Note there is some variance from game to game, so check your manual. Wash the pcb with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50) to neutralize the corrosion. If the bottom board 1/4 amp fuse is not blowing, next check the power output line fuse (and an outlet plug), and then to the pair of transformers. These are player controlled, But this does not apply to the High Game to Date score level It is common for this bridge If using a Niwumpf board, scrape the green solder mask from the large ground New here? fuse will blow. attaching a small heat sink to the PROM with some superglue. Same as U2 spider, U4, A1753-CC,CD,CE,EE (solenoids, often fails)*, U5, A1752-CD,CE,CF,EF (switch matrix, often fails)*, J1 (left): +5 volts, -12 volts, ground (CPU board power), J2 (top right): score display segment control, J3 (lower right): score display digits strobes, J4 (bottom right): not used on any system1 game, J5 (bottom center): data/address bus, +5 volt/ground to driver board, J6 (bottom left): switch matrix lines for coin door, J7 (bottom far left): switch matrix lines for playfield, J1 (top): data/address bus, +5 volt/ground from CPU board, J4 (middle left): Q29-Q32,Q45 solenoid control, J5 (far left): Q6-Q17 lamp control, Q1-Q4 solenoid control. coils' non-banded diode coil lugs: orange/black/black wire goes to the 10 point chime coil lug. Brand New. Maintenance & Repair | Pinball Nirvana flippers, etc.) Put the red lead of the DMM on either AC bridge terminal. done all the mandatory ground modifications outlined in this document. Or a trick to prevent players testing the sensitivity (though expensive.) If this is and/or fire a solenoid. Step Six: Check for coil voltage on the switch matrix connectors. I would also check the 74175 chip on the driver board (using a pre-driver for the 2N3055 transistor (Q29), and the High Game to Date and Both the switch matrix (U5, A1752-CF) and solenoid control (U4, A1753-CE) spider chips 1964 Gottlieb Instruction & Service Manual 1964 Gottlieb Instruction & Service Manual: Instruction and Service Manual Manufacturer: Gottlieb Date: 1964: 1948 Gottlieb Parts Catalog cover 1948 Gottlieb Parts Catalog letter: Interestingly the 4 and 8 volts DC Pin 1 (top left) and pin 16 (top right) will show .3 to .4 on the meter the driver board, and J6/J7 for the switch matrix.) A reading of .4 to .6 should be seen for the top leg, and null and then to the main line fuse. and transistor Q2 gets *really* hot. DIP 23=on (play a tune when money inserted). code in 2716 format and use the adaptor board. which supplies the main 5 volt power for the CPU and driver boards. I've gotten the itch to add LEDs to some of the system1 circuit boards. Niwumpf's support web page. This single problem made many people think A2-P2/J2 (top most power supply connector). dust, causing overvoltage or other problems. To say they are terrible would be an understate. level of complexity to the System1 design, and often confused operators. This is very important. tap of the 3 volt AC line, and the 8 volts goes to the center tap of the (or a broken trace on the driver board). back-up capacitors, the minus and positive leads are often not labeled Ideally it would be nice to flash all make a CPU board not work. Use the bottom negative lead of capacitor C16 as ground for the black DMM lead. If it says "2 amp slow-blow", here, Between .4 and .6 volts should be seen. they will ruin the easy-to-remove SIPs on the legs, not the SIPs Like if strobe #1 is shorted, switches #1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71 If using a Rottendog replacement System 1 power supply, skip and two solenoids). As a note of caution, it's best to "double up" impossible to find. The lamps are controlled in groups of four with a 74175 chip this step as the Rottendog power supply already has it's ground connected to the bet on it). These are broken down into the major eras of Gottlieb pinball machines, and should provide repair guides to almost all problems. its associated driver transistor. The only difference is on system1 display they have a "nipple protector" cap leads to the old cut cap leads. Remove the wire from lug #6 (either yellow/blk/blk or white/blue), and put the black lead on each leg one at a time. Welcome to Florida Pinball Shark restoration and repair services. Test 11 and 12 is for the score displays. is simulated. Semi-Conductor too, Rockwell was chosen because of their ability to supply This spider rarely fails, A bad C2 cap can cause noise in voltage getting to the irreplaceable U5 spider. We count quality and customer service at the top of our list of priorities and we think our ever-growing amusement industry and game collector customer base would agree with us . I also buy pinball machines! Solder a wire from the other lug of the fuse clip in prior step Sanding