Deaths: Grazulis narrative: Moved northeast from west of Lawrenceburg to the edge of town. Path length: 17 miles Falling debris at this location struck and killed a resident. Noted discrepancies: None Injuries: 40 F-scale: F3 Winds were about 90 mph along Monroe Drive. The tornado narrowed and went to about 50 yards in width. Three trees were knocked down or snapped northeast of the shop, with the last evidence of a tornado about 150 yards farther down. Path length: Path length: 4miles Time: 3:00pm The deadliest was on. It then moved southeast, destroying two outbuildings. Injuries: Time: 8:30pm Injuries: SPC gives a path length of 1/10 of a mile, NCDC provides no length. Wind speeds in the area were estimated at 170-175 mph (EF4) with a damage width of one-quarter mile. Three single-wide mobile homes near the intersection of Joyce Mill Roadand Highway 625 were destroyed along with tree damage and downed power lines and poles. Moving due east, it snapped the trunks of several large trees, blocking the highway, and mowed down a line of trees along Louis Mattingly Road. Throughout the property there were twisted and uprooted trees. Deaths: 0 County: Scott, KY July 5, 1987 Deaths: 0 F-scale: F2 Deaths: 0 Deaths: Path width: Path length: Path length: Several bowing segments within the line produced severe thunderstorm wind damage. Trimble County is included at NCDC, with begin and end lat/lons identical to each other and to the end lat/lon given at NCDC for Jefferson County. April 19, 2011 Deaths: 0 F-scale: F2 F-scale: F1 F-scale: F1 Injuries: 0 Along Palmyra Road near Strickland Road, several trees were snapped with EF1 damage 50-100 yards wide and estimated winds of 100-110 mph. Notes: Storm Data puts this tornado at Campbellsburg. Edmond. SPC and NCDC give a path width of 1133 yards, Grazulis give 800 yards. It's just the way the wind patterns work. Counties: Washington, Mercer Deaths: Counties: Madison Grazulis narrative: Moved east from two miles south of Shepherdsville. Most of the roof was lifted up and over power lines that were 20 feet above the ground 150 feetdistant from the house. December 15, 1971 Deaths: Most of the Indiana damage was from wind-driven hail. Path width: 30 yards Counties: Clinton Time: 8:17pm April 3, 1974 A home was unroofed and tenant homes and barns were destroyed. Injuries: 0 However, in addition to Grazulis' information, the Bowling Green newspaper reported tornado damage on Porter Pike. washed for days, were still covered with specks Deaths: 1 Path width: Deaths: 0 Notes: Storm Data takes this tornado from one mile east of Smithfield to five miles east-northeast of Eminence. Injuries: 0 Path length: 1.9 mile October 4, 2002 The tornado then continued to skip northeast, snapping branches and trunks to the west of Frank Luttrell Rd, before crossing the road and causing minor roof damage to the metal roof of a barn and snapping more tree limbs a third of a mile southeast of North Hancock Elementary School. Injuries: 0 The War of 1812 was ongoing, and the British had just defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bladensburg on August 24 and reached Washington. Path length: 30 miles Deaths: 0 County: Harrison IN, Jefferson KY Counties: Butler (from Muhlenberg) Injuries: 30 Deaths: Notes: This tornado struck downtown Munfordville. In this area the tornado was rated as an EF2 with 115 mph estimated winds. Path length: Injuries: 0 Time: 1:47am EST Path length: 2.3 miles Path length: 11.6 miles It then crossed Sweeney lane. May 2, 1948 Deaths: 0 Noted discrepancies: Grazulis does not include Shelby County. Notes: This tornado struck Brier Hill. Injuries: Injuries: 0 Path length: 15 miles Fences were torn down as well. Path length: 32 miles April 28, 2002 Noted discrepancies: SPC/NCDC endpoint lat/lon for this tornado is in LaRue County, and narrative at NCDC includes LaRue County. Several outbuildings were damaged and numerous trees were uprooted or snapped in the Sunfish area. April 20, 2011 Grazulis narrative: Moved north-northeast from five miles southwest of Hustonville, passing through Junction City and ending at the south end of Lake Herrington northeast of Danville. The tornado hit the Salem Rd area hard with extensive tree damage. Deaths: 3 Path length: 3 miles (skipping) July 23, 1961 EF-Scale: EF-2 Counties: Lincoln Path length: 1.7mile Counties: Dubois Structural damage was observed on one farm, where the roof was torn off a large metal outbuildingand minor damage occurred to several other buildings as a result of this debris. Injuries: 12 Deaths: 0 Injuries: 0 The tornado may have skipped a few times along its path. Notes: The tornado destroyed a trailer and an outbuilding along Hansborough Road. Path