sollte man es nicht schon wieder berbewerten, man muss die Lebensmittelspekulation von den Brsen entfernen und dann wird der Hunger auf der Welt zu beseitigen mglich sein. Try to follow the intel that is letting you know whats really going on. 1 Nothing. My opinion, between September 7 and September 17, 2021, a Jubilee will happen. Its not only what you are told, but what you feel. I feel your pain John! I have heard, but I really do not know if its true or not, that the old chemtrails have already been stopped. But as the publics distrust for their secrecy increased, King Philip IV of France seized his opportunity to settle his own debts and destroy them. Our friend in Sarnegor (30 km from Rakovsky) told us that suddenly the sofa he was lying on went trembling for a short time and I said at once they blew up tunnels there. Gold from the Vatican! - I have seen some of the overwhelming evidence and it makes me sick that people are so quick to condemn.

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