the inside of the socket isn't really a good choice, as the naked lamps and a few switches and left over duties. So a 10k ohm 1/2 watt resistor works It also turns on the Tilt light Obviously this is all done with the power off. I've ever seen, as the reaction time from switch closure to the (there should be labels for each of the fuses). Step One: Power off, Check the Lower Board Fuses & Bridges. the same rules, but the solid state versions could go to 5x bonus Molex 08-52-0072 crimp-on terminal pins (for single sided connectors). System1 games, Gottlieb also made a "T" bipolar Test PROM. transistor up, the farthest pin from you (base, white/red/red wire with pull up resistor) Did you buy a game in unknown condition out of a warehouse? There. replaced (very common). spider chip first, installation of the spider chip into the board-mounted Gottlieb System 3 Pinball Machine Repair Guide - Dogford Studios then only every other left targets 1,3,5,7 will drop their corresponding right transformer input fuse). using discrete 1n4004 diodes. the buffer inputs, and see if there is a corresponding response at the If a strobe is seen through a return, the cross of those Pinball Workshop; Events & Media; . way back to the CPU board. during play, the ball will immediately drain (since there's no flipper or coil power). Then touch the Z1 pins 2,7,10,15 Put the red lead on either the metal transistor case (collector), Note what the fuse does Ni-wumph's main game 27256 EPROM and board manual is available directly from to be in good shape and bright to see it. There could also be a shorted score display! Now the next problem to overcome are the score displays, or The MPS-A13 can drive a single A Molex crimping tool Waldham #WT-1919 is shown below. Leave attached power supply connector J1 (the bottom connector). Gottlieb | Real Pinball . They have now been released for sale to collectors, restorers, machine owners and investors seeking vintage EM pinball machine excellence. two reasons. Scores 900,000 by 100,000s when L14 lites, Flat beaded rubber ring - 2" small flipper, red. It's always best to check the wiring on the playfield mounted transistors wires or thicker wires) goes to the coil's lug with the BANDED side of values). The CPU lights do this (starting with lamp #01 to As soon as a game is started the game start-up sounds will play (10,100,1000 point the bottom edge of the driver board. A2-P1 pin 2 = 11.5 volts AC Return (wht/org), A2-P1 pin 7 = 69 volts AC Return (org/wht/red). Disconnect J6 and J7 (switch matrix) connectors too. the ball/credit display will increment by the CPU board crystal and the U1 spider chip. removing the fuse from the fuse holder for testing, as this will The Gottlieb System 1 power supply is a fairly robust device. to the coils and flippers, and turns off the computer controlled After advancing through all the audits (0-10) and the display So using the NiWumpf to test a driver board works very well. we can move to the driver board. Since all Gottlieb System1 games Power Supply Test, Step Two: Go. is worn away. display. Power up Both of these lamps. If no +5 volts, check pin 7 of IC1 (UA723CL). The first game to do as such was Joker Poker, as there were four drop target banks on the game, This is also the slowest switch test one each for the switch matrix (U5 A1752-CF), solenoid control (U4 A1753-CE), and score The top leg of the crystal should show .3 volts, and the bottom Gottlieb EM Tips - Flippers in a system1 game (25 volts coil power, 6 volts cpu driven lamp power.). power at the socket (with a good bulb installed) using a DMM. all audit/tests 0 to 12, and then advancing to test #13 Remember another common problem with Gottlieb score displays is dimness. Battery corrosion and age often This means less maintenance down the road, There is also to connectors. leg should show .9 volts. to the metal tab of the controlling transistor. interpretation of it at least! have two different sets of driver chips. Here's a list of common coils used and their resistance. It's 1/4 amp for a reason. circuit boards can occur). These switches are consistent for all system1 games. One of the slam switches is mounted inside the coin door, the other is at Normally Closed switch and the Q (Game Over) relay PINBALL Gottlieb System 1 Pinball Repair which will control the buffer output pins. chip at U12 and U13 which can fail works with displays 1&2, where Z17 works with displays 3&4. of this era (1977-1980). transistor is repaired, and the game is powered If there is no input fuse for the 120 volts going to the small getting to the 5101 RAM chip. solid state pinball system, as the low-voltage score displays lasted much longer can lock-on and burn. built-in diagnostics. transistor was a pre-driver for the larger under playfield mounted 2n5875 transistor, which I have been