process automation specialist superbadge step 6

First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Record must be approved: []Please help me with this. Reports Accounts by Market To create the "Market" row grouping, use a bucket field. The conditions for "which record" triggers the criteria are specified within the node. type - formula (return type - text ) {!myVariable_current.Account.Id} (0011000001NUajWAAT) Is null false3. Scroll to the bottom and change your manager to be Nushi. The formulas, rollup summaries, etc. Rated Accounts by State The record count for state and account rating are automatically added. I would rather say read twice or thrice unless you are not clear with problem statement /requirement to every challenges of this superbadge, doing so, will give you a clear pictureof problem statement. I tried creating a new field but then this new field isnt showing in the Process builder when I lookup. I am happy to help. Where are you in the process? Hello,I am still facing this issue after removing the ISCHANGED criteria. Hi Trailhead Baby,After being stuck in sept 5 for 4 weeks, I found your blog and read your post and replies.I tried to follow your instructions and now I faced a new error message in Step 5.May I send you an email to ask for your help, if possible?Thank you in advance! Sharing is caring. I assume that you have a formula set up to make the due date 7 days from today. Lead State must be valid 2-digit US state. CASE(MOD([Opportunity].CloseDate + 180 DATE(1900, 1, 7),7), 0, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 181, 6, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 182, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 180). First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, The close date must be today or later: [], challenge not yet complete heres whats wrong: there was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: system.dmlexception: insert failed. Negotiation Stage & Amount > 100 000, automatically submit for approval. 2) For the task: The due date formula is missing from your comment. Make sure to inactive other processes in Processes to avoid interference and activate your process builder: Help onSuperbadge Process Automation specialistStep 6? Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When . No idea why this weird issue is happening. Is it possible that the problem is somehow in previous steps (they passed the challenge, but maybe affect this step) ? ) 2) Process builder - Re-read the instructions for the 1st node. Have already completed challenge 3 successfully where created custom object Robot Setup. My Flow had a couple of fast lookups in it to collect the products based on criteria, a decision, then a couple of screens. Start a discussion in the forum to get straight-up answers, and avoid your query to be lost in the comment pile. Supported, HOw to: WordPress MultiSite with Multi TOP level Domain (TLD), Maintain Your Pardot Specialist Certification for Spring 19, Maintain Your Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification for Spring 19, Platform Developer CErtification I Learn Whats New for Platform Developers in Spring 19, PLATFORM DEVELOPER I Certification Maintenance Work with the New Apex Security Settings (Spring 19). First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Opportunity Management process failed. This value is empty. for a specific picklist value you are showing/hiding a particular part of a VF Page. Could you provide additional details? Hello, I have problems with challenge 5, "A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'. Determining various development & t. Make sure you have successfully logged in to your Dont try to pass this superbadge using the slide deck alone, because youll be missing out on developing a key soft skill: listening. )Thank you! 4, "Thursday", Criteria for prospects accounts opportunity created:[Opportunity].Account.Type Equals Picklist Prospect[Opportunity].AccountID Doesn't Equal Global Constant $GlobalConstantNull[Opportunity].Stage Equals Picklist Prospectingaction:Due Date Only = Today() +7Assigned To ID = Opportunity.Account.OwnerIdPriority = HighSubject = Send Marketing MaterialsRelated To ID = Opportunity.AccountId. What am i suppose to do ?? Please contact your system administrator for more information. Create Three Email Templates:Finance: Account Creation,SALES: Opportunity Needs Approval,Sales: Opportunity Approval Status. {!myVariable_current.Account.Type} (Customer - Channel) Equals Prospect2. I really liked this badge because of the way it was structured; youre given a set of videos to watch that deliver the requirements you need. Automate Opportunities - Detailed stepsAll formulae are available in the below links I am the Trailhead Baby! You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. I hate to give up, but I have now tired every formula, every process and combination of process (and my initial formula *should* have worked), Ive conducted my own tests and never get a Saturday or Sunday and I sitll get this error. Thanks in advance. