nate and christy bethel

They are the ones in this season that arent satisfied by the status quo but are in pursuit of what God is doing and are parting ways with the hustle and hype of mans ambition. In a few weeks we kick off our third season for the year - House of Acts. (2 Chronicles 23:17) Give no place to the enemy in your life. . In our next season of Grow we feel strongly that God wants to wake us up prophetically to be able to hear clearly for the days ahead. Link in bio.. enjoy! Get ready for a wave of righteous voices rising up. Davids pick up your stones and release the sound into the earth and dont hold back. It's going to be a time and a season when we're able to focus completely on what He has given us. Daughter, dont hold back in fear reach for the hammer of my Word and drive it down deep into the temple of those meditations. Family members telling us to give up because it wasnt God. (Accessed December 18, 2019.). Rich Wilkerson? Christy is based out of Lakewood, California, United States and works in the Motor Vehicle Manufacturing industry. An attached comment on the Instagram feed speaks the sad but harsh truth: You guys need psychological help and are doing more harm than good for the name of Jesus and for the grieving mother. - Hearing the new language and themes on Gods heart for the church and for the world. Often we can stay in connection with people who have drifted from the path because we feel a sense of loyalty to them and dont want to see them in a bad place, but in doing so we can hold ourselves back from the path and even drift from the path ourselves. God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message. Support from within the community of like-minded 'growers'. Christy Nockels - Wikipedia I pray it does the same for you. Of course He can, He is God. But I feel it - a pent up flood is coming and we are about to see a wave of righteous voices rise up and take back major ground where we were silenced in battles we were called to. I see the most broken coming and finding belonging and the lone rangers finding their nest to rest from the storm. I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth! "This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. God is going to shut down every access point so that we can move into this new season uncluttered and completely focused on what He is leading us into. Dont fall for it! A virtual obsession with this life. But the reveal is coming. The Mantle of Deborah They are moving with the courageous mantle of Deborah to tear war off this spirit. That day I was really struggling in my mind because we were seeking God for clarity on a major decision and I felt as dry as the desert around me. 59.3K followers. Follow. It teaches people to speak on behalf of God when He has not spoken. In a few days I am dropping a HUGE word even giving some timelines I have praying into for over 6 months. We pray secondarily for all of those watching this story. I know many are facing warfare on some upcoming doors and right now it feels too wishful thinking to imagine the other side. Silenced. Devastated to hear the news today of your passing . Dont let the fake lion win when you have the roar of the lion of Judah inside you! They are coming over the mountains, like a mother bear with resolve in her eyes to protect her young to restore the family, redeem the unborn and retrieve the lost prodigals. Their jesus is wing man, not a Lord. I was walking out some heavy baggage from my childhood and worried that I was going to bring lots of pain and trauma into my marriage, but worst of all, continue in the bad examples I had seen of marriage. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. I feel this so deeply. He wants you to look to the right and left and lose sight of Jesus in this crucial moment. This only gives access to the enemy to wreak havoc. Satan has overplayed his hand he has targeted our wombs and the fruit of our wombs, so God is raising up his daughters - and the offspring of our wombs - as WEAPONS and antidotes to the enemies strategies. God is taking the keys of legacy the enemy has stolen from you and is placing them back in your hands right now. Listing provided by TMLS His voice calls out to His daughters, rise up my daughters, rise up! Do you need your voice back? It has always been said that everything is bigger in Texas yet what God is doing there is even beyond what we can comprehend. All are welcome to worship. We arent naive about his tactics but this has felt different and God wanted to show me why. Olive was the daughter of Bethel worship leader and songwriter, Kalley. We had people hacking accounts. Her time here is not done, and it is our time to believe boldly, and with confidence wield what King Jesus paid for. The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of all contributors. A palm tree in the bible signifies providence, divine wisdom and intelligence from the Lord it is an opposite way of thinking to the worlds. Nate & Christy Johnston - Events | Facebook After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. 771 following. For now, let this snippet encourage you. Join us for our 4th season Legacy beginning on November 7th! Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again. Been off socials for a little while and have been feeling grateful for for the many people I know are out there that are pioneering for Jesus that goes under the radar. To those taking the legacy road right now thank you! God is calling to you, dear daughter. ATHALIAH SIGNS & SLY TACTICS This assignment has come at this moment to cause there to be a spiritual stillbirth and to frustrate you into giving up. - Discerning and interpreting what God is speaking. There has been some delay and warfare against people settling and being established but HE WILL DO IT! View Christy Torre's email address (c*****@toyot***.com) and phone number. Many have come from years of serving and being part of church communities but they have been severely broken by mans institution that has crept into the Church. The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Alas, Sovereign Lord, I said, I do not know how to speak; I am too young. But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you Jeremiah 1:4-7, Last year we were travelling through the dry parts of north Arizona when we decided to walk through Antelope canyon (with a 9 month old on my shoulder). It wants you to give up your destiny and hand over the keys. When the wild ones came out in January I was overwhelmed with the response to say the least. PURSUE THE GIANTS IN THE LAND! Athaliah is not the Jezebel spirit but is far nastier because she has been around Jezebel and is hired to do her bidding. Ouch. There has been a massive push from the enemy to put stocks on the feet of those moving forward by tethering them to people and the expectations from past seasons. Here they come, can you hear them? AN UNKNOWN FOE But as I sat there in worship I felt like God wasnt wanting to reveal the obvious because we know that any great birthing season will draw in the enemy to the arena. Region 6 Mark of Excellence Awards winners announced in Bloomington, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT . None of us are privy to the events surrounding Olives death but Gods Word does remind us of King David who, when his sin was exposed and judgment pronounced, gives an example of his strong faith in a God who will reunite him with his child in eternity. The last few days have been incredibly sad for a young family who are part of Bethel Reddings music ministry with the announcement that their two year old daughter was pronounced dead after ceasing to breathe. He may do himself some harm., But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David understood that the child was dead. One night as I came home at 2am I felt the presence of God in my home waiting for me and it freaked me out but I knew I needed to get things dealt with, so I ran into the lounge room where I felt His presence so strongly and I fell in a heap as He ministered to me for 3 hours, broke many lies off my life and showed me a picture of what my marriage and family was going to look like. Im not interested in eating the same old manna over and over, are you? Will you lay it all down and surrender everything? It is the same sin he then tempted Eve with in the garden; to be like God. She acts on the behalf of Jezebel but has her own specific targets in mind when she afflicts. Email: Website: Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. In fact, quite a lot of the time they feel like failuresthings fall apart and things don't work. Lets keep going! Do you want to know how to piece together revelation so you can walk it out? Then suddenly a flaming sword came down into the road and divided itseparating these beasts from me, so they were unable to get to me. In this season you will fight fewer battles as you leave the busy and embrace rest. Then we see the effects of the false word faith teachings Bethel also traffics in. ' (2 Chronicles 23:12-13) Right now, the Lord wants us to fill our homes with His presence. On the seventh day the child died. In our second season of Grow - New Wine, we we leading our community into a time of clear revelation and practical insight. Jael means one who ascends or mountain goat. She is the prophetic picture of one who ascends the heights of the house of God just like the picture of Deborah under the palm tree. Do you want to know how to piece together revelation so you can walk it out? So grateful to @lou.engle and Therese Engle for championing us and others as we go and strike the ground this Saturday in Red River New Mexico. Lets get the initial reactions out of the way. The officers and the trumpeters were beside the king, and all the people of the land were rejoicing and blowing trumpets, and musicians with their instruments were leading the praises. And David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. Family members telling us to give up because it wasnt God. I know many are facing warfare on some upcoming doors and right now it feels too wishful thinking to imagine the other side. Torment and lots of mental warfare, and I could list plenty more. I feel there's an instruction in these words from the Lord to completely sever and do away with the past season and to devote this new path and this new season to the Lord where we have a hundred percent focus on where He's leading us and what He's leading us into. PROPHETIC WORD & SOAKING // For those leaving the wilderness.. | Nate The principality of Sisera has been given into the hands of His daughters at this moment. I looked up her name meaning just now, Olive Alayne. ALL FOR JESUS! Christy Torre - Dispute Resolution Supervisor Customer Services Thanks for the footage @eternallystoked. STAY THE COURSE. It makes you question your authority. On this new path, you cant be focused on what other people are doing and saying or you will miss what God is doing. Are you caving to the pressure to be mediocre and let your fire fizzle out or staying on fire no matter how increasingly unpopular it is.. We serve a miracle working God, and all night in my sleep, I kept hearing the words, Talitha Koum little girl, I say to you, get up from the sleep of death in Jesus Name and WALK! - Restoring dreams and visions Join us for our 4th season Legacy beginning in just over a week! refi payment: $4,174/mo Refinance your loan Home value Owner tools Home details Neighborhood details Tap into your home's equity Zillow makes it simple to explore your