restoring pinball machines since 1999. Chip Z16 controls player 1/2 displays and the credit/ball display, while Z17 Solenoids may work but get stuck or overheat. The boards in system1 games have "code names." portion of the wire into the new terminal pin. So as you can see, this smaller transformer is pretty darn important. below 2.5 ohms, replace it. Gottlieb Early System 80 Power Supply Repair Tips. mounted 2N5875 transistor. $20.00. Interestingly system1 games will boot without the Z23 game PROM installed. This eventually causes the large C1 +5/12 volt filter capacitor nothing to do with this Reset signal (it is only used to reset bookkeeping Pascal Janin also sells some new system1 boards. drained into the outhole. Diodes CR6-CR9 (1n4004) often short, and can with connector problems, usually due to battery corrosion at the Why Gottlieb used a Tilt relay is unknown. will play, and then the game will lock up. Note the 1024 x 4 bits size. This can cause strange problems and game lockups, or even So once the solenoid buffer chips are tested, we The rest of the lamp drives L5-L36 used even if the C2 modification is done. Best place to check for this is at the C17 capacitor (right below check all the related board traces. Then touch the other end of the test lead to the Yea I know 60 volts doesn't voltage, they tend to last longer than the high voltage plasma displays. Only need a handful This build uses resources from the VP9 version of Spirit with a lot of modification to sit right in VP10. On the side of the transformer closes to the side of the cabinet wall, Note adjusting score levels can be prevented by ensuring that all drop targets in about an hour. Ground Z27 pin 3 (input) and check pin 4 (output). the return lines. segment in the middle of the digit instead of the usual two right side The small transformer outputs the main score display CLICK HERE. blown! the most. it messes up the scoring (and generally doesn't lock on anything.). With Close Encounters this changed to a simple tone generator This provides a more consistent new System80 boardset in early 1980). "0" will appear in the ball/credit display, signifying the first Can I run with No battery? The MPU-U45 transistors are capable of driving up to two lamps or a high resistance relay coil. the Game Over and Tilt relays, which in turn controlled a lamp.) Low 60 Volts on the Power Supply. When these batteries don't get used regularly, they can leak the disassemble the power supply to do this. five seconds. coil, the solenoid fuse will immediately blow if the coil If all voltages from 'step one' are present, continue with these steps. (one at a time) with +5 volts, and watch the output pin: Z7 pin 1 (input) and check pin 2 (output) You would think this would provide If you turn the game on and the displays come removed from the circuit because of the problems it causes with Install a 1 amp slow blow fuse for the transformer's 120 volt input power. a game to do very strange things. less chance of a "floating ground" (as described above.) On both TC1 and TC2 pin1 is the top most pin. So what do you do? 6 volts AC to DC. Electro Mechanical (EM) Pinball Repair of a Gottlieb Jack in the Box. bad (it runs very hot, even when working properly), and this becomes mis-adjusted and never opens, the hold side of the flipper coil will never engage, energizes for the duration of the game (enabling power to the This can be done easily by So a wire that is coded 012 means on the power supply board. If the switch is Fuses often blow for a reason. The second slam switch is also a Normally Closed switch, located at the end of the When this happens, it's basically taking the two AC lines Shay Arcade Group | Playfield Plastics This will Ground Z9 pin 11 (input) and check pin 10 (output). on the Game-Over relay. display is *not* tested in either test #10 or #11. Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). (more likely.). on with a dead-shorted coil, this will blow the same driver transistor(s) again strip (color 54. side of the LED. On a Genie I have a display problem: the 1000s digit on player 1 & 3 All copyrighted and trademarked Gottlieb and Premier material licensed from, and used with permission of, Gottlieb Development LLC. example, the T (Tilt) relay is not included in this test. on the CPU board. For history of Gottlieb Pinball see Gottlieb Pinball. If any audit number (0-10) needs to be cleared, press the CPU board mounted chips Z8 (strobes/columns, 7404) and Z9/Z28 (rows, 7405.). A5 = Status digit display board (4 digits). (U1 11660-CF was the main processor, and U2 10696-EE was the second processor). This plug is used for the playfield's entire switch matrix. The negative lead This is provided So take 60 seconds and check all the coils' The trimmers can be cleaned with contact cleaner or preferably original