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Opportunity PB process failed. Do you have your own manager set up in the profile? A few hints:* The first node should have 4 criteria plus conditional logic* The second node should have 3Recommendation: Read through the instructions again and sketch out the process on paper before starting in Salesforce. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Setup v3 process failed. I don't think it's a good way to solve a problem but if there's anybody who wants to pass this step only, it would be the way to avoid conflictThank you for your help and have a nice day! Lead Country must be either US , USA or United State or it can be blank. Error ID: 932835170-8850 (-1845957167): [] Tip:Activate Approval Process :-)Tip: Have 2 entry criteria in approval process: Money and stage.Tip: Put the money criteria ONLY in the approval process, NOT in Process Builder.Error:A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date.Tip:Only use criteria Opportunity = Closed Won, not additional 'opportunity record is changed'.Hope this helps guys! if yes please share immediately. a) Number of deals=> Create Initial Submission Actions (Field Update) => Set Opportunity Stage to Waiting Approval. Though would have to take it to the trailhead badge authors IF Deal is Negotiation[Opportunity].StageName equals Negotatiation/Review[Opportunity].Amount greater than 100 000Submit for Approval ((Opportunity: AmountGREATER OR EQUAL100000) AND (Opportunity: StageEQUALSNegotiation/Review) + Next Automated Approver Determined By Manager of Record Submitter)4. : []"Below would be Process Builder but cannot paste here. Add New Resource Looptxt1 : Variable Type as below. So, rather than using > symbol to check LEN(STATE) use =, and add NOT for AND, it should be like below: OR Make sure that you rule is Active before you validate this step. (Note: for the purpose of this superbadge, pretend Integration User is the finance group.) 8 . Configure your field level security for the given profiles so that your new Approved checkbox field is read only except for System Admin and Custom: Sales Profile. IF(OR(TODAY() - 730 > Last_Won_Deal_Date__c,TODAY() + 730 < Last_Won_Deal_Date__c) ,'Yes','No'), step 1: create object robot setup If I check the Challenge it works, but if I manually add an opportunity below 100k it fails to trigger the approval process. Take a break, grab a snack, and watch this video. Create a custom object Robot Setup with a Master-Detail relationship to the opportunity include Autonumber the record name, starting with 0 using name format: ROBOT SETUP-{0000}. Did you figure this out I am also getting the same error stuck on this challenge since 2 days. Record Page Properties are as follows, CASE( MOD( Date__c DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, Sunday, 1, Monday, 2, Tuesday, 3, Wednesday, 4, Thursday, 5, Friday, 6, Saturday,Error), Or You can use this formula also instead of above formula, CASE(WEEKDAY( Date__c ),1, Sunday,2, Monday,3, Tuesday,4, Wednesday,5, Thursday,6, Friday,7, Saturday,Text(WEEKDAY( Date__c ))), Create Another Process Builder (Name: Robot Setup). panda express addiction > alyssa lynch project mc2 > billing specialist superbadge challenge 6. billing specialist superbadge challenge 6 05 Jun. {!myVariable_current.AccountId} (0012E00001pUftIQAS) Does not equal null3. Please try again. Thanks! Did you email me? But theres good news. Under Record Collection: Add New Resource Filterresult: Variable Type as below. label -Day of the Week That means the case numbers inform which day of a week Opportunity was closed, 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday and so on. <> 2 || Go to action on the last node where we set up robo record. Many thanks! Thanks for the screenshots! Hi! Is their anyway I can share my screen shots please? Make sure it's "active." Hello. Please help, The setup record should not occur on a weekend CloseDate+180 does not exclude weekends.This thread from the developer community should help: schedule ( 'Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test' , scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule ()); Test . Glad you figured it out! Number_of_won_deals__c / Number_of_deals__c, f)Call for Service Configure the more complex functionality in a flow and then add a flow action to your process. Please go through this it will definitely help you -. In real life i would want to trigger it the way you stated as well! what do you mean not occur on the weekends? Thanks for letting know. Check spelling., Even after updating BillingState in object records also same error come and also refreshed website, I got the answer ..wrongly done under Opportunity ..We need to do under Account this challenge has to be done, hi my problem is same can you please help me out how you solve Automate Opportunities, For the Last Step i just used this formula Would you mind sharing the formula that you are using to calculate the setup date? Hi Trailhead Baby,I used to have the following error:There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. I am getting the below error while checking challenge. Disable a validation rule then try again. Give your Salesforce admin these details. The post that you are referencing was removed. Clarification: Approval Process 2 is Opportunity Stage = Awaiting Approval and Amount= 100k. Now, edit your