width: 40 yards F-scale: F1 Cedar trees were snapped. Counties: Washington KY mud from head to foot; eyes, mouths, and ears About 300 homes were destroyed along the northern edge of Madison. May 15, 1986 Deaths: 0 Where SPC has Edmonson County (FIPS061) coded, it should be Mason County (FIPS161). Immediately after the storm, Lagrange Interurban cars leaving Louisville could not get beyond Lyndon. The longest tornado path ever recorded in this region was 60 miles. Deaths: 0 Deaths: 0 Counties: Butler, Warren (from Muhlenberg) Noted discrepancies: NCDC and Grazulis only list Knox and Daviess counties. Path width: 150 yards Deaths: The two-story eight-room main residence was "torn from its foundations" and reduced to a pile of rubble. A one room schoolhouse was destroyed. Path length: 3.3 miles Time: 9:40pm One trailer roof was thrown 65 yards. Path width: Suddenly a sleeve appeared descending from the cloud and a tremendous funnel tore through the timber along the Washita, hurling trees into the air. SPC gives a path length of 79 milesNCDC gives 81 miles (including 54 miles in Scott County, which is impossible), and Grazulis gives 36 miles. Counties: Harrison IN Time: 9:00pm Injuries: 0 An empty trailer was flipped over near this location. Time: 6:39am CDT Injuries: 0 Up to a mile wide, this very intense tornado swept away entire farms as it passed one mile north of Laconia and two miles south of Elizabeth. Witnesses said that the main tornado broke into two vortices, the larger one of which hit the house to our west while the other went to the east and damaged a farm on Carl Monroe Road just south of KY 44. Path length: 45 miles (probably a family of skipping tornadoes) It was described as a green-rimmed cone-shaped tornado which rose and fell moving like a monster wave., What History Has Taught Me with Robert Vaughan, You Had to Look Hard The Marquis de Mors Did, Tallyho Coach at Hot Springs, Dakota Territory. Path length: Injuries: 122 Deaths: 0 Path width: 250 yards Injuries: 0 This is consistent with EF-2 damage and 120 mph wind. Path width: 50 yards Climate Graphs Noted discrepancies: None In Mercer County four homes and 26 homes were destroyed. The storm increased in width to 200 years and struck several single and double wide mobile homes south of Millerstown road. Time: 12:30pm F-scale: F0 Insulation was thrown from north to southeast. March 1, 1997 In older events, the number of tornadoes officially counted is likely underestimated. Grazulis narrative: Moved east from just east of Goshen, passing one mile north of Lagrange, and through Jericho. SPC, Storm Data, and NCDC list one injuryGrazulis lists none. Farther east, there was massive deforestation on the east side of a ridge just west of and along Henryville Otisco Road. July 8, 1991 County: Hardin Several large 2x10s and 2x8s were impaled in the ground about 50 yards from the barn. EF-Scale: EF-2 Itcrossed Interstate 71 where it overturned a truck, and lifted 2.2 miles northeast of Campbellsburg. The path described above was more certainly a tornado. The oldest known tornado occurred in June of 1830 near Louisville. Time: 6:30pm Counties: Fayette Notes: A bow echo passed through Grayson County and quickly spun up a small tornado just south of Clarkson at 3900 Millertown Road. Tornado History - National Weather Service February 6, 2008 On Stewart Avenue a house lost its roof. March 3, 2020 Injuries: Grazulis narrative: A tornado was intermittently on the ground about five miles east of Bowling Green. Injuries: 0 Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy If the longitude is changed from SPC/NCDC's -84.08 to -85.08, it's in Shelby County. F-scale: F1 With more people coming in contact with tornadoes more often, large organizations like the Smithsonian Institution got involved in the research. Injuries: 0 The tornado skipped east-northeast for nearly 9 miles across primarily open fields. Path length: Deaths: 4 EF-Scale: EF-1 The last damage report in Jefferson County was on Collins Lane where homes and commercial buildings were damaged, and roofs were removed from barns. Deaths: 0 Path width: 90yards Deaths: 0 Time: 12:28am EDT EF-scale: EF1 Time: 11:59am Narrative: Timber and barns were destroyed four miles north of Paoli. SPC gives and endpoint lat/lon of 28.50/-85.12NCDC give 38.22/-85.45. Carmel Road. 3. EF-Scale:EF1 Deaths: Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC list three fatalities, Grazulis 2, Storm Data 6. It destroyed a cinder block outbuilding and took a 100 foot section of roofing off of a large metal outbuilding. Injuries: EF-scale: EF1 Deaths: 0 Grazulis places this tornado at 7:20pm. Path width: The tornadosignificantly increased in width to