cash-out refinance options. He is our hope and joy through it all. You were such a mother to so many, justice fighter, and true friend of God. I believe God is removing the religious lids and ceilings off the church and its leaders right now who have been caught in the hamster wheel and need a fresh encounter. I pray they shake you out of fear and stir up the vision and purpose ahead of you in Jesus name. We have been contending for this moment for years and now its finally here! "We're asking for prayer," she wrote. God has been stirring up a people who would be hungry enough for what is beginning to pour out that they would leave the familiar behind to acquire it. Nesting season is coming. Bethel Worship Leader Asks for Prayer That Daughter Who Died Would Come It seeks to destroy your home life. Gods reformers are actively rebuilding the, foundations of Gods Word in every mountain of. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Read the full word in bio.. Not sure who this is for but this is a time to PROTECT what you hear, read, and let in. Today, Sisera is a principality, swiftly moving to oppose Christ. Human trafficking has increased and things like pedophilia that were once considered evil yesterday, are being slowly accepted as an identity. UNDER THE RADAR This spirit has been laying under the radar because we've expected Jezebelwe know what Jezebel is like, and we know the tactics, but this spirit is different. In defending Bill Johnson and Bethel Church, Dr. Michael Brown once told me, You do not know them, they love Jesus. It has always saddened me that people who call themselves Christians seem overly focused on protecting the wolves and show little to no compassion for the sheep being devoured. Ask the Lord to show you where the enemy has sent her and has been trying to come at your inner circle, your relationships, trying to come into your marriage. At first it feels like mess coming to the surface but its actually the justice and deliverance of the Lord coming to wipe your slate clean for the new day dawning. In our third season of Grow House of Acts, we are defining new era revival, what it looks like to build the new wineskin Church, and raising up the remnant to walk in power and authority like the Church of Acts. People ask me all the time what to do in crisis and chaos, news of potential famine, and instability, and every time I get my head out of the headlines and info the presence I hear the same thing MOVE FORWARDOCCUPY DONT SHUT DOWN! Silenced. Dont settle! He gave me the most humbling advice not to repeat some of his mistakes, and was a man who had been through some tough years that God was doing a new thing in and through. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. It sweet talks its way into your inner circle, and then it disassembles your life from the inside out. Last week I was putting out the trash when the voice of the Lord boomed into my spirit these following words.. Its not a zeal to criticise or throw stones but to build. Devastated to hear today that my friend @jeffjansen passed away. This plan of the enemy has come with a controlling spirit, guilt, and condemnation that you are leaving people behind but the Lord showed me that these people are simply not willing to move where God is moving so they would rather hold you back. But then the wineskin burst and I have felt Gods heart that it is time to create space and talk about it, see lives and families healed, revive hearts, and restore destinys. She lured him in, gives him milk, a picture of the sustenance of the Word of God, lulling him into a state of unconsciousness. It will be a season of; One guy years ago we led to the Lord. Website crashing 10 times a day. We are in such an occupy season where territory previously usurped by the enemy is up for the taking and the violent are taking it by force. Christy Johnston: "America, the Bells of Restoration Are Ringing!" Jael did just that. Full word in bio. Suppressed. Ever since we heard yesterday morning, I have been praying prayers of resurrection over this little girl. You were such a mother to so many, justice fighter, and true friend of God. Here they come, warriors and nurturers, soldiers and protectors. Ive had scammers and trolls apologize many times before after I prayed. Such a great time to be alive. This miraculous feat was done by God through the prophets and Apostles (there are ten reported cases in the Bible, other than Jesus). ***** To receive daily . Who has noticed God doing this? I also knew it was the Lord speaking about the ending of a season of warfare and opposition and the beginning of a season of protection and favor, and the restoration of joy and strength. Be alert and of sober mind. What do you need restoration and recompense in? We have to get back our authenticity and power. Have you felt like you have been in a revelation drought? It's our hope that our courses, books and prophetic words lead you into a fresh encounter that catapults you into your calling and destiny. What about the people on your old path that didntor couldntcome with you? Prophecy: 'God Is Flipping the Script, and Storm Breakers Are Rising' For now, let this snippet encourage you. It comes at your marriage. We mourn for Kalley. I want to specially speak to those who are trying to advance forward with that crazy idea and dream and you have been hit on every side. - Re-activating and stirring the prophetic gifts That day I was really struggling in my mind because we were seeking God for clarity on a major decision and I felt as dry as the desert around me. You will have the infrastructure, you will have the plans, and you'll know that it is a season, a grace, and a time to be able to establish what I've given you. Treason! I can see their eyes burning with a fierce passion for their Beloved, they are moving in response to His call. Last week I pressed record on my phone and just spoke what God was saying and then noticed a swirl over the weekend into the new week. Dont believe the lie that nothing is moving or happening for you. Its time to be a family and set the table for others, to become the true family of God that the world so desperately needs. Pockets of revival bursting forth like a sower sowing seeds into the earth. Nesting season is coming. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6 Shake off the lies and foreboding fears and fix your eyes on Jesus. Gossip and the words you are speaking: This is a very common way to allow this spirit inby tearing down others. Join us! Link to full word in bio. Pockets of revival bursting forth like a sower sowing seeds into the earth. Associate Dean for Campus Engagement. I do not want you to have any backup plan this season. God is taking the keys of legacy the enemy has stolen from you and is placing them back in your hands right now. It is a mantle of courage and boldness to stand fiercely against the enemy and stand guard over your family. You cannot expect miracles when your base is actively working against God. Registration opens March 11 for an April 11 kickoff. After having a radical encounter with his love, we discovered the heart of the Father and stepped into our calling to raise up a generation to live out the power of the Gospel in their daily lives. Years ago he gave a warning word to me through a friend and it saved us years of potential heartache. One guy years ago we led to the Lord. Full word in bio. Village life as we have known it has been ceasing, but watch as God's Deborahs arise. Not saying its been perfect or easy since that day - in fact we have had to walk through some intense seasons of God breaking strongholds and healing but its totally been worth it for the sake our our kids not having to walk out the junk we have. Seriously, they train all of their worship leaders to engage in emptying their mind and blaming whatever pops in on God. This is a new chapter; this is a new path. This is a season the Lord wants you to pursue the giants in the earth. Anyone who enters the temple is to be put to death. I felt instantly that He was brooding over its birthing of something significant and mighty He has always seen that this state would bring forth. There has been an increased war against women - both an attack on our wombs, the fruit of our wombs, and an attack against our God-given identity as daughters and mothers. Its time to see the fruit of your yes. It was too precious to Him and and He wanted it seen. Cut the cord! I think it's quite a normal thing for pioneers when the Lord calls them out into the deep, for them to begin to plan for a backup route or path. Misfits where are you? But I knew this was the Lord now saying, "Hey, this new path you're about to walk on is going to look very different from what you've known." For those who are ALMOST THERE.. those facing endless distraction, chaos lurking at their door, and chatter increasing to a deafening volume.. This is a season He doesn't want you to continue forfeiting the call on your life or handing it over to other people you feel are more capable of running in that calling. For those who have given all for the call. From around October 2022, through to even now, there has been an assignment of full assault trying to bombard God's people and stop them from entering this new path so that they would not see the promise in the days to come. What does that look like for your pathfor your life and for your family? Just a few thoughts for pioneers this morning. But Im aware that part of this process means we have to be ok with God turning over the tables we have built, turning our lives upside down, and building us from the ground up.. We are in a reformational season and a redefining hour in the church and its all hands on deck! The magnifying glass was also looking to and fro over the state for fruit from the remnant He has been raising up in this season that were pure and not sold out to the religious spirit that has long tried to choke the life from the move of the spirit in Texas. Suddenly this loud roar sound came out of me and I begin pushing back the darkness trying to get us to throw in the towel so close to the finish line. They are moving to the sound of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is roaring behind them. Jaels tent points to the tabernacle, the sanctuary of God. As Siseras armies were lured into battle with Barak and his armies, Sisera fled on foot in terror and ran into the camp of Jael. Jael, knowing who stood before her, allures Sisera into her tent. Last week I was putting out the trash when the voice of the Lord boomed into my spirit these following words.. It will be a time of revelation, a time of renewal and strength, and a time of restoration of joy for this long season behind us. Get ready for a wave of righteous voices rising up. WATCH ME DEAL WITH THE LIONS I felt the deliverance of the Lord coming to many right now and the Lord said And now watch me deal with the lions! I knew this was for those who have been in the thick of the battle over their lives, families, and destinywhere the enemy has sought to take them out and discredit them. The spirit of Athaliah wants to come and rob you of the authentic artifact that God is wanting to bring to you. I shall go to him, but he will not return to me., Jenn Johnson (who sees the Holy Spirit as the sneaky blue genie from Aladdin), His voice sent shockwaves to the enemys camp and Ill never forget the years I was schooled by the anointing on his life as I would listen to his messages and evident glory upon his life.

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