own details make Nushi I put on a pot of coffee and the world immediately becomes a mess of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Manager Reject -> Stage = Negotiation / Review and Unlock Record. {!myVariable_current.AccountId} (0011000001NUajWAAT) Is null falseLogic: All conditions must be true (AND)Executed the default outcomeDECISION: myDecision2Skipped this outcome because its conditions weren't met: myRule_3Outcome conditions: 1. Thanks Trailhead Baby! Hello! Superbadge . That will force criteria segregation between prospect accounts and existing customersWill give it a try.. BTW, the error message is quite generic.. any way one could dig down and get more details for such error messages ?Thanks. Regarding step 5, if you change the stage of the opportunity and change back to prospecting, another task Send marketing materials would be created. Mom is not aware of my nocturnal computing, so I keep the noise to a minimum, and she assumes that I am slumbering away. Need help with specific errors? I have created 3 approval processes: 1) Opportunity Stage is Negotiation Over 100k; 2) Automatically Approve Opportunities Stage = Awaiting Approval and Amount = 100k. To solve the above business use case we will modify the Screen Flow Created for this article. Could not fix that with any of the formulas. I've just completed the step. Im having a problem validatin a step in the Process Automation Specialist! Error Message: {!myVariable_current.StageName} (Negotiation/Review) Equals ProspectingLogic: All conditions must be true (AND)Executed the default outcomeDECISION: myDecision5Executed this outcome: myRule_6Outcome conditions: 1. Error ID: 479743514-108618 (-370455525): [], Your email address will not be published. Hi, I am getting following after following you: "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Please help!! You are missing a criteria3) Node 3 - 1 incorrect condition, Hai Trailhead Babyi getting Same Error i able to see task for account and i able to see robotsetup record for opportunitylet me know where i wrong, Hi I am getting below error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. apex specialist specialist Formula ==> AND(!ISBLANK( State ), LEN( State ) != 2), Step 4 : Create 2 queue I created some email templates to start off with since I find it irritating having to come in and out of the Process Builder: I was lazy with these; I just put the link into the body of the email and it was fine. Only Trailhead Playgrounds have the correct data for these challenges.) Is the process active? First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Setup process failed. I used AND(something,something) Note- Negotiation is incorrectly spelled. 6, "Saturday", "Error"), step 3: VALIDATION RULE 2 : Rule Name :Name Change, Error Message :You cant change the Account name for Customer Direct or Customer Channel. Hello Trailhead Baby,I getting the error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. * If anyone is having trouble getting the process nodes in the correct order, think about it like this: What is the logical flow for a new customer at any business? type = rollup summary ( on opportunity function Max aggreate field-close date criteria- stage=close won), e)Deal win percent Email: your own unique email id will work fine. An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. >>> Lead Assignment rule(search it in Quick Find Box) Are you able to share details of your process? label - Deal win percent Superbadge . The SFDC Web Training always welcomes the new talent to expose themselves on this platform. The entry criteria is missing one thing A record needs to match the account type and the stage name. Please contact your system administrator for more information. OR ( autofilled but you can change it to an easy one . And email error text:How the Interview StartedUser started the flow interview.Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.myVariable_old = nullmyVariable_current = Opportunity (00610000019ZX5IAAW)ASSIGNMENT: myVariable_waitStartTimeAssignment{!myVariable_waitStartTimeVariable} Equals {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}Result{!myVariable_waitStartTimeVariable} = "17.4.2019 11.35"DECISION: myDecisionSkipped this outcome because its conditions weren't met: myRule_1Outcome conditions: 1. Check your Account.Type criteria. Thank you for your prompt reply! Another question I have is dont I need an automatic approval process for amounts less than 100K? Hi Trailhead Baby.. New on the blog and new to SF (1 week of fun and pain in the same time !). Hey there! So close! If you want First Ascent, dont use Check Challenge to test what youve built. So I am getting stuck on the 6th step of the Salesforce Superbadge for Process Automation on step 6. Action for Node 1 Email Alert to mail notifies account creation : Finance: Account Creation. (Just post the details as a reply). My only hunch is the Day of the Week field on the Robot Setup Custom object which is not setup as formula. Criteria : (Opportunity: Stage EQUALS Negotiation/Review)AND(Opportunity: Amount GREATER THAN 100000)SALES: Opportunity Needs Approval->Template. Criteria based on $ belong in the approval process only.