The Cold War was going on. Initially, when we started talking, I was concerned about his bruises on his face that he had received at his capture at the Texas theater. Tell me about his interest in the television show I Led Three Lives and what that says about him and his imagination. They've gone to the extreme measures to prove that he owned that rifle. Anytime they brought anything up that pertained to the assassination of the president and the shooting of the police officer, he knew nothing about it. Now, on to his biography and the major point of your book: the biography of Lee Harvey Oswald. I asked him, I said, Lee, what in the Sam Hill is going on? He said, I dont know what theyre talking about. I said, Lee, theyve got you charged with the death of the president, shooting a police officer. Saturday, Nov. 23, 1963. His wife is trying to have a second child born in Russia. What was his concern? When Lee got back from Russia, the way he talked about the Russian system, he didn't talk about it politically, in the sense that he was wrapped up in communism or Marxism. I said, "If you told me everything you've done, it seems to me you have a case that you could perhaps get a reversal on that, that you did not do anything that they anticipated you done." On the right right is Sgt. This was unsettling. I would love to be able to say that Lee was not involved in any way whatsoever, or much less to the extent that I believe that he was. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. LEGEND: THE SECRET WORLD OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD : Epstein, Edward Jay: Libros. What was going on there? Cuenta y listas Devoluciones y . The Soviets executed him on May 17, 1963. But you go back to the death of Dad two months before he was born, that's a tremendous impact. He was ready. Jack Ruby changed history with one bold, violent action: killing accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV two days after the November 22, 1963, murder of President John F. Kennedy. When Lee came back to Fort Worth, what kind of spirits was he in, and what kind of hopes did he have for his new life here? He was whats convenient to be. I said, "What did you tell them?" I think the way Lee learned New York was just apply himself to it. Usually, it has to do with a man, sometimes it has to do with a job, but the threat that courses through his childhood and adolescence is a frenetic, harried, peripatetic that is entirely his mother's concoction. As I learned later on, hes becoming very belligerent to Mother. When Lee is discharged, early discharge in September 1959, he returns to Fort Worth for about three days. What do you mean? There was always a constant move. Why did he turn to Marxism as a salve, as opposed to another form of religion? FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. After getting some help with the Secret Service as far as getting a pass up to see Lee, I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to 10 minutes. This was 1959. He was toying with them. The Cold War was going on. Plus, Bob Schieffer remembers his own run-in. To me, you can't reach but one conclusion. He failed at both. What do you do with his general opportunity? Cuenta y Listas Devoluciones . Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? | FRONTLINE - That's not to suggest it was in any way any less than that, but it's just that we refuse to see it in its true light. There's another seed that's planted in him that stayed there forever. It just didnt fit. His wife is trying to have a second child born in Russia. What would have been the appeal to him about something like Marxism? 49K views 9 years ago WDSU-TV interviews Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 when he was living in New Orleans. Everything is deteriorating. You look at that last year his work, and his family, trying to go to Cuba, trying to go back to Russia. You had said that he had very much been on his own in New York. What kind of a Marxist was he? After Lee's return, approximately two weeks, in the latter part of June 1962, he gets a call from one of the FBI agents -- I believe that was Mr. Fain -- in wanting to have a meeting with him. Now apparently, for whatever reasons or however they checked it out, they found out whatever he knew wasn't necessarily anything they'd be interested in. (TV) Summary. He says he got that at the theater, and they hadnt been mistreating him since then. You don't think that there was any possibility that he was on some mission when he went to Russia? And not only that, but it offered immediate salvation, or immediate asylum. When he first approached the divided cubicles and I picked up the telephone on my side, he picked up his. This is mind over heart. You had said that he had very much been on his own in New York. Well, he went to do the things he always liked to do -- got to the movies if he had the money, go to the library and read if he didn't have it. On Nov. 22, [1963] it went way downhill. He would awaken relatively early in his apartment, and he would walk about eight minutes to the radio factory where he worked in the experimental department, and he probably would have been there until late afternoon or early evening, ate dinner, he might have read a good bit -- he was fond of reading -- visited friends, gone to the conservatory or the opera, which was a short walk away from his apartment, and he probably would have retired early. What he did after he left the building is known: bus ride, taxi ride, boardinghouse, pick up the pistol, leave, shoot the police officer. But he would look at it. Even though Oswald says in his diary that Marina was surprised when he informed her he wanted to go back to the United States, she never puts any resistance. ", I became kind of intense at that point, looking into his eyes. He's getting a better opportunity, he thinks, in Dallas, because it's a bigger job market over there than what Fort Worth was at the time. Lee and Marina were having difficulties, just by being together -- I guess by being put in new circumstances and everything. 