damian wayne birthday month

Batman and Superman construct an underwater base for the Super Sons, which Jon refers to as the "Fortress of Attitude," much to Damian's chagrin. They worked together with Batman Incorporated to take down the League of Assassins' top killers. His tunic is longer and has a yellow trim as well. According to the story's writer, Grant Morrison: "He saves the world. After Dick Grayson officially sanctioned Damian's role as Robin, while a standard Robin tunic was retained, the bodysuit was replaced with a black survival suit, the grayish cape with a yellow "para-cape" which grants him a gliding capability, the black mask with a green one, a bulkier utility belt to carry more weapons and gadgetry, a black hood, and green gloves and flexible boots. His size makes perfect sense with his acrobatic background. That is now proven beyond any doubt. Damian is quite shaken by the sight of the bones of his family. Freeze's gun. On his 13th birthday Damian is sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contains a dead robin. Elliot surmises that Damian is rather using the resemblance to Bruce to "spend time with [his] old man". The ensuing melee was abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. [45] Robin eventually begins to develop a friendship with Ravager, who initially reaches out to Damian due to their similar upbringings (Ravager's father being the notorious assassin, Deathstroke). In Batman-related issues of the New 52 taking place after Batman issue #14 (the Joker's return to comics), Damian was portrayed as being very interested in fighting his father's arch-foe. Kept away from Gotham City and his father until his adolescence, Damian Wayne exploded into the Dark Knights world in a flurry of violence, tossing the entire Batman Family into disarray. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "League of Assassins members" category. However, Talia later kills the Heretic for his failure to kill Batman and challenges Batman to a duel to the death in the Batcave. Its not often that something takes Batman by surprise. After Damian left the Teen Titans, they, along with members of the Bat family and Superboy, tried to find him, but Damian was able to evade their efforts. As they fight, members of the League of Assassins approach the manor with the intention of killing everyone within and bringing Damian back to Ra's alive. He works with several other heroes of his generation Kid Flash, the daughter of the Flash (Wally West); Nightstar and Offspring, the son of Plastic Man. [9], Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. That I was groomed to be a new body for my grandfather so that he may sidestep death and continue his mission to reduce the swollen population of the Earth." They survive the explosion. It's not often that something takes Batman by surprise. Damian is killed battling a brutal enemy, the Heretic (an adult Damian clone) in issue number 8 of the second volume of the Batman, Inc. comic book, which went on sale February 27, 2013. "Assassins plan to take over Ra's' organization led by a man who Father believes could be his successor, until my father became aware of you." [40], After Grayson's confidant, Oberon Sexton is revealed to be the Joker in disguise, Damian tortures the villain by savagely beating him with a crowbar to get information, considering it to be self-defense since the Joker planned to attack him. Damian Wayne, otherwise known to the world as Robin, the Boy Wonder, was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. I know you've been searching for ways to survive when the Lazarus Pits run dry." Damian possessed superpowers similar to that of Superman following his resurrection, though this was short-lived. story arc in Batman #675, Damian senses that someone is out to get Batman. After meeting with his mother Talia, he discovered that it was a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who had chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual she must undertake in order to properly join the League of Assassins. In terms of the movies in the Nolanverse Batman Begins depicts Bruce's 30th birthday. [81], In this book, Robin teams up with Superman's ten-year-old son Jonathan Kent, who he befriended previously during a test facilitated by Batman and Superman. Nightwing. The investigation leads to Gotham Zoo where Damian is captured by Joker. [7] With the al Ghuls citing Bruce Wayne as the optimal successor to their empire,[8][9][10][11] after faking a miscarriage to his father and calling off their marriage,[12] Talia has kept his existence hidden from Batman until Batman #656 (2006). Damian has also been a member of the Batman Family and the Teen Titans, and the best friend of Superman's son, Jonathan Samuel Kent . During a stakeout mission, Damian severs Tim's line, causing him to fall from a great height. Along with the mysterious Wingman and most of the Bat-family, Damian manages to rescue his father and defeat most of the League of Shadows. He was the optimum man You and your detective will yield the ultimate child. While Damian fights Kalibak, Batman remotely controls the Batwing and sends it crashing into Kalibak, sending him back through the Boom Tube and then closes the portal. [52] However, despite Bruce's attempts to build a relationship with his son, Damian remains distant from his father, which Alfred worries about. Damian chooses to leave the team upon Drake's return, reasoning that the Teen Titans do not need two Robins, and