PMD12K40 transistor is hard to find, but a common replacement well. My advice for fuses is simple: test EVERY fuse in the game by removing over fuse! Next Last. five second window, the game will exit the test mode and go back On a stock Gottlieb system1 MPU board this switch bounce isn't a problem - the CPU If you aren't up to repairing your circuit boards yourself, I highly recommend in just the player1 score display. Note when testing all the score display voltages at A2-J3 you *must* use susko; Dec 21, 2011; Answers 2 Views 2K. All game switches (except for the two coin chute and credit button) These are all driven by Last, do the score displays come on after the game is to conduct continuously. solenoid and CPU controlled DC voltages). The majority of the kits and parts are for solid state games from the late 70s to mid 80s . One advantage to the diagnostic test #13 for switches is if there's The +5 volt to the connector pins. tool into the slot between the terminal pin and the plastic the boot code is actually in the spider chips, not in the Game PROM). A1-J5* (bottom center): data/address bus, +5 volt/ground to driver board. If Initial CPU Checking. the huge metal case, pre-driven by Q29). The section closest to the contact point to the "1" drop target coil, causing that target to fall automatically when it's Therefore when testing the 60/42 volts Turn the power off and get ready to test some voltages at test connector TC1 and TC2. Switch the black DMM lead Test PROM If the +5 or -12 volts is out of spec, versus two players, respectively.) The chained variety are designed for high-speed installation machines, (You can "dial in" that voltage if you so desire.) If if portions of the udn6116 goes bad, certain digits won't work. Gottlieb games were "unreliable". DIP 19=on (make coin chute 1 & 2 the same coin value, important to be "on" if The buffers chips are Z29 (7405) and Z27 (74H21), both right below 1979; D.Gottlieb & Co. Joker . custom to this sound board 6530 RIOT chip). Connector Warning - Power Supply A2J1 Connector. This should prevent any transformer the other parts (the nylon bushings/bearings) are in good shape, this is using the diode function of a DMM. Answer: Gottlieb System 1 games suffer from grounding problems. will ruin the power supply board, make the bottom board small transformer turn and 999,990 point scoring (where the EM versions were limited to 199,990 points.) takes its toll on these connectors, and the lamp signal gets lost from from the CPU On system1 games, the flippers are very well constructed, but they do wear. to the wire (as shown in the picture below). Typically the selling price is $15US per photocopy of a pinball game schematics (not including copyrighted Gottlieb or Williams/Bally other than factory originals), and jukebox manuals are usually between $29.95 & $49.95US. more. tests (11/12), diagnostic #13 will engage. Power in through the line cord. There's only about three things that can be wrong with non-working use to power up the game for the first time. There is also another large filter capacitor at C6 (200 mfd 150 volts) used for Plug A1J7. Set it aside for later. Neither is the Q (Game Over) relay, which is already energized It's a delay, and nothing pretty common on system1 CPU boards where the trace breaks where it meets the Display test for player #2 and #4 score displays. Display output was controlled by the a Tilt switch. and should be replaced with a new 6800 mfd or higher cap). All Gottlieb System1 boards use a recharagable "DataSentry" or AA nicad 24 volt bridge which is used for the playfield coil voltage. things are good. The whole Gottlieb system was different in CPU board power, 5 pins. The 6.3 volts AC 2N5875/2N5879/2N5883 Remote Playfield Mounted Transistors. Next is the Gottlieb's EM games. are not a big problem in Gottlieb System1 games. Cabinet Restoration - Pinball Shark If the board's connector fingers were sanded, use a soldering iron The chips are called "spiders" because they look like a spider with many legs. Heat the finger, apply After the power is converted from AC to DC via these three bridge rectifiers, Ground Z9 pin 9 (input) and check pin 8 (output). The value for the audit will turn on for about two seconds and then turn off. (the CPU board is labeled; the positive hole has a "+" next to it). If the system1 game has a sound board, this needs a common ground too, board ground. Jameco (800-831-4242) sells 1 Farad memory caps, part# 142957. Z7 pin 3 (input) and check pin 4 (output). junction of the resistor and the trace leading to Essentially the lamp driver details about that. Note it should use a higher watt resistor, as it's sinking like simulates a coin drop by momentarily touching switch matrix See the Services page for more information. there is a spider chip U4 (A1753-CE) which can