2 thoughts on "Stew Peter's interviews Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend about the JFK Assasination". But I think all of Oswald's remarks are included here.To hear Lee Harvey Oswald's two radio interviews, go here: FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. Three, maybe more fundamentally, I think that modern man, especially in modern America, is just congenitally incapable of making sense of tragedy. The book's findings will catapult you into a trip through a house . Follow him on Twitter @davidastinwalsh. . His plans, as we well know now, were already made to go to Russia, rather than to Cuba. You can't set that aside just because he is saying, "I'm a patsy." This type of thing would interest him, whether he went to an art museum or a library or a movie theater or just walked around and saw sights. I anticipated, and I said to the family, Hell be back within a year. Well, it took him a little bit longer than that, but he started trying after a year to come back. The Dallas Police Department was utter chaos. "I Led Three Lives" -- he became really engrossed in that particular TV show, and he was still watching it when I left to go in the Marine Corps in 1952. So, to me, that was his back-up plan if everything else failed. Theyre not progressing at the speed I think he wants to progress. tapes & transcripts+credits+privacy policy From Russia, he had written you, saying that he was worried about charges being brought against him when he came back. After obtaining a hardship discharge from the Marines, Lee Harvey Oswald left the United States for the Soviet Union in 1959. One individual gave him a letter saying he could speak and write Russian at a particular level that he thought was real good. And his disenchantment began to morph into a kind of anger and frustration. But at the same time, he always was trying to get away from her. [He wanted to] get established and start the American life, live the American dream. But certainly by age three, he had the sense, "I need to be someplace else." Advertisement Read the story | More coverage. Lee and Marina were having difficulties, just by being together I guess by being put in new circumstances and everything. He wasn't present when they took a head count [at the Texas School Book Depository]. Buscar But she certainly conveyed it to John and I at very early ages. The committee found that there was a "probable conspiracy," suggesting that parts of the Mafia and/or certain anti-Castro Cuban groups "may have been involved.". In November, 1959, as a reporter in Moscow, she had interviewed a twenty-year-old ex-Marine at the Metropole Hotel in Moscow named Lee Harvey Oswald, who'd announced he wanted to defect to. He was just out of the Marine Corps. True, no one saw him actually pull the trigger on the president but his presence in the building was there. That was a training ground [for] his imagination. I think this was passed on to Lee. Among his nine books is the bestseller, Case Closed (1993), which concludes that Lee Harvey Oswald acted . I dont know how you want to express it, but thats the way he characterized her at the time. We'll look into it.". It was always separation, separation, separation. I tell him it may or may not be. We were a burden. That influence was just tremendous on him. He's always under this impression. He never did answer. I think the way Lee learned New York was just apply himself to it. Ga naar primaire And by the time we get to late 1960, he's beginning to think that maybe he's made a mistake -- he's not quite sure, but he's thinking that. Im sure for a certain minimal fee, you could ride the subways all day, and he would do it just to get around. Lee Harvey Oswald speaks to the press - YouTube Finally, I guess, I couldn't stand it anymore. He always enjoyed books, but then he started exploring other areas. Lee Harvey Oswald did not have any particular animus for John F. Kennedy. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; the Heising-Simons Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen. The result of the whole mismanagement was Lee's death. If somebody passed out a leaflet on the street that contained a political statement for Marxism or communism or what have you, and if Lee had not run across that before, I could envision him looking at it, keeping it and saying, "Well, I wonder what this is all about." I had to ask him very serious questions. But he became disgusted with it and started rebelling against it, because he wanted to go back to a more independent attitude. Interviews | Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? | FRONTLINE | PBS He was what's convenient to be. His mother had the same type of imagination. After Lees return, approximately two weeks, in the latter part of June 1962, he gets a call from one of the FBI agents I believe that was Mr. Fain in wanting to have a meeting with him. He moves into his own apartment and everything. I think it says that he is very pragmatic, and hes going to go with the punches. Convinced that his brother was solely responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Oswald offers details in this interview about Lee's formative years and young adult life, and. Tell me about that, and what his attitude is and the kinds of things you talked about. Five or six eyewitnesses there. You've got all kinds of documented evidence. He began to tire of Minsk as his celebrity began to wear off. You look at that last year -- his work, and his family, trying to go to Cuba, trying to go back to Russia. discussion+glimpse of a life+links & readings+teacher's guide I didn't press it any further. I dont know. Youve got all kinds of documented evidence. He would talk about anything else. WDSU Archives: WDSU interview with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 Can you sort of talk about that character trait? I dont know at what age Mother verbalized the effect that she felt he was a burden to her. It just floors me, it floored me then. Of course, we can't extricate ourselves permanently or perfectly from wherever it is we come from, no matter how much we try, and we are always functions of our place, even if we wish not to be. That influence was just tremendous on him. They've got your pistol. But the facts are there. She is wanting to go back to Russia. Pal reveals Lee Harvey Oswald's weird, paranoid life pre-JFK killing Saltar al contenido Lee Harvey Oswald Shooting: Interview with Eyewitnesses - Reporters, Police (2012) Way Back 26.4K subscribers 439 185K views 8 years ago Later in the day, after driving into town with his two. In 1977, McMillan wrote Marina and Lee, an intimate portrait of the Oswalds' life together. New York City. He would talk about anything else. In your mind, are there questions about whether Lee shot President Kennedy? David Austin Walsh is the editor of the History News Network. This video contains Oswald's complete television interview. For a while I think he was captivated by this lifestyle, because it was new to him and it was much more comfortable and much more stable than he had ever experienced. I mean, they had asked the wrong man. New Documents on JFK Assassination Shed Light on Lee Harvey Oswald's But the Marine Corps has got set procedures and so forth to follow. JFK Unsolved: The Real Conspiracies examines - 6abc Philadelphia After getting some help with the Secret Service as far as getting a pass up to see Lee, I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to 10 minutes. Lee Harvey Oswald - Wikipedia He is the older brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and a former Marine and salesman. When you learned he had defected, did you have any explanation? I don't know. I anticipated, and I said to the family, "He'll be back within a year." What prompts him to take the first concrete steps to extricate himself from the Soviet Union is his break with Ella German. As far as material goods the car taking her to a grocery store the first time you cant believe how excited she was. Also, he was put into an apartment that was a short walk from the Institute for Foreign Languages in Minsk, where one would meet girls who were studying English and were interested in foreigners, and were probably more adventurous, you might say. John and I would be off doing other things. Convinced that his brother was solely responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Oswald offers details in this interview about Lees formative years and young adult life, and describes how his brothers love of television shows on intrigue and espionage such as I Led Three Lives, became the training ground for his imagination. He says that the hard physical evidence from the assassination leads him to one conclusion: The Warren Commission was correct. This interview was conducted in 1993 in conjunction with the first broadcast of FRONTLINEs Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? What would have been the appeal to him about something like Marxism? In this interview, Posner talks about the forensic evidence over the years that points to Oswald as the lone assassin and the lack of credible evidence to support the various conspiracy theories. Somehow, somebody never realized what the Sam Hill was going on. He found a spot, not very far, from where Walker was. Living in Fort Worth, TV was making its debut. I wasnt real sure what the explanation was. Hola, identifcate. Well, his concern was, was there anything that I was aware of that [there] were going to be charges placed against him from anybody? Could you describe Oswald's relationships with women? ", home+introduction+interviews+forum+twenty four years+conspiracy I don't know how you want to express it, but that's the way he characterized her at the time. He didnt elaborate on that. He did not and would not talk to any of the interrogators