forced diversity in advertising

But leave me out of it. Anyhow, I googled my catalog and black vs. white models. Diversity in Advertising: Avoid The Obvious 05/06/2021 - MediaPost Last June, members of the advocacy group Three's a Crowd (TAC) sought to actionably reduce systemic racism and create equity in advertising with the "In for 13" initiative, a three-year promise. Microsoft censors 80% of my posts replying/responding to obvious left leaning readers/posters trying to give my conservative opinion/side & they constantly censor me. its discrimination. I understand these ad people are maybe trying to achieve some kind of authenticity and will always try to protect themselves by claiming their ads are aspirational i.e. Also note that Americans happily and overwhelmingly voted for this black man to be their president. Yet we continue to lower standards, bend the rules, to be politically correct, or diverse whatever. Its because Europeans do not operate advertising agencies or movie studios. As a Delta frequent flyer, I cringe every time I walk down the jetway. On occasion, I myself have heard black people admit that their fellow blacks purposely behave counter-culturally to whites. (Facebook Advertising) 10. I read that 3.9% of the US population intermarry. Poll your current customers, find out what they feel shows diversity and use what they say. Thats a hefty payload of Truth you just dropped, Kris. Instead, most advertisers commitment to diversity is a shrill, cynical, and superficial charade dressed up in lip service and lofty corporate values that amount to precisely fuck-all when in fact, these companies with their gigantic ad budgets are in a unique position to actually do something positive for their customers, their country, and the public at large. Advertising is just the tip of this rather large iceberg. I do believe that their day will come sooner than they think. The best ads Ive seen in the past few months have been Arbys, Chick Fil-A, and ServPro, each of which focuses on either the product or service being offered and do not appear to be pushing nonsense. Thats a great point, WonderWoman. Black men have already taken over game shows; I started noticing that but it didnt bother me too much because I could tune out if I didnt like it. I am amazed that the conversation of this topic has been started. It seems like TV is pushing white kids to act like disgusting black kids. Can I interest you in a Jeremys razor? Of course you are wrong. Fake advertising, Bob? This just divides the people. Which we all know is no where close to being true! 'Forced Diversity' In Movies Is Not a Thing - But Here's Why Some I am disgusted by all of this. Advertisers are 'trying too hard' to demonstrate diversity | Daily Mail Online Channel 4 YouGov poll looked at representation of BAME and LGBT communities Broadcaster claims that brands are. I dont want to see 2 guys kissing, 2 girls walking hand and hand or every black living in in the Hamptons. 1. Why do we constantly try and guess? I cant even watch it on weekends anymore because most of the hosts and guests are black. Explore ANA products, services, and unique marketing insights by your area of interest. In the 1930s, the big movies studios often promoted effeminate men as their leadsDavid Manners Leslie Howard. I do hear them complaining that TV commercials seem to be promoting an agenda rather than reflecting real life. Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. No wonder black fatigue is becoming a thing. The biggest lie I see every day in TV in ads is mixed couples with a white husband and black wife. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers in order to sell them again to other Africans or to Arabs. Or maybe its revenge for all that egregious mansplaining Ive heard so much about. Just like BLM is a terrorist group. And more thoughts and musings yes, I would add Facebook and Google to my list of monoliths. I hear you. Shame on you, advertising professionals. We see you. I worked at DFW Airport for 30 years and I did everything in my power to keep my sexual preference hidden form all my coworkers. Is that not the very definition of racism? Same with EastwoodDirty Harry throws away his badge at the end of the movieand in other Eastwood filmstheres usually a negative compromise. It is because they loath to present young white men as heroes or role models. Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. Ditto with James Bond. Im a white senior male and a retired electrical engineer. Also annoying are the interracial couples. Exactly everything Ive been thinking and seeing too. Thanks, Michael. . The reason more white people dont speak up about issues like these is because they fear they will be labeled a racist!! I think a white person wants their race to survive & thrive as much as all other races. As a white person, and proud of it, my race and history is being erased. I see about 3% of Asians and less than 1% of Hispanics in commercials these days. The worst part, however, is that the vast majority of the sleeping populace goes right along with it, happily complying with the activists demands and parroting the inclusive propaganda. Take a moment to write a quick email, tweet, or Facebook post to some of these companies who are pushing this forced-diversity agenda. What can a brown man give me that a White man cant? Should we start shutting down and burning down communities to highlight this fact? I think youre right, Kris. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? . I have noticed this myself the last year and is more prevalent the last 6 mos. Not to get too political here, but the progressive mind-set is akin to that of a sledgehammer when instead, precision instruments are called for. And the corporate media including Big Tech are not just complicit, theyve been captured completely. Or provide up to five specific focuses on diversity and do a Twitter poll or a poll via social asking peoplereal peoplewhat matters to them. Just wow. In the meantime, theyre all probably laughing themselves silly watching race-obsessed white people trip all over themselves to make commercials that make white people feel less guilty about being white. I love how she justifies her paycheck. Geez. Consider that Luke Skywalker was 57. Watch any 80s teen movie and the villain is a rich blond kid while the hero is a dark haired, probably Italian from the wrong side of the tracks. It had a list of things an ANTI-RACIST can do to make amends to blacks. But Google image search white family vs. black family and see what you get. #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride, Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 22, 2022. And I see it clear as day and constantly find myself defending straight White men. 20 years from now, maybe it will be down to 30% white male. The irony is most young suburbanites who care about the issue choose streaming services to avoid or skip the ads anyway. Now are the monoliths totally responsible for all of this? White men are finding it harder to find work no matter what their skill or education level just for the sake of diversity. The real reasons people hate TV commercials in 2023 Multiracial scenes now common in TV ads White, yes. Beautifully written! A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2022) We are not to pay for the sins of our fathers, and absolutely no one has done more to help lift the black community out of poverty. Well, right now there is nothing authentic about the way advertisers are representing or not representing different races and cultures in commercials. Ha! I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. In the 1940s, certain studios would have a black janitor who sacrifices himself for the white male hero. Love it! For example, Sprite is popular with blacks and has been since the 90s when the companys marketing tapped into hip-hop and sports culture. I remember a commercial for some years back showing a husband so stupid, he couldnt even go to the grocery store without constantly calling his wife, even when the cashier asked paper or plastic. I dont remember the advertiser, only that that commercial totally pissed me off everytime I saw it. By simply taking the time to survey a couple of POCs in your target audience, you can create a more authentic campaign. . No, there is something else at work here. I've seen ads with literally theres one east asian, one south east asian, one white, and one black. I could give hundreds of examples, but a couple of recent examples jump to mind. Currently the white race has been painted into a corner. I am so tired of this. I was not brought up like that. I just finished a rather long article about the Frankford School and their agendas. Its so degrading and embarrassing. . My problem with reparations is that it is not needed. I suspect the marketing person has they gender, birthing person, 28 years old, white, in a cube on Madison Avenue, nose ring and purple hair. Love your post, Kinchan. Hi, Robert. Please explain what you mean by the statement the other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all? You do know that Black people are not a monolithic group. We will never be rid of it. There was an exception made for John Wayne and Errol Flynn but some of it had to do with a desire by Hollywood to promote the war. You are simply noticing the obvious mile-wide chasm between the real world you live in and the forced-diversity agenda that seemingly all brands and advertisers are foisting upon us daily. Should either of those be the objectives of Delta Airlines? As a White woman, Ive never had any interest in interracial. They see white erasure in western culture and wonder why. Facebook is as unreasonable as Twitter, its just more successful because, despite his many other flaws, Zuckerberg bears a slightly closer resemblance to a book than Dorsey or those now in charge at Twitter ever did. I dont feel guilty. By watching TV commercials today you would think that 70 to 80% of the population are people of color. As for myself, they are missing their mark because I dont watch the commercials anymore I see nothing recognizable in them. Strong, smart and other traits are totally INDIVIDUAL traits. . Unfortunately African Americans in the inner cities are at a great disadvantage to develop positive Motivational Values for at least three reasons. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. And this blantant overrepresentation is not limited to TV commercials. Theyre all disgusting and insult my intelligence. Clearly, it is very real. Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. Im getting sick of TV in general. In answer to your question, its both. how wonderful, right? Anyone up for organizing a white history month? Another way is to ask for an opinion from someone unrelated to your campaign, but always take that input in the right proportions. These advertisers are scumbags and people should boycott the products that theyre promoting!! Im sure people watching us from other countries have to be like wtf??. theres no such thing as reverse discrimination. White kids, really all American kids regardless of race, are being Blacked/Africanized we can easily see. Deselecting these cookies may result in seeing advertising that is not as relevant to you. Its ridiculous and feels like retribution at this point, rather than wanting things to be equal. The contrast between todays media and the real world is truly striking. The net result is even fewer white people in commercials. So much for fairness and tolerance, yes? You get the drift. 25% Jewish? The female chromosome is XX, the male is XY. . Interesting, RPD. Yes embarrassingand since you say this Im guessing you are black. We have all forgotten that the fall of the Roman Empire, and every great civilization that has risen and fallen, was the result of sexual deviation and perversion. That was . THANK YOU for an amazing post, and for sharing your observations with us, as disquieting as they are. Where are the Asians? Most nights I could barely stand five minutes before pulling the plug. This is an expansion on the magic negro trope. If I had a DVR, I would tape the shows and fast forward right through them. some stick and become part of the public consciousness. As others have posted, advertising is but a cog in the machinery. But if fitness ads over present black people some of them may say that they target them because people think that only black people are fat. America GET YOUR BACKBONE BACK AND START SAYING NO TO THESE PEOPLE!!! And if the definition of racist necessarily requires holding a position of power, then tell me who has power over the hearts and minds of our kids en masse through public institutions and entertainment propaganda: A. rappers, celebrities, certain unnamed conglomerates who happen to operate a HUGE segment of childrens programming, et all? Just saw two in a row with black families. Slavery has existed within all peoples over the world. Neutral is burying your head in the sand. As forward-thinking experts in their field, the members of Forbes Communications Council know the importance of thoughtfully incorporating diversity in marketing and ad campaigns. Perhaps Twitter did you a favor, Anonymous. As Jeremy Boreing of The Daily Wire recently acknowledged, there arent a lot of options for disenfranchised consumers who dont want to give their money to woke corporations. Without a doubt, traditional (read: European, white, Christian) values are under attack and the war is now out in the open. Since these people believe they are beyond Good and Evil, and the rest of us need to be reduced to savage beasts. This is not about money, or placating the woke mania. To that end, Tubi is actually a pretty great (and free!) I have no problem with people from different cultures, perspectives, etc. Advertising is just an extreme version of the same phenomenon. If you find it annoying, its because its not representative of reality. I hope you dont mind (especially as you remain anonymous), but I shared your comment on both LinkedIn and Twitter and posed the question, At what point does the push for diversity and inclusion become *exclusionary* and itself as pernicious as the problem it was meant to solve?. You are totally right and Im in the UK. Very clear & accurate message!! And third, inner city public school systems are often limited by teachers unions. Every soldier, police officer and fireman knows this. Its the ad agencies and the companies they represent that infuriate me, not any demographic of Americans. Good observation. I am a middle aged white woman. I dont see it, yet the advertising industry engages in constant self-flagellation over the lack of black workers. And I have lots of hypotheses on why but have yet to finalize my theory. Representation in advertising had already started to become untethered from reality prior to August 2014, when the Ferguson, Missouri riots erupted following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson. Its galling to me that even in advertising locally here in the Mountain West, where the population is close to 90% white, I dont see a lot of people who look like me or my friends, family, or neighbors. I understand that the oscars criteria for being nominated for best picture includes a declaration that the movie pushes equality and diversity, and is socially all inclusive. Seeing the proliferation of the kind of diversity representation ads were talking about here really bugs me. NFL merchandise commercials show virtually no whites in their merchandise ads, yet TV live shots of stadium crowds are almost entirely white audiences. Thats my point exactly. Thank you. Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? If you forced an alien to consume a years worth of American media, he would come to the conclusion that the country is about 40% black or mulatto, 25% Jewish, 25% gentile white, and 10% other (hispanic, asian, native american). Thank you . But almost every day, we see videos of people brazenly walking in a store or walking up to someone on a sidewalk and just taking whatever the hell they want and walking off with it. The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. Advertising clearly misrepresents the US demographic.

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