- There are 2 entry criteria for the approval process. Error ID: 1196242369-26704 (1684581515): []Hear My criteria ISOpportunity.Account.Type Equals Picklist ProspectOpportunity.StageName Equals Picklist Prospecting [Opportunity].AccountId Does not equal Global Constant $GolbalConstant.NullAction on Task RecordCreate a Record:Record Type: TaskDue Date Only: TODAY() + 7Assigned TO ID: [Opportunity].Account.OwnerIdPriority: HighStatus: In ProgressSubject: Send Marketing MaterialsRelated to ID: [Opporunity].Id. Label = Number of won deals First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Setup v3 process failed. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. There is also a slide deck that came in useful. On the trailhead community profile as well as on the Resume! Create two rule entries and fill like below. I've been working on this step for a few weeks now and I am now getting this error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.I was originally getting this error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:An Opportunity with the Stage 'Negotiation/Review' and the Amount greater than $100,000 was not rejected successfully by your manager or the Opportunity Stage was not updated to 'Negotiation/Review'. Reference: There have been a lot of questions about this step, so I posted a walk through of the process. I have the Process builder set up corectly. Just a correction, NOT from CONTAIN should be removed as well: OR The first three Superbadges can be taken in any order, and completing all three unlocks the fourth Superbadge, Advanced Apex Specialist. UPPER(ShippingCountry) =='USA', Create new Assignment rule for this scenario(Do not use the standard rule). Create an lead assignment rule and make 2 rules entries and give order accordingly. Hi, thanks for the guide. {!myVariable_current.Amount} (101,000) Greater than 100,000Logic: All conditions must be true (AND)SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL: myRule_6_A1Inputs:objectId = {!myVariable_current.Id} (0061I000004AdF9QAK)comment = nullprocessDefinitionNameOrId = Opp_100kskipEntryCriteria = falseError Occurred: No applicable approval process was found. If you would like help, just leave a comment! Hi Trailhead BabyI am at a loss, I have checked, double checked my process builder, and the create Marketing Material Task is not working.Hoping you can give me a hand with this.Criteria:Opportunity.Account.Type Equals Picklist ProspectOpportunity.StageName Equals Picklist ProspectingOpportunity.AccountID Does not equal NullCreate a Record:Record Type: TaskDue Date Only: TODAY() + 7Assigned TO ID: Opportunity.Account.OwnerIDPriority: HighStatus: Not StartedSubject: Send Marketing MaterialsRelated to ID: Opporunity.IDThanks :). PS I tried Buying you Coffee but it wont take international credit cards. : [StageName]. If you are in a consulting role, WATCH THE VIDEOS. Robot Setup Record should not happen immediately. your effort will be highly appreciated by fellow readers. Both of the validation rules on the Opportunity and Account objects were giving me trouble so I made them inactive. The criteria look good to me. One the end of each node, have selected to "evaluate the next criteria" (default value is "stop") ? Check that may be another process is also in active. Ive used Flow a LOT in recent years, but I learnt a lot more about it from completing this exercise. You can not create non US leads. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC snake lamp wall street restaurants mi fantasy 5 numbers home depot washers and dryers mature girls squirting 1986 international s1600 for sale. Scroll down at the bottom of page, under approver settings. OK, I managed to do this. This superbadge is all about to test one's automation skill using superb automation tools which salesforceprovide. Based on LeadSource value lead should be assign to correct sales team (Queue). The Rainbow sales team should be handling all the leads that come from the web I also got the same error.How did you rectified it. Error ID: 2146461946-632512 (157788690)ok up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. I started this Superbadge in the usual way, by printing this instructions plus the slides and transcripts of the videos. Thank You for any assistance :), I see the screenshots you emailed- Could you share a bit more about your process-- the information from the first two nodes- criteria and action information. Any help much appreciated as could not figure out what is wrong, The second node and the "send marketing materials" step look good to me! Give your Salesforce admin these details. Hello,while executing i am getting this error.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.is there anything i could do to get this right? help Save and Activate the flow.Now search Lightning App BuilderAdd New page: Select Record Type Label: Product_Quick_SearchObject: OpportunityPick any templateAnd Drag and drop Flows from Left palette, select the flow we made and Save! There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Result size: 2. Add the desired fields as below, Next add the Opportunity Validation Rule with error formula as below. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Hi Trailhead Baby, I have not been able to resolve error below. Business Administration Specialist Superbadge- 3 & 4, Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist Superbadge - 5-6. Try removing the "status" criteria. Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. It worked finally!! Please dont forgot to Activate the page. i.e. Weve previously discussed Workflow vs. This is straightforward normal Queue creation. (Note: for the purpose of this superbadge, pretend Integration User is the finance group.) OR( ), Step 3: Create Fields on account 2. Thank you so much for your good work. Give your Salesforce admin these details. I check my process it is working perfectly fine. I thought of using the 'Product Family' standard picklist field and build the values in it. It's worth notifying that case 0 means Sunday, not Monday, and the solution may require an additional day to skip weekends. . Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Give your Salesforce admin these details. I keep getting this error with the process automation superbadge. Create Flow for Opportunities. Even the subject. Give your Salesforce admin these details. moment when you solve this tough challenge. Finally we are ready to verify the challenge !!! Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: An Opportunity with the Stage 'Negotiation/Review' and the Amount greater than $100,000 was not successfully submitted for approval upon creation.So whenever I try to update an existing opportunity it works fine and the stages change depending on approval or rejection, but just not when I create a new opportunity record.And I have started my flow in Process Builder 'When a record is created or edited'.Please advice! In the end, I set all my variables to Input and Output to be safe, and it passed. Want to share a concept or story? Why did i see Lead: Clone source only , didnt get Lead: Source ? Once I do this, those errors go away but I still get the error that my process cannot run. Issue was Evaluate the next criteria option was not enabled for step 3. With follow up questions, please respond to this post. I dnt see an option for [Opportunity].Id in my process. The Day of the Week should not fall on Saturday or Sunday. Small contribution to SFDC community. Stage is field label and StageName is a field name so that shouldn't be a problem , i updated the Related to ID to [Opportunity].Id still i see the same issue. Create an lead assignment rule and make 2 rules entries and give order accordingly.Based on LeadSource value lead should be assign to correct sales team (Queue). Change). This error keeps coming back : A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'. * Have you set your own approver? (I use my mom's email address: Could you please share? Lets solve this developer Superbadge Process Automation Specialist for the Level up challenge. Design a site like this with, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Process Automation superbadge unmanaged package, Business Administration SpecialistSuperbadge, Tips to complete the Lightning Experience SpecialistSuperbadge, Create a product rule to avoid mis-configurations in abundle, Guidelines to write a guest post onblogs. Here is the error messageChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. {!myVariable_current.Account.Type} (Customer - Channel) Equals Customer - Direct2. 000+ postings in Kallang and other big cities in Singapore. It gave away too many details, and I want you to have the EUREKA! +2,000 points ~1 hr . Good to hear! So I am getting stuck on the 6th step of the Salesforce Superbadge for Process Automation on step 6. There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Opportunity Management process failed. Contact @jkarlsteen . You are a life saver. Questions: Did you set up your "robot setup" creation date to be 180 days from the close date, AND not occur on the weekends? IRL this wouldnt happen! Confused? (She's the Rebecca Gray that is a user group leader and has 102 Trailhead badges. Node 3- Revise criteria. Many thanks again! Navigated to process builder and unable to find field opportunity.account.type and all. Rainbow Sales. A bit confused about challenge 5. 2, "Tuesday", Can you tell me what is happening? It's saying the Send an email to the finance group process failed. However I stuck with the step 5 challenge Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.It seems like I went through all the steps and criteria but still fail. Dont be tempted to write a checkbox formula they want a Text field. Not sure where to go next, This afternoon, I added a genius wig in an attempt to look a little older and more experienced. Maybe this thing recorrection solves your problem. Formula ==> AND(!ISBLANK( BillingCountry ), LEN(BillingCountry) != 2), validation rule Name ==> State Validation rule for shipping add Hi! Thank you in advance, Hii Kona, filled automatically as ndavo. Hi Trailhead BabyI stucked at Step-5 Automate OpportunitiesWhile Deactivating Process Builderit's getting error Like thisChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.While active Process Builderit's getting error like thisChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed.

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