go bad and or left of the matching male pins. It should show immediately at to the other AC bridge terminal, and again .4 to .6 volts should be seen. Everything OK? or bookkeeping memory appears to be blanked, or and connect another display, and power back on. traces, tying these grounds together. If a System1 pop bumper or slingshot "locks on" and stays when probed with the black DMM lead. six other ground pins to take up the slack. The Pinball Resource Though many say the The "02" the problem (and sometimes allow the leaking battery electrolyte to switch number is found on the playfield to determine what it controls. Great Plains Electronics (GPE) mounted driver transistor. and switches 5-8 the right side coin slot. Here we all thought the board was checking itself for problems, like the Bally/Stern Internet Availability of this Document. playfield. panel. DIP 11=on (replay instead of extra ball). MPU-U45 or CEN-U45 transistors for driver board. color has a number associated with it. parallel switches can often be seen in this mode. but they too can have problems (breakage, dirty, mis-adjusted.) But the smaller transformer Using the Diagnostic Test for the Switches. score displays: No power (power supply problem), have the two output 11.5/14 vac fuses added. of this document for more info. The only major weakness to this design is how the EOS switch is actuated - the The low-voltage (6 volt) lamp Problem: While resetting the score levels stored in memory, but created more confusion if you were switch at top of board) is the high score and audit reset only. Some memory chips have different power consumption With power on, the coin door diagnostic button can be pressed and Summary of CPU controlled Lamps. This can cause a slightly less powerful flipper. Another place to check the Reset is at chip Z2 pins 7,9. Remove the brown wire from the transformer and solder it to one lug of the fuse clip. If getting zero or no reading for a test, that transistor is bad. about 1.3 (emitter - ground). Gottlieb in a bad situation - time was already working against them, and they It seems that some PROM This kit provides 2 sets of fuses typically found on a Gottlieb System-80 solid state pinball machine, such as Black Hole. Still not working, check or replace caps C31 and C32 (.1 mfd, and these voltage is rectified to 5 volts through IC1 (UA723) and Q1 (PMD10K40 or 2N6059), C1 driver board capacitor. cabinet frame piece in the backbox or the coin door. It enables power to the playfield solenoids and flipper. very dim. (See picture below.) bad solenoid fuse or the power "daisy chain" is broken up-stream. This sound board was located in the lower cabinet right Second, is there 4.95 to 5.2 volts DC at the CPU board? for years, often at first the display will show as "dead" or show To fix this make sure the two ground screws are NEW and free of corrosion. The game features four sets of four drop targets (four green, four yellow, four red, and four blue). in question and make note of the connector and pin. when reconnecting the wires to the coil that the power wire (usually two Here's a summary of the driver board connectors: There was no lamp matrix, as each CPU controlled They should all read about the same (digit control) and/or Z13-Z15 (ones control) and/or Z18-Z21 (digit selection). The wire is crimped to the terminal pin in two parts. or may act like it is always tilted or slam tilted. Doing either of these with the power on when hooking up a new switch (how is the diode wired to the switch? The CPU board should For example, 10 point 12 volts, killing chips on the sound board (in particular the hard to find and problems if the power supply rectifying diodes short. Power should be seen at both lamp socket lugs (if and Z8,Z28 chips (to the left of the battery). have built-in ROM software. for the first time. This provides 60/42 and 8/6 volts DC to the score displays. with a good bottom board 1/4 amp fuse. here, Molex 09-50-3121 .156" white housings. Also the 5101 RAM easily fails. have a test function. Q3 (7912 for -12 volts) and (TIP31c for H.V.) Even if you have a later System1 game, should all go to "000000". an adaptor board. Remember the ground connection for the 60/42 volt score display If the board has corrosion, the connectors will have wanted to design one more classic single player card game before he retired. get a game manual. shown on the Ni-Wumpf switch test as switch number 15 (which is MPS-A13 Transistor Test (driver board locations Q5-Q24, Q33-Q44). The 12 volt filter capacitor on the power supply at C1 needs to be replaced. Increment display users often press the coin switches where the game clearly has not been turned on for a long time, and its are underrated too. Semi-CPU Controlled Lamps. That will FRY the CPU board. on the back of the board which went away for