approximately 300 yards and dida lot of damage along Halls Creek Rd. Path length: Grazulis narrative: Moved east-northeast from Tanyard to south of Caneyville, passing north of Leitchfield and ending near Big Clifty. Path width: 150 yards Path length: Injuries: 0 Deaths: 0 EF-Scale: EF1 F-scale: F2 Probably meant KY 571. Path width: 75yards Time: 6:06pm - 6:21pm CDT Counties: Henry Path width: 50 yards Notes: Storm Data says this tornado touched down eleven miles northeast of Standiford Field and traveled northeast for three miles. Make careful observations of all electric displays, the appearance of balls of fire, the sound of thunder, the roar of the tornado, etc. Grazulis narrative: Moved east-northeast and northeast from three miles south of Huffman, passing southeast of Branchville, north of Sulphur Springs and Pilot Knob, south of Sulphur and Curby, across the southeast part of DePauw, hitting two miles east of Palmyra, passing through Martinsburg, crossing the southeast half of Daisy Hill, passing between Bunker Hill and New Liberty, and ending two miles north of IN 160. The roof of the restaurant was thrown westward on top of a livestock barn. In one case, it snapped the 2-foot diameter trunk of a large cedar less than 5 feet above the ground, but lofted the tree over nearby utility poles -- which remained intact -- and deposited the tree 200 feet to the east. One, on the left side of the path, was shifted south, and the other, to the right of the path, was shifted north. F-scale: F0 The debris was blown up to 0.25 mile to the northeast and exhibited both convergence and rotation. Counties: Butler These textbook entries were reproduced in entirety, as found in Early American Tornadoes 1586-1870 (David Ludlum), pp. Path length: An occupantof the home reported he was descending the Counties: Clark KY (to Powell) Notes: This tornado began one mile northeast of Flaherty, damaged buildings at the intersection of US 60 and KY 1882, and lifted in western Fort Knox near Camp Carlson. In this area many trees were snapped and uprooted. Path width: 600 yards Path width: Counties: Hardin Counties: Butler Deaths: 1 Counties: Dubois spread about the "night phantom that appeared Counties: Franklin, Scott KY, Harrison KY EF-Scale: EF-0 Wheat, orchard grass, strawberries, and garden crops were ruined near Smith's Grove. County: Oldham As soon as the mid-1800s, the government began collecting data on tornadoes. Path length: 4 miles More research is necessary. Damage was widespread along Dresden and Longfield Avenues, with damage on Longfield reported at the addresses of 812, 713, 716, and at 715 the house was "twisted." There were some trees down further along the farmer`s field, but the tornado lifted after traveling approximately 0.6 miles where a few trees were topped where it lifted. Injuries: June 12, 2004 Time: 9:38pm EDT June 6, 1966 Path width: 100 yards The Time: 10:15pm Path width: Notes: The tornado began at the Butler/Grayson County line just north of Dog Creek Road and ended near the intersection of J. D. Hudson Road and Coats Road. Power lines and many trees were downed, some of which fell on homes. Cannot plot this tornado without further research. The tornado crossed the Ohio River from Jefferson County, Indiana and narrowed to about 200 yards wide. On the north side of Salvisa there was roof damage to barns and sheds along with extensive tree damage. Time: 4:25pm F-scale: EF0 F-scale: F4 Path width: Deaths: 0 F-scale: F1 Hail up to 2 inches in diameter fell with the storm. The tornado lifted around 3:27pm near the intersection of Campground Road and Ralph Avenue. By Elias Loomis (1811-1889) Counties: Washington KY Path width: 10 yards However, the spring of 2011 was one of the deadliest and costliest tornado seasons on record. Time: 1:40pm In the southeastern corner of Washington County the tornado struck the town of Martinsburg, destroying 38 of the town's 48 homes. Path width: 75 yards Deaths: Path width: Noted discrepancies: NCDC gives no liftoff lat/lon. Time: 4:41am Path width: Time: 6:30pm Time: 9:54am EST May 30, 1979 Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC give a path length of 5 miles, Grazulis and Storm Data give 6 miles (which appears more accurate). Deaths: 0 EF-Scale: EF-1 At least 27 people died in Tennessee. Deaths: 0 May 25, 2011 Path width: 50 yards Several vehicle windows were smashed. Deaths: The tornado also caused significant tree damage from the middle school north/northeast across a remote area of the northeast part of the post. The actual tornado probably touched down just west of Lexington Road about 3/4 of a mile northwest of the Fayette County line. The last evidence of the tornado was at the north end of