realizing that his teammates prefer to work with Tim. "[88][89], After observing how happy both his daughter and grandson are while living a peaceful life without killing, the now reformed Ra's al Ghul decides that he wants to turn himself in to the authority to atone for all the crimes he committed as well as publicly share all the secrets he kept hidden over the centuries, this decision has sparked a huge interest in both the superhero community and the villain community due the amount of knowledge the immortal Demon's Head has about the world, so all eyes were on him during a press conference he held before his incarceration. Damian passes out from Joker venom and Batman is revealed to be a fake; as Damian recovers from the toxin, the Joker presents him with a cloche. After a meeting with his mother Talia, he discovers that it is a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who has chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual that she must undertake to properly join the League of Assassins. Despite his intense training to become a remorseless assassin, Damian was sympathetic to his father's vigilantism in Gotham and volunteered to become his next sidekick. In Morrison's version, the child Damian Wayne is the result of a tryst between Batman and Talia, during which the Dark Knight claims he was drugged when they were at the Tropic of Cancer, though Morrison later admitted the claim of drugging was a canonical error on their part. Talia al Ghul to Batman. [23] He was later unwillingly recruited by Damian to help him investigate a series of break-ins at LexCorp. But it seems there are rites, whereby consciousness can survive death by migrating to more vigorous flesh? However, the Heretic eventually gains the upper hand and impales Damian through the chest, the sword piercing Damian's heart and resulting in Damian dying almost instantly. [24] The two boys managed to escape Luthor and followed a lead to a home in Providence, Rhode Island, where they encountered a family who still retained their powers from the Amazo Virus. March 5th, 2013. [6] Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. By Dashiel Reaves Oct 7, 2022. Bruce's first protg Dick Grayson took over the mantle of Batman, and Damian, not giving up on his father's missions, agreed to continue on as Grayson's Robin. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. On the other hand, Damian has teamed-up with his father, who wasn't fully convinced that it was the real Deathstroke that killed Ra's al Ghul, to investigate the murder and find out who was really behind it. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. It differs greatly from most Robin suits. Red Arrow is injured and Deathstroke escapes. These events cause Hush to escape, causing Damian to grow a further hatred for the criminal. [42] Despite Bruce's parental responsibilities to Damian, he decides that he prefers Damian to continue working with Dick (who maintains the Batman mantle and whom Bruce sees as a positive role model for his son) rather than being with himself primarily, due to his plans with Batman Inc.[43], Damian joins the Teen Titans when Dick Grayson concludes that the team needs a Robin, while also feeling that Damian would benefit from the friendship of other heroes, having progressed to the point where he can be trusted not to kill if left 'unsupervised'. Talia on the other hand, taking advantage of the hero's impressive genes, believed their child to be a perfect heir. From - Nightwing Vol. In League of Batmen (2001), the sequel to Brotherhood of the Bat, Tallant leads his own team of variant Batmen to combat the plague that was al Ghul's legacy. It's been an interesting few years for the Batman sidekicks. In the aftermath, Damian is tested by Batman on how to control his new power abilities before Damian returns to the role as Robin. Batman offers his own body instead. Morrison, Grant. [71], After the events of Batman: Endgame that resulted in Bruce Wayne's disappearance, Damian, as Robin, sets out on a globe-spanning journey to forge his own destiny and make amends for all of his wrongdoings in his own series, titled Robin: Son of Batman. In another Elseworlds story, Kingdom Come (1996) by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, which functioned as a possible future to the canon of the time, the child of Batman and Talia is named Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Arabic: ), literally "Son of the Bat", and is a member of Lex Luthor's inner circle. How DC's Other Robin Death Broke Batman Worse Than Jason's Murder. & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Damian_Wayne&oldid=1140173963, DC Comics characters with accelerated healing, Fictional genetically engineered characters, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August 2017, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Trained computer scientist and security hacker, Uses high-tech equipment and weapons (similar to, Damian Wayne is also featured in the prequel comic to the game. Damian then escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and mask and assorted League of Assassin gear, and fights and kills the villainous Spook. The later storyline, Requiem, deals with the aftermath of Damian's death and Batman's thirst for revenge against Talia as well as his own increasingly unbalanced mental state resulting from this loss. [69], However, before the team can celebrate, the Boom Tube used to return to Earth was not closed and Darkseid's son Kalibak