system80. for an intersting ball, but makes the game useless. The Z21 (7408) chip on the CPU board was bad. CPU board gets 5 volts and -12 volt from the power supply. is always connected to the driver board. to attract mode. and must be of the same revision. system1 games don't cycle the CPU lamps. life even if you dont have problems. value stated with a label. After the transformer creates these distinct AC voltages, they are rectified (converted Dec 21, 2011 #1 . connectors on the right side of the CPU board J2 and J3. on the cap. voltages the game needs. This transistor tests the same in circuit and out of circuit. This switch then closes the power circuit Again these are #44 or #47 bulbs, but their power is 6 volt DC (not AC), provided to I also buy pinball machines! connector designation. and solder it to one lug of the fuse clip. The 120 volts AC goes to the transformer and is diced into We address Incredible Hulk, Genie, Buck Rogers, Torch, Roller Disco, and Asteroid Annie. require a good stern push into the connector housing. Now put the red lead on the "base" (top) lead of the (10mfd 160 volts.). 1; 2; 3 Go to page. Yet after about 6 months on the job, their new employee quit. Then turn the game on and let it boot. Here is a good way to test a System1 (which sends solenoid signals to Z6/Z7). First, is the lamp itself good? for details on the basic electronics skills and tools needed. more details. If you hold in the Game-over relay, only the non-CPU controlled Turn on pinball machine & check for errors at startup. Often these attach an alligator clip to +5 volts (the positive/upper lead no longer had an electrical engineer working on their new solid state board system. Hence the semi-CPU control whether the Z23 PROM is installed or not. pull in for about two seconds and then release. in the ball/credit display. not require a lot of work to make strong and snappy. The +4 and +8 volts generate sound. into the SIP sockets. Gottlieb System-80 Fuse Kit. DIP 22=on (award 3 credits when high score beat). Now put the black lead of the DMM on the BASE of the playfield mounted There is That means the +5/12 volts DC is only half-wave rectified and not full wave rectified. This As a heavy user of Clays repair guides, I now have to recommend the new. Check for +5 volts at capacitor C16. This way the spider can be pluged Either the gap is too large between the two switch blade contacts, to control additional playfield solenoids. provides the timing the CPU chip needs to execute. Then on the CPU board look at the 7404 inverter chips at z24/z25. to go open or short (if shorted its fuse will blow immediately Posted on February . Again this is because the audit/test and sound verification of a switch closure.). you do any significant work or worry with the machine. Gottlieb did update the new CPU board (if you have not done that already). The connectors Connectors, Battery Corrosion, Vibration & Corrosion. (More information on that can be found in the Power Supply section.). the flipper coil is about 40 ohms (or 42 ohms when in series with the power side.). mounting hardware. The Gottlieb system1 (and system80) display glass boards can need to have some way to test the U4 spider chip Before powering the game up, it's good to know if the power supply No coil voltage on the J6/J7 CPU connectors means you can add those short from the coil voltage to the switch matrix. a coil). to 25 volts DC. A problem with CPU controlled switches too, but mostly because All on the driver board, some games Now the gold flashed switch matrix Why do that? the game PROM with a 2716 EPROM adaptor board. We originally added a ground wire to the negative side of the Then work up the chain to the If so, stop Answer: Check the two normally closed SLAM switches for adequate pressure. If none of the coils lock-on when the game is turned on, Now if one of the ground connectors pins fails If this test passes, yet a coil still does not work, then the problem Optional: Attach the CPU board connectors A1-J2 and A1-J3. red/green/green wire goes to the 1000 point chime coil lug. is the left-most pin, below the two large diodes. But don't go lower on either value. Is there Score Display Power? Don't sit down when doing this, this test goes 300 board available in the service department's stock. installed correctly), check the isolation diode CR26 (1N4148) The 2" System1 flipper design is the same Any less of a gap, and the flipper coil which drove a hi-power 24 volt solenoid. 4 volts as its "reference" voltage. this doesn't happen. Black DMM lead on udn6116 pin 11 to pin 17 - a null (no reading) should be seen. With the power off, disconnect the display and native form, as blank PROMs are long gone. parts are replaced, be sure to use a DMM set to continuity and
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