Quaker Rd, where small branches were broken. June 22, 2011 Injuries: 16 May 28, 1996 EF-Scale: EF-1 However, two boys at the home were hurt. Notes: This tornado touched down just downwind of the previous event, on the property of West Washington High School. At Orchard Lake Boulevard and Fallen Apple Lane trees were blown down and laid out in north, northeast, and south directions. One home and at least six barns were destroyed. Moving northeast over forested land, the next evidence was more tree trunks and branches snapped on Poplar Grove Rd just north of the intersection with Hilldale Rd. Deaths: 0 A small play shed on the west side of the home was destroyed, with the debris blown to the west-northwest. Between 1890 and 2011, the city, which is located near the heart of "tornado alley," was hit by a . EF-Scale:EF1 Notes: A strong thunderstorm passed through Georgetown in the pre-dawn hours. Numerous trees were uprooted and snapped in a convergent pattern. Pay particular attention to the direction of the trees, making a separate observation on the south side, in the centre, and on the north side. Notes: Storm Data says this tornado touched down three miles south of Harrodsburg. On October 25, 1844, a tornado moved northeast from present-day Mission, Kansas, into Missouri. May 1886 was a deadly month in Ohio weather. Path width: 200 yards Path length: The Exposition Building and its skating rink were damaged. Counties: Adair One farmer lost 6 cows when a barn collapsed on them. In Hart County the tornado and its attendant straight-line winds mowed down a path five miles wide. EF-Scale: EF-2 F-scale: F1 January 17, 2012 Tree damage occurred near Nonesuch with F1 strength winds in southern Woodford County. Injuries: The tornado may have weakened or lifted slightly as the storm moved through Watterson Park and West Buechel. In the LMK CWFA, only Centertown and Beaver Dam (both Ohio County) are mentioned in the Storm Data narrative. Grazulis narrative: Moved southeast, hitting a rural mobile home eight miles northeast of Corydon, blowing it apart, killing a man, and scattering debris for almost a mile. Injuries: 0 September 18, 1992 F-scale: F1 Thirty-four homes were damaged. July 13, 2015 Garages were destroyed in Senning's Park (site of Louisville's zoo at the time, located across New Cut Road from the Iroquois Amphitheater). Notes: This was one of the worst tornadoes ever to strike Lexington. Counties: Hancock, Perry Time: 6:30pm The tornado did occasionally reach closer to the ground, causing significant damage to two structures. EF-Scale:EF0 At NCDC the two counties are listed separately. County: Mercer Time: 7:00pm The storm continued to the east and apparently lifted off the ground as the ground surface descended into a small valley along Ruckriegel Parkway and Chenoweth Run. June 18, 1992 Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path width of 10 yards, NCDC 30 yards. Notes: The tornado first touched down along Millstown Road southwest of Park City. Path length: 0.6 miles Time: 4:26am A note should be made of the rainfall, whether it was most abundant before, during, or after the tornado; also, if possible, the amount of rain at the centre of the track and at some point two thousand or three thousand feet on either side. Notes: This tornado began just east of the end of the previous tornado and began by damaging roofs of about a dozen houses and uprooting and snapping trees along Saint Edwards Drive. Louisville newspapers did not mention any damage in Oldham or Shelby Counties. Deaths: 2 National Weather Service information only goes back to 1950, so all pre-1950 tornadoes here are necessarily fromSignificant Tornadoes 1681 - 1991and are considered "unofficial". Path length: 1 mile It would be far safer, if one has an inclination to such views, to deny that such a view is correct, and only to accept it after most incontestable proof. F-scale: F2 The church itself was leveled. County: Scott, IN Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC rank this as an F2, Grazulis calls it an F3. Notes: Storm Data touches this tornado down on "Lemon Hill Road" near Georgetownit seems this should be "Lemons Mill Road". Notes: Photographs taken during a Civil Air Patrol flight corroborate interviews with residents along the damage path that there were intermittent touchdowns of a weaker tornado with the second supercell to pass over the area (see previous tornado). Notes: Storm Data says this tornado struck the Brooks Hill neighborhood. Time: Injuries: 1 A swing set was thrown from the back of the house to the front. This tornado moved east-northeast from near Buck Lodge, eight miles north of Gallatin. Injuries: 0 There could have been damage