arrives and attacks the team. In order to properly discipline their sons and teach them the value of working together, Superman and Batman had them undergo a series of challenges. Angered, he and a revived Nightwing battle the Heretic, but are eventually forced to retreat with Red Robin and Damian's body. 3 #22 (2009) reveals that he would eventually marry Nightstar with whom he would have a daughter and son, and his family has inherited the Wayne Estates after Batman's death. Batman Arkham. And Damian was probably alone when he turned 14 in main continuity. How could you not? Damian is present when Dick is inducted into the JLA, upon hearing, Damian demands to be inducted along with Dick, but his demands are promptly ignored. Justice Society of America vol. The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born to a life of adventure, but he struggles daily against the lesser angels of his nature. [10], Batman and Robin began working together against Damian's mother Talia al Ghul, revealed as the head of Leviathan. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins. [44] Although Wonder Girl objects to this decision, Grayson convinces her to let Damian stay on the team as he needs Damian to learn that he can trust others not to betray him, only for his temper to jeopardize his first mission with the team when he attacks an opponent just after Raven had convinced him to calm down, provoking their new foe into starting his wave of destruction again. This troubles his relationship with Batman, who vows never to kill. [25] Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. Damian (as Robin) is then seen teaming up with Dick and Alfred to begin their own search for Bruce Wayne. Writer Joshua Williamson prepares to pit Damian Wayne against DC's deadliest warriors in Robin #1. Damian berates Black bat and mocks her for being sent to Hong Kong by his father, but she ultimately saves his life by rescuing him from the exploding Iceberg Lounge. However, one member by the name of Reggie Meyer was driven insane by the excessive use of his powers and took the alias of Kid Amazo. Talia admits to Damian, that even though she loves him, she is too much of a perfectionist to admire him for choosing a path that defies her this blatantly, and he is therefore no longer welcome and will be considered an enemy of the House of al Ghul. Narration by Damian Wayne via introductory pages of the comic book. Talia fixes Damian's spine but puts in a monitor connected to his brain allowing her to control his every movement. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. Eventually, Batman confronts Talia to confirm Damian's true identity, but both Talia and Damian are soon caught in an explosion. Damian was genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb to be the perfect warrior. However, as soon as the conference started, Ra's was immediately shot by a sniper wearing a Deathstroke-looking costume, who also threw a bomb that turned his body to ashes to insure that there would be nothing left of him that can be resurrected through the Lazarus Pit. Since Talia is the daughter of Ras al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins and one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies, there have always been tensions between her and Batman, despite their romantic feelings for one another. And their genetically perfect child We'll found a dynasty that will rule the planet for a thousand years. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, he takes the role of Robin at ten years of age,[21] becoming the fifth person to use the Robin persona. Except you want a modern-day, of 95 years of age, to be the local crime fighter. [41] However, the Clown Prince of Crime's apparent helplessness is revealed to be another ruse and he incapacitates Damian with his hidden Joker venom. One of Darkseid's minions stole his body and took him to Apokolips, and Batman, determined to revive his son, followed. Blood may be thicker than water, but trust goes a long way, and he has barely scratched the surface in comparison to many of his Bat siblings. Eventually, Bruce returned from the dead, having been travelling through time the entire time, and Bruce and Damian returned to patrolling together as Batman and Robin, father and son. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Mara has been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian, but became hers when he chose to leave the League. Nevertheless, Grayson would be awarded for redeeming Damian. Joker accuses Damian and the other members of Batman's family of being a burden that prevents Batman from being the best foe for Joker. Damian is brutal, egotistical, overly confident, selfish, reckless, and spoiled a pain in Batman and the Bat Family's butt. "Your brain waves will be purged as mine are implanted in their place. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. He had to, right? Through his father he has two half-brothers, Matthew . At the height of his anger and frustration, Damian rips the Robin insignia off his chest and gives it to Batman. In her grief, she gathered all the members of the League of Assassins and put a hit on Deathstroke as well as all of his associates in revenge for killing her father. Damian Wayne, the fourth Robin and . Damian and Tim fight side by side against Ra's and his minions. The two then enter into a grudging truce for the remainder of Damian's appearances in the series. For the first Robin, see Dick Grayson. He particularly clashes with Tim Drake, who he wants to replace as. Not wanting to explain themselves, Robin and Superboy quickly left the area and headed back to Hamilton. But wait, didn't that happen just a few weeks ago? seemingly killed by Darkseid during a massive invasion, 573 Appearances of Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 426 Images featuring Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 76 Quotations by or about Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), Character Gallery: Damian Wayne (Prime Earth). Another column in "Detective Comics #494" stated that Batman's birthday was now February 19. Before he can effectively relay his news, he is attacked by Tim, who perceives Damian's attempt to help a tripping Alfred as an attack, and renews their battle. They, too, have chosen targets that they must hunt down to ascend to the League. If Damian did not retire, his actions would lead to a plague that would force the President to nuke Gotham. Damian attempts to kill KGBeast, but only succeeds in cutting off his left arm before the Titans intervene and stop him. Nobody decided to torture Robin, continuing his personal vendetta against Batman. Altieri, Kevin, director. ", "WowThx guys!More than 1 of you(Across all my social media) suggested BOYZARRO should be his name.I LOVE IT!The fans", "DC Universe's 'Harley Quinn' Starring Kaley Cuoco Eyes New Perspectives on Familiar Caped Crusaders TCA", "Roll Call: Meet the Cast of Justice League vs. [20] After the events of Batman R.I.P. [8] When Batman discovered their location, he beat Nobody mercilessly and came close to killing him, but stopped when he realized Damian was watching the fight. Damian Wayne may have had problems with empathy in his early days as Robin, but now he's one of the best gift-givers in the whole DC Universe. Damian has declared himself a vegetarian. They later encounter Darkseid's elite member Glorious Godfrey, setting in motion the Robin Rises story arc. He tries to teach Damian the same values his parents have instilled within him as he finally assumes his role as a father. During the tournament, he discovers that the host of the tournament is his paternal great grandmother, Ruh al Ghul, who was imprisoned on this island by her son, Ra's al Ghul. In the climax, the Court manipulates Damian into joining them so they can use him to recruit Agent 37. [70] With help from the Justice League, Batman discovers that Damian's new powers do not last, and he eventually relies on his natural abilities once more. Bruce goes so far as to conceal the event from Dick and Tim, leading Alfred to comment to Bruce that he has become "quite the overprotective parent". Damian's origin was unknown to Batman. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, Damian has taken up the identity of Robin, becoming the fifth and current person to use the Boy Wonder's identity. However, because of his possible paternity to Damian, Batman, on some levels, is optimistic about the chance of fatherhood. A Bizarro counterpart of Robin, named Robzarro, first appeared in the four-part story "Boyzarro Re-Death". The new Dark Knight desires justice for his parents along with trying to stop his grandfather while having to battle his father's murderous double. Damian blames himself for being unable to save a single Dollotron, a girl named Sasha, but unbeknownst to him, the girl is taken in by Jason Todd, who had shot Damian,[33] thereby becoming the new Robin's opposite number in Red Hood's no-holds-barred war against crime (Red Hood's maxim is "let the punishment fit the crime").[34]. Damian and Bruce arrive shortly soon and help Talia defeat Geo-Force, with Damian managing to convince his mother to not kill Geo-Force afterward because his grandfather believed that their family could be better than this. Damian Wayne is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. Damian and Alfred race to aid Batman against the Black Glove in a commandeered Batmobile. Warning! Damian is shown to have highly advanced engineering skills, as he was able to complete his father's plans of building a flying Bat-mobile, the construction of which Alfred described as "being an endless source of frustration to Damian's father". "I need a man to assume my position when I'm gone Because you are most worthy. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. [63], After Batman and Frankenstein locate Ra's and the bodies, they are too late as Ra's has successfully had them placed in a Lazarus Pit, leaving Batman in dread of Damian's fate. Nobody swore that he would return and kill their friends, so Damian killed him with a move Nobody had taught him. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Although he is the only blood-related child of Bruce, he still needs to work on his family skills. Angered, Batman once again vows to retrieve his son's corpse. Posted: Mar 19, 2013 8:10 pm. Mother Wayne decided to create an evil, adult clone of Damian named The Heretic, designed to kill Bruce Wayne. Paternity test/documentation via source material, proof of biological relation and established name of the character provided in last panels of comic book. Damian is born in 1999 (Batman & Robin #0) somehow even though Bruce Wayne would only be 14 and doesn't leave Gotham until 2000 (Batman #0). Damian Wayne is the fifth character to assume the role of Robin, Batman's vigilante partner. [36] After raiding the Army Reserve National Guard Armory, Dick, Damian, and the arriving Tim Drake, are able to save Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, and the surviving police officers at Gotham Central from the reanimated versions of the original Dark Knight's deceased rogues gallery members. Damian finally stands up for his Robin mantle, telling Talia that being Robin was the best thing that he had ever done, and Talia does not need to save him from something he chooses to be. The two heroes then prepare for the Black Lanterns' assault on Gotham. Damian has a strong love for animals. April 7: Birthday of Bruce Wayne (golden age Batman) [Earth-2 version; February 19 for Earth-1 Bruce Wayne] April 8: Birthday of Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler April 9: Birthday of John Sargent (Sargon the Sorcerer) April 10: Birthday of Dinah Drake Lance (golden age Black Canary) April 11: "Birthday" of Linda Danvers (Supergirl). Bruce returns to Gotham in 2004 (Detective Comics #0). In the New 52, Damian won the right to learn of his father's identity when he finally bested his mother in combat on his 10th birthday, and this canon age for him seems to be a holdover from Morrison's introduction of Damian Wayne.In 2010's Batgirl Volume 3 #7, Morrison's Damian is fighting alongside Stephanie Brown as Batgirl and he is, of course, being a total brat to her in the field. This was also put down quickly as Batman and Superman looked down on them in furious silence.[21]. Dick Grayson . Damian Wayne spends time reading tweets. After Tim leaves, Damian starts engaging in chess games with Hush, visiting him secretly against Dick's orders. You're not a king. While he does not file a lawsuit against Dick, due to Grayson not being named the heir of Wayne Enterprises, but rather a high-ranking member, he does against Tim, who was named the heir to Wayne Enterprises.[35]. [66], Batman enters and accesses the Justice League Watchtower to use his unstable exosuit known as the Hellbat armor designed by Batman himself and the Justice League members to engage large scale threats. While helping the Teen Titans battle the super criminals Mammoth and Shimmer, Superboy discovers a note from Damian to him. Talia al Ghul Near the end of the comic. In a tribute to a classic comic book cover, the publisher accidentally showcased the precarious situation involving its two current Robins, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne. They were later joined by Batman and Superman, and worked out their differences. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. [46] Tim Drake eventually comes to the Titans for help after a robotic duplicate of the Calculator attempts to murder his close friend, Tam Fox, and decides to rejoin the team once the mission is completed. However, the Dark Knight does care for his lost progeny. During a fight in a meat factory, Damian converted to vegetarianism and adopted a pet cow who he named Bat-Cow. Tim, who has been keeping a hit list of criminals and tasks, attracts Damian's fury when the latter hacks the hit list and discovers a hidden layer of allies to the bat family considered potential threats by Tim, including Damian. Their collaboration is hindered by their very different philosophies of battle. This is discovered by Oracle, who ejects the girl and takes control of the Batmobile, intent on taking Damian home. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,and thus, the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul, the great grandson of Sensei and the nephew of Nyssa Raatko. Jon later awakened in the Batcave and found out that Robin had been keeping him under surveillance for a long time. He had also stolen the Amazo Armor from LexCorp and had planned to use it and the abilities of the Super Sons to lure the Justice League into a trap. The Heretic got in a battle with Damian, and killed him. Damian then begins to mock Tim Drake for not being chosen as Robin, causing Tim to severely beat Damian, only to be stopped by Dick. They defeat him and Damian decides to train Jon, but Jon's desire to join the Teen Titans against Damian's wishes creates ongoing conflict between the boys. When Elliot asked why Damian is visiting him behind the Bat-family's back, Damian shrugs it off as a desire to keep Elliot company. [17] He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. 18 followers. After the death of Alfred Pennyworth and Dick Grayson losing his memories thanks to the villain KGBeast, Damian began to see his father's view of justice versus fear as not enough. Batman And Robin. Damian decides to collect the other Demon's Fist's targets to form the new Teen Titans; this includes Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. Dick eventually orders Damian through their comm-links to send one of his Wingers with Mr. Damian is a built kid. Beginning in Batman Annual #26 ("Head of the Demon"), Talia takes Damian to the Australian Outback, where he is tutored in the secret history of his grandfather Ra's al Ghul. [deleted] 2 yr. ago [removed] [deleted] 2 yr. ago "Your admirable mind has reasoned all save the obvious that my darling Talia loves you! [93] Despite his age, Damian has taken on and bested trained fighters like Talia Al Ghul, Red Hood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake), and the Joker, amongst others. Damian is also a major player in the Robin War event, where he, Agent 37 (Dick Grayson), Red Hood, and Red Robin organize a street gang called "Robins" to defeat the Court of Owls with reluctant aid from Jim Gordon, who is now Batman.

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