about anything of substance. Hola Elige tu direccin Libros. During the conversation, Hoffa claimed that Ruby was assigned the task of coordinating police officers who were loyal to Ruby to murder Oswald while he was in their custody. All these ups and downs he's having, he keeps trying to get up and make it at some level, but he's not succeeding. She is wanting to go back to Russia. Or he just walked the streets, ride the subways. He had fallen deeply for Ella, and he had proposed to her and she had said no, and he saw in Marina somebody who was meant to distract him and carry him forward. He had an interesting experience and he had a Russian wife. Oswald refused to talk to anyone at the U.S. embassy. Somehow, somebody never realized what the Sam Hill was going on. Aline Mosby was one of the first women assigned to cover the Kremlin, There are no reviews yet. What attracted her to Oswald and why did she come back with him to the United States? Lee Harvey Oswald speaks to the press - YouTube 0:00 / 1:08 Lee Harvey Oswald speaks to the press CNN 14.7M subscribers Subscribe 7.3K Share 1.4M views 9 years ago Lee Harvey. FRONTLINE: WHO WAS LEE HARVEY OSWALD? Killing Oswald (2013) - IMDb They're not progressing at the speed I think he wants to progress. He was using his own imagination. I didnt know but I think that was his posture all along, with the interrogators. The planning that Lee did probably at least extended all the way back to the time he was in Japan because of the clothes he purchased at the time, If it didnt work for Russia, he was going to stay in Europe anyway. What did he say, and what were you trying to get out of him? Tell me about his interest in the television show "I Led Three Lives" and what that says about him and his imagination. And he was in the Marines as well. Lee would rebel against the discipline of the Marine Corps when he had the opportunity to, when the leeway was there. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. . . What do you do with his rifle? When I returned home from work that evening, I asked him about it, and he said, "Well, everything went all right. His fellow Marines called him Oswaldskovich, because he never shut up about his admiration for communism or the Soviet Union. She clearly saw in Oswald a ticket to ride, an opportunity to leave Russia. Mobile users: Watch the archive video by clicking here. What do you do with his rifle? But he finally said, Brother, you wont find anything there.. Here was a start. The continuity there, the lack of stability, I think, entered into that to a large degree. LEGEND: THE SECRET WORLD OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD : Epstein, Edward Jay: Boeken. The main thing was getting a job and a manuscript. The House Where Lee Harvey Oswald Stayed - GoNOMAD Travel He was making fun of how inept they were, and he was making fun of them all the time. Lee had high hopes when he first got back as to what he was going to do. Lee Harvey Oswald is dragged from the Texas Theatre by Patrolman C.T. Oswald in a way sort of set up the disaster that was to come before he even arrived in Moscow. One in this documentary series. He is convinced that his brother was solely responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy and in this interview offers details about Lee's formative years and young adult life, describing how his brother's love of television shows on intrigue and espionage such as "I Led Three Lives," became the "training ground for his imagination." In this interview, Posner talks . He says that the "hard physical evidence" from the assassination leads him to one conclusion: "The Warren Commission was correct." He's failing in his marriage and in his attempts to do whatever he wants to do. Marina repeated to McMillan what she told the Warren Commission in 1964--that her husband was not capable of being recruited as a conspirator, and that he most likely acted alone in killing President Kennedy. I mean, they had asked the wrong man. But I think he was disappointed. This montage of early 1990s television specials was curated by the JFK Assassination Forum. Notre Dame law professor G. Robert Blakey is a recognized expert on organized crime and an authority on the JFK assassination. An Interview with Lee Harvey Oswald's Mother Marguerite Oswald But he had prepared answers and statements, anticipating reporters either at the ship or some place down the line on the return. This is a struggle that has gone on with me for almost 30 years now. , As things progressed down the line the job didnt work out. Thats what it comes down to he wanted to be unique, by whatever it took. JFK researcher: 'Oswald did not fire fatal shot' - ABC7 San Francisco Ive managed to keep it quiet. That was it. His sense of dislocation, of alienation -- this sense that he's in the wrong place. WDSU-TV interviews Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 when he was living in New Orleans. Historian Priscilla Johnson McMillan was a reporter in Moscow in the 1950s and interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald shortly after his defection to the Soviet Union. Saturday, Nov. 23, 1963. But this had nothing to do with an intellectual or ideological coming to terms with some kind of intellectual maturation, although Oswald tried to explain it that way.