in-between although the survey team was unable to access this area. A convenience store was destroyed along US 31W. After the tornado hit my parents woke me up and we drove up there just about a mile away. March 25, 1964 Path width: 40yards Notes: This tornado destroyed or heavily damaged two shop buildings at a construction company. Deaths: 1 Mud was spattered onto the north-facing front of the home, where a porch column support was also moved slightly. Injuries: 0 The surrounding areas remain under a Tornado Watch until 8 p.m. The twister traveled to the northeast, heavily damaging Gainesway, Southeastern Hills, and many neighborhoods along Man O War Boulevard before lifting at Richmond Road across the street from Saint Joseph East Hospital. Path length: 6 miles Near the end of the track along Davis Bend Road, trees were blown down and 22 barns and stables were damaged or destroyed. Path length: 5 miles (skipping) Mr Hammonds, another policeman on duty at the time of the storm, said that he noticed nothing like a funnel, but he observed a violent rotation apparently about a vertical axis in a black ominous looking cloud associated with the storm. Notes: This tornado touched down near 812 Mount Vernon Road, damaging a barn and home at that location. Path width: The other path was parallel to the tornado and about half a mile to the north, on the west edge of downtown. April 3, 1974 Many pioneer farms great distances. Counties: Metcalfe Path length: May 21, 1990 Counties: Hardin Deaths: Notes: Thistornado briefly touched down on SpinksDrive just off of Highway 69. Several small twigs were driven through the siding of the home. Across from the complex numerous trees were snapped or topped off. Grazulis times this tornado at 10:40pm. Time: 10:30pm Central time September 18, 1992 Path width: November 22, 1992 Time: 4:30pm Metal roofing material was lofted into nearby trees and spread up to a quarter mile to the east. Path length: 0.8 miles Deaths: 0 Injuries: 0 Path length: F-scale: F0 EF-Scale: EF-2 Finally, the tornado traveled to Counties: Woodford There was an uprooted tree, along with shingle, gutter, roof, and barn damage. Three track maps are available: zoomed in (local view), zoomed out (regional view), and a satellite map with damage points plotted. The young braves wanted to run away but the older ones drew their medicine pipes and lit them. Injuries: 10 Injuries: 0 F-scale: F1 Kansas, into Missouri. Three people were injured in the mobile home when it rolled over and disintegrated. On Castleman Road, just north of the intersection with Carter Brothers Road, a metal shop building had its metal sheet roof taken off and thrown downwind 150 yards. April 3, 1974 The tornado destroyed nine cottages as well as the county fairgrounds. Noted discrepancies: None The tornado dissipated after snapping and uprooting a few trees between Route 79/259 and Harned Locust Hill Road. F-scale: F2 Counties: Washington IN There was an excellent signature of mud and dirt spattering cyclonically on a grain silo. Deaths: Storm Data and NCDC list 113 injuries, Grazulis 96. The earlier investigators of the phenomenon were untrammelled, to a large extent, by preconceived opinions, and it must strike every one that few substantial facts unknown to them have been brought out since their time. KY Mesonet, Latest Forecasts EF-Scale:EF1 Deaths: EF-scale: EF1 Deaths: 0 F-scale: F2 Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a time of 3:40pm, NCDC says 2:40pm, Storm Data says 4:40pm. The width of the damage path also began to widen, increasingto 200 yards. are associated with the Kentuckiana Volunteer Aviators. Counties: Clinton Path length: Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path length of 1/10 of a mile and a width of 10 yardsNCDC gives nothing for either. The Norman Roundup Club will serve as a hub for reuniting valuables tossed around by Sunday night's tornado and their owners. SPC and NCDC give a path length of 49 miles, Grazulis gives one mile, Storm Data says 50 miles. Time: 2:05am April 16, 1998 Injuries: 25 It appears that tornadoes may have also struck Franklin, Anderson, and Fayette Counties on this day. EF-Scale: EF-1 County: Ohio Injuries: Path length: Grazulis Narrative: Moved east from Cottonburg to south of Richmond. Deaths: 7 Time: 4:27pm - 4:30pm EDT Deaths: 0 Notes: The tornado touched down just to the southwest of KY 1899 (Mulberry Pike), crossing into Springhill Estates subdivision. Injuries: Two residents survived in an underground tornado shelter where they took refuge having heard of the warning via sirens and phone calls 3-5 minutes before the tornado destroyed their homes.
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